15:01:09 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 15:01:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/09/12-RDB2RDF-irc 15:01:31 zakim, this is rdb2rdf 15:01:31 ok, Ashok; that matches INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM 15:01:56 + +0792123aabb 15:02:48 +??P7 15:02:59 f2f in Karlsruhe Germany 15:03:49 In conjunction with ISWC 2008 15:05:06 JennyGreen has joined #rdb2rdf 15:05:17 +??P11 15:07:29 scribe: Jenny Green 15:07:45 scribenick: JennyGreen 15:07:51 soeren has joined #rdb2rdf 15:08:06 ssahoo2 has joined #rdb2rdf 15:08:26 Minutes from last weeks meeting 05/09/08 were approved 15:09:09 +[IPcaller] 15:09:33 F2F in Karlsruhe will be after ISWC08 15:11:00 Ahmed will arrange Web Based Telcon for f2f 15:13:06 We will test this facility on Oct 10 Telcon 15:13:39 Telecons will be cancelled on Sept 26, Oct 3, 17 and 24 15:13:39 Cancel calls on Sept 26, Oct 3, 17 and 24 15:13:46 + +1.512.484.aacc 15:15:04 +??P15 15:15:20 zakim, ??p15 is me 15:15:20 +iv_an_ru; got it 15:15:33 Soeren Auer reports on Semantics Conference 15:15:53 Triplify challenge 15:16:14 Winners were Toronto Movie database 15:16:19 Seconf dbtunes 15:16:30 Third Semantic Pipes 15:17:17 http://triplify.org/Challenge/ 15:17:21 -??P7 15:17:43 +??P7 15:17:53 Soeren will send link to Triplify Challenge 15:18:31 Challenge will be run again next year 15:19:45 The submissioned were judged by a commitee of experts against three criteria, details can be found on the webpage. 15:19:54 -??P11 15:20:36 No actions to follow up this week 15:20:45 +??P11 15:20:55 No action items this week 15:21:05 + +1.512.471.aadd 15:21:09 - +1.512.484.aacc 15:21:28 -??P11 15:21:52 No updates to the literature survey this week 15:22:21 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 15:22:22 +??P11 15:22:32 Requirement by Orri Erling: http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG/ReqForMappingByOErling 15:23:50 Orri also has a blog ... 15:24:49 Orri's blog (A.K.A. Virtuoso product blog) is http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/blog/ 15:26:56 70,000 per hour SQL/JDBC 18,000 per hour using SPARQL -- performance numbers from Orri 15:28:18 +q 15:30:28 Ivan: queries cannot be transalted 1:1 15:32:33 -??P7 15:32:48 Static SQL saves half the run time 15:33:49 Orri will carry on and give another update on performance next week 15:33:56 Will talk more about performance next week 15:34:07 Discussion of Requirements 15:40:19 Can we expand the para on ETL vs. On-The-Fly and put it lower down 15:41:03 - +0792123aabb 15:42:31 Orri: This is primarily for query and integration. Updates on the underlying RDB systems 15:44:04 Ahmed: I think main value is in integrating RDB with unstructured data 15:45:40 +q 15:48:18 + +0792123aaee 15:55:52 Orri: XML would not be a bad choice for mapping language 15:57:08 Need declarations to limits on Joins 15:58:10 Action: Orri to update the requirements 16:00:43 Action: Jenny/Cathy to send out use case to the group. 16:03:55 - +1.408.285.aaaa 16:03:58 -[IPcaller] 16:03:59 - +1.512.471.aadd 16:04:00 - +0792123aaee 16:04:02 -iv_an_ru 16:04:11 -??P11 16:04:14 chair: Ashok Malhotra 16:04:14 ssahoo2 has left #rdb2rdf 16:04:15 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:04:21 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 16:04:23 Attendees were +1.408.285.aaaa, Ashok_Malhotra, +0792123aabb, [IPcaller], +1.512.484.aacc, iv_an_ru, +1.512.471.aadd, +0792123aaee 16:04:24 rrsagent, make logs public 16:04:35 rrsagent, create minutes 16:04:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/12-RDB2RDF-minutes.html Ashok 17:49:21 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF