IRC log of rdfa on 2008-06-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:02:19 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdfa
15:02:19 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:02:35 [ShaneM]
zakim, who is here?
15:02:35 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.763.767.aaaa
15:02:37 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Steven, msporny, ShaneM
15:02:44 [ShaneM]
zakim, aaaa is ShaneM
15:02:44 [Zakim]
+ShaneM; got it
15:03:26 [Zakim]
15:03:31 [benadida]
benadida has joined #rdfa
15:03:34 [msporny]
zakim, I am +[IPcaller]
15:03:38 [Zakim]
sorry, msporny, I do not see a party named '+[IPcaller]'
15:03:53 [msporny]
zakim, I am IPcaller
15:03:53 [Zakim]
ok, msporny, I now associate you with [IPcaller]
15:04:02 [Zakim]
15:04:56 [msporny]
Scribe: Manu Sporny
15:05:04 [msporny]
ScribeNick: msporny
15:05:16 [msporny]
Meeting: RDF in XHTML Task Force
15:05:24 [msporny]
Chair: Ben Adida
15:05:25 [RalphS]
RalphS has joined #rdfa
15:05:36 [msporny]
rrsagent, make log public
15:05:48 [msporny]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:05:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate msporny
15:05:58 [Zakim]
15:06:52 [msporny]
Regrets: Mark Birbeck, Michael Hausenblas
15:07:51 [RalphS]
15:07:52 [msporny]
ShaneM: Quick update on Modularization
15:07:59 [RalphS]
Topic: XHTML Modularization
15:08:06 [msporny]
ShaneM: should go to PR today
15:08:20 [msporny]
ShaneM: Modularization 1.1 includes a schema implementation, we shouldn't change our doc yet.
15:08:36 [msporny]
ShaneM: We should announce this on
15:09:38 [benadida]
Regrets: Mark, Michael
15:09:48 [msporny]
Topic: Action Items
15:10:24 [RalphS]
[DONE] ACTION: Manu complete test suite [by Thursday 12 June] [recorded in]
15:10:52 [RalphS]
-> previous 2008-06-05
15:11:03 [msporny]
ACTION: Mark to tweak paragraph 3.9 of the spec on fragments. [recorded in]
15:11:06 [msporny]
15:11:14 [msporny]
ACTION: Ralph confirm whether LGPL is ok with W3C [recorded in]
15:11:16 [msporny]
15:12:12 [msporny]
ACTION: Ralph to help Ben with Last Call Comment report [recorded in]
15:12:20 [msporny]
15:12:33 [msporny]
ACTION: Shane produce a CR-ready draft for SWD and XHTML2 WGs to approve [recorded in]
15:12:38 [msporny]
15:13:06 [msporny]
ACTION: Ben followup with Fabien on getting his RDFa GRDDL transform transferred to W3C [recorded in]
15:13:12 [msporny]
15:13:19 [msporny]
ACTION: Manu to reach out to Slashdot and attempt to get RDFa integrated into Slashdot. [recorded in]
15:13:24 [msporny]
15:13:29 [msporny]
ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in]
15:13:34 [msporny]
15:13:40 [msporny]
ACTION: Manu to determine which useless-triples test cases to remove and which to add. [recorded in]
15:13:43 [msporny]
15:13:48 [msporny]
15:14:05 [msporny]
Topic: Test Cases
15:14:25 [msporny]
15:14:27 [RalphS]
scribenick: RalphS
15:15:03 [RalphS]
Manu: test 107, 108, and 109 were already in the suite but hadn't been committed
15:15:11 [RalphS]
... so I sent duplicate numbers in recent email
15:15:23 [RalphS]
-- Test #107: no garbage collecting bnodes
15:15:57 [RalphS]
Manu: 107, 108, 109, 110, and 111 all pass 3 of the implementations
15:16:24 [RalphS]
.. 107 sets up the multiple bnode [not] garbage collecting
15:16:46 [RalphS]
... 107 checks that there is no bnode created by this hanging @rel
15:17:09 [ShaneM]
Seems fine
15:17:32 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: test 107 accepted
15:17:49 [RalphS]
-- Test #108: plain literal with datatype="" and xml:lang preservation
15:17:59 [RalphS]
Manu: I believe we had accepted this but I could not find a record
15:18:16 [RalphS]
... 108 tests that lang is preserved
15:18:50 [RalphS]
... we had previously decided not to test whitespace preservation
15:19:01 [RalphS]
... but this test does also include whitespace preservation
15:19:08 [RalphS]
... I don't think it hurts
15:19:29 [RalphS]
Ralph: we should not change it to the alternative; collapsed whitespace
15:19:35 [RalphS]
Manu: also uses UTF-8 string
15:20:01 [RalphS]
Shane: I noted that the N-triples spec requires escaping of Unicode
15:20:16 [RalphS]
Ben: N-triples and N3 are parsed differently
15:21:25 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: test 108 accepted
15:21:39 [RalphS]
-- Test #109: Tests to ensure @xml:base is ignored
15:21:50 [RalphS]
Manu: 109 was on hold because it's not valid XHTML
15:22:04 [RalphS]
... because it uses xml:base
15:22:11 [RalphS]
... it is well-formed, however
15:22:28 [RalphS]
Ben: I think it's OK to have a test like this; people will add non-XHTML attributes
15:23:08 [RalphS]
Ralph: can we move the comment to preceed HEAD?
15:23:11 [ShaneM]
looks fine
15:23:38 [RalphS]
Ralph: forget it; the comment is in the right place
15:23:48 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: test 109 accepted
15:24:17 [RalphS]
-- Test #110: bNode generated even though no nested @about exists
15:24:31 [RalphS]
Manu: inner DIV causes the object for the containing DIV to be completed with a bnode
15:24:42 [RalphS]
... we're testing that only one bnode is generated
15:25:06 [RalphS]
Ben: is there no way to test that a second triple is absent?
15:25:26 [RalphS]
... I don't really think we need to add such a test; 107 is sufficient
15:26:08 [RalphS]
Manu: we've stated no extra triples should be generated in the default graph but the tests will pass if there are extra triples
15:26:13 [RalphS]
Ben: except for the negative tests
15:26:21 [ShaneM]
15:26:23 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: test 110 accepted
15:26:45 [RalphS]
-- Test #111: two bNodes generated after three levels of nesting
15:27:04 [RalphS]
Manu: 111 is another like 110; here, we do generate 2 related bnodes
15:27:27 [ShaneM]
15:27:43 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: test 111 accepted
15:27:47 [ShaneM]
and XHTML M12N PR is up!
15:27:53 [RalphS]
-- Test @@
15:27:55 [msporny]
15:28:08 [msporny]
15:28:09 [RalphS]
Manu: rename this to test 112
15:28:41 [RalphS]
... like 108 but doesn't use Greek
15:29:14 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: (new) test 112 accepted
15:29:20 [ShaneM]
15:31:59 [msporny]
ScribeNick: msporny
15:32:00 [RalphS]
Ralph: can we host the test harness on now or is that going to be too inconvenient for you, Manu?
15:32:10 [RalphS]
scribenick: ralphs
15:32:15 [msporny]
15:32:21 [RalphS]
Manu: should be ok to move now. I'll make you some instructions
15:32:25 [RalphS]
... only uses python
15:32:55 [RalphS]
Ralph: ok. If it's easy, I think we should host it at just to deflect possible questions
15:33:05 [RalphS]
scribenick: msporny
15:34:37 [RalphS]
Topic: Disposition of Comments
15:34:47 [RalphS]
-> RDFa in XHTML 1.1 Last Call Disposition of Comments
15:35:12 [msporny]
benadida: This URL is an XSLT of the datadump
15:35:27 [msporny]
benadida: I'll have to go through and clean it up
15:35:53 [msporny]
benadida: all issues are closed
15:35:59 [msporny]
benadida: Except for TimBL's comments.
15:36:07 [msporny]
benadida: everyone has responded positively
15:36:08 [ShaneM]
15:36:26 [msporny]
benadida: Is this pretty much done Ralph?
15:36:40 [msporny]
RalphS: More or less.
15:36:46 [msporny]
benadida: It'll be cleaned up, ofcourse.
15:37:20 [ShaneM]
fwiw the xhtml 2 working group doesn't ever clean up the data
15:37:38 [ShaneM]
we just put in a caveat that the issues might have typos and they belong to the submitters
15:37:49 [msporny]
benadida: Is it important to see what the commenter said and whether we agree with it or not?
15:38:04 [msporny]
RalphS: we need to record that somehow, yes.
15:38:44 [msporny]
benadida: We should make it contain RDFa.
15:38:54 [ShaneM]
about="tracker issue URI"
15:39:02 [msporny]
benadida: What's the process for scheduling with Steve?
15:39:04 [ShaneM]
has the SWD approved the CR transition
15:39:10 [msporny]
RalphS: I'll notify him.
15:39:25 [msporny]
benadida: This should be done by Monday night.
15:39:35 [benadida]
15:39:36 [ShaneM]
15:40:32 [msporny]
RalphS: hopefully we'll hear back from Tim before then.
15:41:04 [msporny]
RalphS: Is the primer completely done?
15:41:10 [msporny]
benadida: It didn't get voted on did it?
15:41:13 [msporny]
RalphS: It did get voted on.
15:41:21 [msporny]
benadida: I would like to do one last pass for typos.
15:41:28 [msporny]
RalphS: Typos shouldn't be an issue.
15:41:36 [msporny]
benadida: Nothing significant is going to change.
15:41:41 [Steven]
15:41:41 [msporny]
RalphS: We don't need it for the transition call.
15:41:51 [msporny]
RalphS: We're trying to get both documents in the publication request.
15:41:58 [msporny]
benadida: I'll make a pass by Mon/Tues at the latest.
15:42:06 [Zakim]
15:42:07 [Zakim]
15:42:08 [Zakim]
15:42:08 [Zakim]
15:42:10 [Zakim]
SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has ended
15:42:11 [Zakim]
Attendees were +1.763.767.aaaa, ShaneM, [IPcaller], Ben_Adida, Ralph
15:42:32 [msporny]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:42:32 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate msporny
15:44:25 [msporny]
If you want and have the time.
15:44:33 [msporny]
I can clean them up if you're pressed for time.
15:44:52 [msporny]
alrighty, sounds good... I'll leave that to you, then :)
15:45:02 [msporny]
thanks Ralph :)
15:45:06 [RalphS]
just as easy for me to do it as to copy it back from you :)
15:45:11 [msporny]
15:45:11 [RalphS]
thanks to you!
15:45:19 [RalphS]
rrsagent, bye
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
I see 8 open action items saved in :
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mark to tweak paragraph 3.9 of the spec on fragments. [recorded in] [1]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph confirm whether LGPL is ok with W3C [recorded in] [2]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph to help Ben with Last Call Comment report [recorded in] [3]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Shane produce a CR-ready draft for SWD and XHTML2 WGs to approve [recorded in] [4]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben followup with Fabien on getting his RDFa GRDDL transform transferred to W3C [recorded in] [5]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Manu to reach out to Slashdot and attempt to get RDFa integrated into Slashdot. [recorded in] [6]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in] [7]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Manu to determine which useless-triples test cases to remove and which to add. [recorded in] [8]
15:45:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:45:24 [msporny]
have a good weekend!