See also: IRC log
<ChrisW> StellaMitchell can you scribe today?
<ChrisW> thakns
<ChrisW> Scribe: StellaMitchell
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: accept F2F10 minutes
cw: any objections to approving the f2f10 minutes?
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: accept F2F10 minutes
cw: any objections to approving the minutes from last week's telcon?
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: accept 3-Jun telecon minutes
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: accept 3-Jun telecon minutes
cw: any agenda ammendments?
cw: Adrian, Jos, Mike, any news?
MikeD: nothing from OWL
<AdrianP> nothing
cw: sandro, has the owl group discussed our responses?
sandro: I don't think so
cw: what about the joint document about something like rif:text ?
sandro: nothing has happened on thatg
cw: axel, did you agree to work on this?
axel: I think we were going to get the first working draft out with the current vefrsion of rif: text, and then after that reconcile with owl's treatment
<AxelPolleres> remark: Can the England access number also be made public in the agenda (England +44.117.370.6152), are hteir any other accesss number we haven't got?
<sandro> ACTION: Axel to work with Jie Bao (of OWL-WG) to put together draft on rif:text/owl:internationalizedText, due 27 June 2008 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-521 - Work with Jie Bao (of OWL-WG) to put together draft on rif:text/owl:internationalizedText, due 27 June 2008 [on Axel Polleres - due 2008-06-17].
cw: email last week asking if people could make meeting sept 7-8 in either Boston or New York
<Hassan> I will not attend either anyway
cw: does anyone here have a problem with that date?
<josb> access number of Zakim in France: +
<AxelPolleres> I definitly can't make that date... other obligations the week 7-11.
garyh: anyone still interested in late august in portland?
<Hassan> USA
<Hassan> yes
<AxelPolleres> possibly
cw: late august doesn't work for me
<AxelPolleres> possibly by phone
cw: axel, could you attend part of the meeting by phone if it were on sept 7-8?
<sandro> reminder people can use for their own actions
ACTION-519 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-519 Start work on response to closed
<csma> I will
ACTION-518 continued
ACTION-516 continued
ACTION-517 continjued
ACTION-514 dropped
ACTION-515 continued
<AxelPolleres> Can someone point me to a mail or draft page where owl:{|
<AxelPolleres> | style="background-color: #80FF80" rowspan="1" colspan="1" |
<AxelPolleres> Editor's note: Although <tt>rif:iri</tt> is not a datatype, I left conversions from and to <tt>rif:iri</tt>s in the list of cast functions, to cover use cases in the context of RDF where you want to extract a string from an IRI denoting an RDF resource and vice versa.
<AxelPolleres> See also the use case mentioned in
<AxelPolleres> |}
<AxelPolleres> oops.
<AxelPolleres> sorry
ACTION-512 continued
<csma> done
ACTION-511 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-511 Change REMOVE to RETRACT closed
<AxelPolleres> Can someone point me to a mail or draft page where owl:internationalizedText is referenced?
<AxelPolleres> ... or to an email.
ACTION-510 pending discussion
ACTION-508 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-508 Work out policies for pick (refraction, recency, priority, sequential) closed
ACTION-507 continued
ACTION-506 continued
ACTION-505 continued
ACTION-504 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-504 Add XML 1.0 statement to BLD closed
ACTION-503 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-503 Update BNF with base directive for relative IRI handling in PS closed
ACTION-502 continued
ACTION-501 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-501 Put text about "metadata should survive roundtripping out of RIF and back again" in Conformance section of BLD closed
harold: mk and I both made many updates but we weren't coordinating, so used different terminology
ACTION-499 pending discussion
ACTION-497 continued
ACTION-496 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-496 Update all examples for Presentation Syntax and XML syntax for curies and entities. Also add Prefix to presentation syntax. closed
<AdrianP> Yes, action-496 is done
ACTION-495 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-495 Respond to Dan2 (about well-formedness) closed
csma: where in the document is xml syntax for curies and entities defined?
harold: (points to an example 6)
cw: presentation syntax should not have curies in them
<Hassan> Are the contents of the IRI declarations for PS complete and fine?
<AdrianP> sorry I ment action 495 is done
harold: I used prefixes
jos: maybe we should mention that entities are optional, and also in example 6 we should expand one of the entities
<sandro> +1 jos, have one of the prefixes not turn into an entity, to show the correspondance is optional
harold: ok, will make that change
ACTION 494 is complete
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 494
ACTION-493 is complete
ACTION-492 continued
ACTION-490 complete
ACTION-489 complete
ACTION-486 complete
ACTION-488 complete
ACTION-487 continued
cw: editor's note (in action-487 should link to above issue)
ACTION-485 complete
ACTION-483 complete
ACTION-482 continued
cw: re: action-482 we discussed that dtb would be a comprehensive list of all data types, and when defining a dialect you would choose from those
ACTION-454 complete
ACTION-475 continued
ACTION-152 continued
cw: a number of resolutions (from
f2f10) didn't have actions associated with them, so I want to
confirm that they are done
... axel, subtypes?
axel: yes, I made the update in dtb
harold: bld doesn't require any update for this item
cw: my understanding that dtb would be a menu of data types and builtins, and so bld would have to add a paragraph saying which of those from dtb that bld uses
harold: ok, I understand
cw: and so the new section needs an "at risk" comment on rif:text
<sandro> ACTION: Harold to ask Michael to update BLD with the DTB references, including "at risk" for rif:text [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-522 - Ask Michael to update BLD with the DTB references, including \"at risk\" for rif:text [on Harold Boley - due 2008-06-17].
cw: another resultion was that we would add >= <=, etc to dtb
axel: this is done
... these were added for each data type
cw: does the bld just need to list data types and that implies that it supports all builtins for that data types?
sandro: yes, I think so
cw: so adding those predicates
wouldn't impact the bld text
... another resolution was to remove symbol space ids in
jos: it means symbol space ids must be iris
axel: this is done
<ChrisW> modify Presentation Syntax to include "Const ::= STRING" (allowing "chat" as short for "chat"^^xs:string).
axel: harold, you can just copy updagted const grammar from dtb
<josb> very good!
cw: also, a resolution about syntax for rif:local
axel: yes, these updates are made
cw: we had a resultion do add xsd: double
axel: done
cw: there was a resolution on xml syntax for ordered=yes
harold: done
cw: resolution to point people to dublin core for metadata properties
harold: done
cw: any other discussion on actions?
cw: this is about the response to
peter's response
... this is the only outstanding one
... jos, do you want to discuss your response to peter
jos: no
jos: dan c responded to my response, and said that it addressed his concerns (although he found it counter intuitive)
adrian: last telcon we discussed requirements and stopped at the owl data requirement
cw: should we continue through the rest of the list?
adrian: yes
cw: we were a little stalled on coverage (5.1.6) and there was some discussion on the mailing list
sandro: no one objected to the last text that I proposed
sandro: that section was updated since last week, but it is more verbose than we need
cw: it needs to be reworded using standard language of requirements
<sandro> The RIF dialect targetting a group of similar rule languages must support, at a minimum, interchange of rules using all the features which are common to all the major rule languages in that group.
<AdrianP> ok sound good and compact
<sandro> (as full replacement for 5.1.6)
cw: I'd change "must" to "should"
sandro: all the other requirements use must, except for the implementability requirement
cw: but this (5.1.6) is a fuzzy requirement
<sandro> "must"
<ChrisW> Straw poll: prefer must/should in 5.1.6
<sandro> strawpoll: must vs should on that 5.1.6 text
<csma> 0
<Hassan> 0
<AdrianP> +1 for must
<josb> don't care
<AxelPolleres> should
<csma> +/- must/should
<Harold> +0.8 for must
<mdean> 0
<csma> or could be should/must
<AxelPolleres> +1 for mould
<Hassan> +1 for mould
<AdrianP> the general requirements should describe fundamental properties
<ChrisW> not mould, mold
<ChrisW> RIF must cover OWL knowledge bases as data where compatible with RIF semantics.
<AxelPolleres> These people from the US have this tendency to drop "u"s from English words...
cw: requirement 5.2.7 looks fine
<AdrianP> RIF must cover RDF triples as data where compatible with RIF semantics.
<ChrisW> RIF must cover RDF triples as data where compatible with Phase 1 semantics.
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: reword 5.2.8 to "RIF semantics"
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: reword 5.2.8 to "RIF semantics"
cw: requirement 5.2.9
sandro: I commented on this requirement in the above email - I don't know what this requirement means
<sandro> The semantics of a RIF document must be uniquely determined from the contents of the document, without out-of-band data.
<sandro> The semantics of a RIF document must be uniquely determined by the content of the document, without out-of-band data.
<AxelPolleres> makes sense
<Harold> Re 5.2.9: The XML Schema's location will differentiate between dialects.
<sandro> PROPOSED: replace 5.2.9 with re-wording: "The semantics of a RIF document must be uniquely determined by the content of the document, without out-of-band data."
<AxelPolleres> +1
<sandro> +1
<Hassan> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<sandro> RESOLVED: replace 5.2.9 with re-wording: "The semantics of a RIF document must be uniquely determined by the content of the document, without out-of-band data."
cw: requirement 5.2.10 - fine
cw; requirement 5.2.11 - fine
cw: requirement 5.2.12
sandro: change 'should' to 'must'
<Harold> +1
<sandro> PROPOSED: in 5.2.12 change to "must" support ability to merge rule sets
<sandro> +1
<Hassan> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<sandro> RESOLVED: in 5.2.12 change to "must" support ability to merge rule sets
<sandro> PROPOSED 5.2.13 change "will" to "must"
<sandro> PROPOSED: 5.2.13 change "will" to "must"
<Harold> In BLD rule sets are called groups.
<AdrianP> +1
<sandro> PROPOSED: 5.2.13 change "will" to "must" & remove parenthetical comment
<Harold> groups can be identified with our new (* ... *) syntax.
<sandro> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<Hassan> +1
<Harold> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<sandro> RESOLVED: 5.2.13 change "will" to "must" & remove parenthetical comment
<sandro> RESOLVED: 5.2.13 change "will" to "must" & remove parenthetical comment: RIF must support the identification of rule sets.
cw: 5.3.1
sandro: we don't clarify what we mean by "objective"
<sandro> "Objectives" to "Anticipated Future Requirements"
<sandro> ?
<sandro> PROPOSED: drop 5.3 Objectives
harold: can we say more about the 2 use cases that motivated it?
<Hassan> +1 on dropping this - "future requirement" means nothing as far as we are concerned
csma: frame or atom could point directly to a part of an xml document based on an xml schema or DTD
<Harold> DTB could have an XML-'open' data type: it would only need to be well-formed, not valid wrt our XSD -- such 'any' types are supported by XSD.
csma: using xml schema as data models in rif documents we can use that capability to use an xml document as data
cw: does anyone object to dropping this reqjuirement?
adrian, csma: I would like to keep this requirement
sandro: why are we choosing to call out this one of many possible future requirements?
<Harold> "5.3.1 XML data" is there because of many XML-based appls, incl. Web Services.
csma: I think it's in a separate section because sandro said it's a phase 2 requirement
sandro: one requirement for last call is that you met all your requirements
cw: change 'must' to
... do you have reasonable expectation that this req would be
met by prd?
csma: yes
<Harold> Yes, PRD could have such an XML-'open' data type.
<AdrianP> The implementation of this requirement in the schema is very easy
cw: so, I think it can be a regular requirment with 'must' changed to 'should'
<sandro> PROPOSED: Maybe 5.3.1 be 5.2.14 and make it a SHOULD instead of MUST.
<sandro> PROPOSED: Move 5.3.1 be 5.2.14 and make it a SHOULD instead of MUST. (support XML as data)
<sandro> +0
<csma> +0.5
<ChrisW> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<josb> 0
<Hassan> +0
<GaryHallmark> +1
<sandro> RESOLVED: Move 5.3.1 be 5.2.14 and make it a SHOULD instead of MUST. (support XML as data)
<Harold> +1
<csma> ACTION: adrianP to update UCR to reflect the above resolutions [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - adrianP
<sandro> ACTION: Adrian to update UCR to reflect resolutions in today's meeting (2008-06-10) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - Adrian
<trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. agiurca, apaschke)
<sandro> ACTION: apaschke to update UCR to reflect resolutions in today's meeting (2008-06-10) [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-523 - Update UCR to reflect resolutions in today's meeting (2008-06-10) [on Adrian Paschke - due 2008-06-17].
cw: adrian, anything else to discuss on ucr?
cw: all the documents need an acknowlegement section
<GaryHallmark> Christian, I see XML data as a tree of frames with constraints on its structure which could be achieved in theory by embedding XML (Schema) axioms into RIF
cw: it is customary to list by name all members of working group by name, but this group is large with many inactive members
<josb> +1
<mdean> +1
cw: so we can use other methods to come up with the name list
<sandro> "The regular attendees at Working Group meetings at the time of publication were:"
<AxelPolleres> THere are means to kick out non-active members. I think we should put the non-active people in "bad standing"
<AxelPolleres> i.e. contact their AC Reps.
<Stella_Mitchell> harold: some people made contributions early on and then didn't attend calls
<Stella_Mitchell> sandro: there can be several ways to select names and to acknowledge people
<Stella_Mitchell> harold: ok
<sandro> Sandro: the "acknowledgements" section should have this Regular Attendees bit, PLUS thanks for all the reviews, PLUS any other thanks the editors feel appropriate to give.
<csma> ACTION: sandro to start the wiki page for the active members of the WG [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-524 - Start the wiki page for the active members of the WG [on Sandro Hawke - due 2008-06-17].
<Stella_Mitchell> cw: any other business?
<sandro> ACTION: Sandro create wiki page for inclusion in pubs, listing active members of WG at current time. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-525 - Create wiki page for inclusion in pubs, listing active members of WG at current time. [on Sandro Hawke - due 2008-06-17].
<josb> +1
<csma> +1
<sandro> trackbot, ACTION-524 done
<trackbot> Sorry, sandro, I don't understand 'trackbot, ACTION-524 done'. Please refer to for help
<sandro> ACTION-524 done
<sandro> ACTION-524: done
<trackbot> ACTION-524 Start the wiki page for the active members of the WG notes added
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/of France/of Zakim in France/ Succeeded: s/resultion/resolution/ Succeeded: s/requirement/cw:requirement/ Succeeded: s/dtb/DTD/ Succeeded: s/DTB could have an XML-'open' data type: it would only need to be well-formed, not valide wrt our XSD -- supported by XSD./DTB could have an XML-'open' data type: it would only need to be well-formed, not valid wrt our XSD -- such 'any' types are supported by XSD./ Found Scribe: StellaMitchell Inferring ScribeNick: StellaMitchell Default Present: Mike_Dean, ChrisW, csma, josb, Sandro, StellaMitchell, AdrianP, Gary_Hallmark, IgorMozetic, AxelPolleres, Harold, +27226aaaa, Hassan Present: Mike_Dean ChrisW csma josb Sandro StellaMitchell AdrianP Gary_Hallmark IgorMozetic AxelPolleres Harold +27226aaaa Hassan Regrets: MichaelKifer MohamedZergaoui DaveReynolds PaulVincent Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 10 Jun 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: adrian adrianp apaschke axel harold sandro[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]