13:59:27 RRSAgent has joined #core 13:59:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc 13:59:56 I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has now started 14:00:03 +Yves_Savourel 14:00:10 zakim, dial richard please 14:00:10 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:00:11 +Richard 14:00:25 DavidClarke has joined #core 14:00:40 zakim, drop richard 14:00:40 Richard is being disconnected 14:00:41 -Richard 14:00:57 +??P5 14:01:02 zakim, dial richard please 14:01:02 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:01:04 +Richard 14:01:26 zakim, who's here ? 14:01:26 On the phone I see Yves_Savourel, Richard, ??P5 14:01:27 On IRC I see DavidClarke, RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, YvesS, fsasaki 14:01:36 zakim, P5 is Andrew 14:01:36 sorry, r12a, I do not recognize a party named 'P5' 14:01:47 zakim, ??P5 is Andrew 14:01:47 +Andrew; got it 14:02:07 +CarlosI 14:02:12 zakim, dial richard-home 14:02:12 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:02:13 +Richard 14:02:46 zakim, Carlosl is David 14:02:46 sorry, r12a, I do not recognize a party named 'Carlosl' 14:02:55 zakim, who's here ? 14:02:55 +Felix 14:02:56 On the phone I see Yves_Savourel, Richard, Andrew, CarlosI, Richard, Felix (muted) 14:02:57 On IRC I see DavidClarke, RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, YvesS, fsasaki 14:03:12 zakim, Carlosl is David 14:03:12 sorry, r12a, I do not recognize a party named 'Carlosl' 14:03:22 zakim, CarlosI is David 14:03:22 +David; got it 14:03:24 zakim, CarlosI is David 14:03:24 sorry, DavidClarke, I do not recognize a party named 'CarlosI' 14:05:14 zakim, who's here ? 14:05:14 On the phone I see Yves_Savourel, Richard, Andrew, David, Richard, Felix 14:05:16 On IRC I see DavidClarke, RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, YvesS, fsasaki 14:06:11 Meeting: I18n Core telecon 14:06:43 Topic: Actions 14:06:46 http://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Core_Homework 14:07:31 ACTION: Addison: write basic outline in wiki for a note on case folding PENDING 14:07:46 ACTION: Andrew: create notes on how to use the wiki template DONE 14:08:10 ACTION: Addison to write an alternative proposal for the para giving an example in SSML 3.2.1 PENDING 14:08:26 Topic: Info Share 14:09:59 RI: Talks in Australia seemed to go well 14:11:00 Topic: IRI/URI Canonicalization does not address IRIs with IDNs 14:11:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2008JanMar/0025.html 14:13:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2008AprJun/0024.html 14:18:40 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2008AprJun/0020.html 14:23:47 ACTION: Felix to report this issue to the IDNA WG at IETF and see if they have any comments 14:24:14 David: even on a simple level round tripping doesn't work because of case reduction 14:31:47 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2008JanMar/0026.html 14:32:13 http://www.w3.org/2007/powder/Group/powder-grouping/20080128.html#canon 14:33:07 andrewc has joined #core 14:36:49 Topic: HTML 5 and Charmod (input from Andrew) 14:36:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2008Feb/0010.html 14:37:49 =================== 14:38:02 HTML5 and 14:38:02 CharMod conformance 14:38:02 The Core I18N working group has concerns 14:38:02 over section in HTML5. 14:38:02 We consider the following 14:38:03 instruction problematic: 14:38:05 "When a user agent would 14:38:07 otherwise use the ISO-8859-1 encoding, it must instead use the 14:38:09 Windows-1252 encoding." 14:38:11 There is a note that "this 14:38:13 requirement is a wilful violation of the W3C Character Model 14:38:15 specification". 14:38:17 Theoretically we would prefer for all 14:38:19 HTML5 documents to adhere to the W3C character model. We also recognise 14:38:21 the practicalities for user agents to correct obvious authoring errors. 14:38:23 The Core I18N group recommends that 14:38:25 1) Any 14:38:27 documentation developed for content authors and authoring agents must 14:38:29 conform to the character model, and explicitly indicate the need to 14:38:31 correctly and accurately identify the character encoding of a document. 14:38:33 HTML 5 material developed for content authors needs to give 14:38:35 clear and direct guidance on the importance and need of correctly and 14:38:37 accurately identifying the character encoding of a document. 14:38:39 2) 14:38:41 Authors and authoring agents sometimes miss-identify encodings. It is 14:38:43 useful to assume that character encodings that are a subset of another 14:38:45 encoding are identified by the browser as using the superset encoding. 14:38:47 If the HTML5 documentation continues to recommend that ISO-8859-1 14:38:49 documents be interpreted as Windows-1252 we would recommend an additional 14:38:51 note indicating that the sole purpose of this need is to compensate for 14:38:53 encoding misidentification introduced by the authors. 14:38:55 We would 14:38:57 also recommend that is you follow this path that you do not specifically 14:38:59 privilege the ISO-8859-1 - Windows-1252 encoding pair. Current web 14:39:01 browsers also use other subset - superset encoding pairings, e.g. GB-2312 14:39:03 and GBK, etc. 14:39:05 All such encoding pairs supported by current web 14:39:07 browsers should be identified in the HTML5 documentation. 14:39:09 We 14:39:11 assume the need for this guidance is based on the amount of material on 14:39:13 the web that is currently self-identified as ISO-8859-1 but is actually 14:39:15 Windows-1252. 14:39:17 One concern with this assumption is that such 14:39:19 behaviour is specifically dealing with HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0/1.1 documents 14:39:21 rather than the needs of HTML 5 documents. There seems to be an implicit 14:39:23 assumption that currently authors get it wrong and when HTML 5 documents 14:39:25 are generated in the future content authors will continue to get it 14:39:27 wrong. 14:39:29 This may be a valid assumption, but HTML 5 documentation 14:39:31 for content authors will play a important role in wether this assumption 14:39:33 is correct or not. 14:39:35 One final concern with this instruction is 14:39:37 that it ignores the common practice of deliberately mislabelling legacy 14:39:39 encodings as iSO-8859-1 when the legacy encoding for encodings not 14:39:41 explicitly supported by authoring agents and web browsers. 14:39:43 This 14:39:45 content, although self-identified as ISO-88859-1, should not be 14:39:47 interpreted as Windows-1252. 14:39:49 ===================== 14:39:51 Put on agenda for next week 14:40:29 Topic: Info Share (2) 14:41:20 Felix: There was heated discussinoin the the LTRU group about how to represent chinese languages and the chairs asked for people to read the proposals and decide at the beginning of next week via a vote which way to go forward 14:41:38 ... if you are interested in giving your opinion, please look at the thread 14:42:06 Topic: Pipeline review 14:42:06 "a consensus call on the "extlang or not extlang" question to end Saturday, May 24." 14:42:17 http://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Core_Pipeline 14:42:40 s/at the beginning of next week/"a consensus call on the "extlang or not extlang" question to end Saturday, May 24."/ 14:44:38 ACTION: Andrew to continue work on What should I consider wrt moving to UTF-8? (http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-upgrade.html) and report progress 14:48:11 ACTION: Addison to guide decision next week (28th May) on which document(s) to tackle next from Charmod, etc list, and choose editor(s) to get work started 14:49:14 http://www.w3.org/TR/#last-call 14:52:05 Topic: Spec reviews 14:52:53 ACTION: Addison to check latest XMLHTTPRequest LC draft against previous comments made when we reviewed the document 14:54:46 ACTION: Felix to check whether there are any issues in CURIE Syntax spec http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-curie-20080506/ 14:56:12 -Felix 14:56:15 -David 14:56:17 -Yves_Savourel 14:56:18 -Andrew 14:56:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:56:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-minutes.html r12a 14:57:56 -Richard 14:58:24 andrewc_ has joined #core 15:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, Richard, in I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM 15:05:04 I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has ended 15:05:05 Attendees were Yves_Savourel, Richard, Andrew, Felix, David 15:12:39 zakim, bye 15:12:39 Zakim has left #core 15:12:43 rrsagent, bye 15:12:54 rrsagent, set log to public 15:12:54 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set log to public', r12a. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:13:04 grr 15:13:27 andrewc_ has joined #core 15:13:28 rrsagent, help 15:14:23 rrsagent, make log public 15:14:30 rrsagent, bye 15:14:30 I see 8 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-actions.rdf : 15:14:30 ACTION: Addison: write basic outline in wiki for a note on case folding PENDING [1] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-07-31 15:14:30 ACTION: Andrew: create notes on how to use the wiki template DONE [2] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-07-46 15:14:30 ACTION: Addison to write an alternative proposal for the para giving an example in SSML 3.2.1 PENDING [3] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-08-10 15:14:30 ACTION: Felix to report this issue to the IDNA WG at IETF and see if they have any comments [4] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-23-47 15:14:30 ACTION: Andrew to continue work on What should I consider wrt moving to UTF-8? (http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-upgrade.html) and report progress [5] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-44-38 15:14:30 ACTION: Addison to guide decision next week (28th May) on which document(s) to tackle next from Charmod, etc list, and choose editor(s) to get work started [6] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-48-11 15:14:30 ACTION: Addison to check latest XMLHTTPRequest LC draft against previous comments made when we reviewed the document [7] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-52-53 15:14:30 ACTION: Felix to check whether there are any issues in CURIE Syntax spec http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-curie-20080506/ [8] 15:14:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/21-core-irc#T14-54-46