14:59:29 RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf 14:59:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/04/11-rdb2rdf-irc 14:59:44 chair: Ashok 15:04:24 zakim, whi is on the phone? 15:04:24 I don't understand your question, Ashok. 15:04:37 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:04:37 sorry, Ashok, I don't know what conference this is 15:04:38 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Ashok, ssahoo2, chimezie, whalb, MacTed, iv_an_ru 15:08:44 scribenick: chimezie 15:11:15 RESOLVED: Accept lat week's minutes -- add Ahmed to the Roll 15:11:24 s/lat/last/ 15:12:51 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-xg-rdb2rdf/2008Apr/att-0003/04-rdb2rdf-minutes.html Last Weeks Minutes 15:13:09 Wolfgang: micheal proposed to have f2f is iswc in October 15:13:45 speaker: the date might be too late 15:14:12 Ashok: willing to host before or after the conference 15:14:21 wolfgang: could be arranged 15:14:46 Ashok: I might have difficulty before but should be okay doing it afterwards 15:14:53 ... could you get back that to us on this? 15:15:06 speaker: how about STC '07 in May in San Jose 15:15:32 Ashok: we could possibly do both 15:16:09 ... dates are May 18 - 22nd 15:16:22 DavidOrchard: will not be available, but that shouldn't hold up that as an option 15:16:48 Ahmed: will investigate if we can host and confirm the dates 15:16:57 s/speaker/Ahmed 15:17:04 Ashok: we now have a wiki 15:17:11 Wiki: http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG 15:17:20 URL for the presentation: http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=RDB2RDF-Knoesis.pps 15:18:00 Ashok: there was a request to do a state of the art or literature survey 15:18:12 ... this is what we are supposed to be doing 15:18:36 [ agreement that we should do this ] 15:18:54 Ashok: we need volunteers 15:19:30 ssahoo2: i'll volunteer 15:20:12 Wolfgang: i'll volunteer as well 15:20:39 DavidOrchard: will this go on the wiki? 15:20:41 Ashok: yes 15:22:48 URL for the presentation: http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=RDB2RDF-Knoesis.pps 15:23:32 dorchard has joined #rdb2rdf 15:25:04 ssahoo2: in biomedical domain. large dataset (entrez genes) 15:25:43 ... two approaches (one without an ontology and another without) 15:26:58 Ashok: was OWL used as well? 15:27:13 ssahoo2: in the first case, OWL was not used 15:28:32 ... on Entrez gene screens, implicit relationships are shown 15:29:04 Ashok: where did you specify what you were looking for 15:29:22 ssahoo2: each gene corresponds to a record in the DB 15:30:35 ssahoo2: we are trying to model the relationships explicitely in RDF 15:30:50 ... we started with the XML representation of the source data 15:32:19 ... a very large XML file 15:33:16 ... starting from the XML representation made the mapping effort much easier than via SQL calls against the original database 15:34:52 ssahoo2: the data was from 2 database and we were able to use named entities to make the links 15:35:11 DavidOrchard: were these new relationship or previously known? 15:39:57 ssahoo2: in method 2, the instances extracted conform to a created OWL-DL model for the data source 15:40:22 ... it spanned information model and domain concepts 15:40:54 Ashok: how were the connections made (via what analysis)? 15:41:08 ssahoo2: the diagram demonstrates the result of a query (SPARQL) 15:41:27 ... then some post-processing was done to derive the diagram 15:43:23 ssahoo2: this was an application-driven approach 15:44:49 Ashok: you were able to get pretty good performance from the queries dispatched on the dataset? 15:45:35 ssahoo2: yes 15:46:03 ssahoo2: in the first method, inference was used 15:46:14 ... in the second case inferencing was not used 15:46:30 Jenni: what is the next step? 15:46:41 ssahoo2: we have started work on integrating uniprot data 15:46:54 ... requires extending the ECOM schema 15:47:18 Jenni: what is the current usage pattern 15:47:29 ssahoo2: we gave the result back to the biological researchers 15:47:44 ... after confirmation we will make this available for their queries, however they are not familiar with SPARQL 15:48:21 ssahoo2: creating the XSLT was a recursive process (10 days initially) 15:50:14 speaker: did the dataset change much and was subsequent work needed to hange the XSLT? 15:50:49 ssahoo2: not much work was needed beyond the original formulation of the XSLT 15:51:35 Question was from Orri Erling 15:52:09 Orri: I would like to reserve a slot to speak 2 weeks hence 15:53:46 wolfgang.halb@joanneum.at 15:54:13 Meeting: Second meeting for RDB2RDF 15:54:36 rssagent, create the minutes 15:54:37 rrsagent, make logs public 15:55:01 Chimezie, thank you for taking minutes! 15:55:06 no problem :) 15:55:09 Chemezie could you please use satya instead of ssahoo? 15:55:22 will do. sorry about that 15:55:23 for the minutes - thanks:) 15:55:45 s/ssahoo2/satya 15:56:21 just satya or satyasahoo 15:56:28 okay 15:56:33 thanks 15:56:53 bye 15:57:06 rrsagent, create minutes 15:57:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/11-rdb2rdf-minutes.html Ashok 15:57:09 ssahoo2 has left #RDB2RDF 15:57:47 whalb has left #rdb2rdf 17:15:57 Zakim has left #rdb2rdf 17:16:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:16:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/11-rdb2rdf-minutes.html chimezie