11:01:54 RRSAgent has joined #waf 11:01:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/04/03-waf-irc 11:01:56 there he is, trusty Zakim 11:01:58 trackbot-ng, status 11:02:05 trackbot-ng, start meeting 11:02:12 hell with it 11:02:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 11:02:28 zakim, this is waf 11:02:28 ok, marcos; that matches IA_WAF(widgets)7:00AM 11:02:35 -??P5 11:03:02 +Art_Barstow 11:03:07 Zakim, code? 11:03:07 the conference code is 9231 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), MikeSmith 11:03:21 +??P8 11:03:28 Zakim, ??P8 is me 11:03:28 +MikeSmith; got it 11:03:31 +??P9 11:03:45 Present: Art, Mike, Claudio, Benoit, Arve 11:03:46 zakim, ??PP9 is me 11:03:46 sorry, arve, I do not recognize a party named '??PP9' 11:03:53 +??P10 11:03:53 zakim, ??P9 is me 11:03:54 +arve; got it 11:04:06 zakim, ??P10 is me 11:04:06 +marcos; got it 11:04:19 Present+ Marcos 11:04:53 Chair: Art 11:04:56 Scribe: Art 11:05:05 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-appformats/2008Apr/0000.html 11:05:17 Topic: Review Agenda 11:05:21 Scribenick: ArtB 11:05:29 AB: Mike made a request to talk about I18N 11:05:37 AB: any objections? 11:05:39 [None] 11:05:52 AB: add it between #4 and #5 11:06:01 Topic: Charter update 11:06:07 AB: anything to report Mike? 11:06:38 MS: I expect the Charter to be sent to the AC soon 11:06:52 ... I will notify this WG when that has been done 11:07:04 Topic: VC schedule for April 11:07:27 AB: next week I being a 5-wk period where I'll be traveling all or part of 4 weeks 11:07:50 AB: cancel VCs on April 17 and 24 11:08:14 AB: April 10 is "iffy" now 11:08:23 [MikeSmith will also be in Beijing for AC meeting and WWW2008, April 19 to 26] 11:09:03 AB: this would mean the next VC is May 1 11:09:20 ... any concerns? 11:10:00 MC: I'm OK as long as today we record an OK to publish our docs 11:10:16 CV: this is in-line with the moratorium, right? 11:10:18 AB: yes 11:12:10 Topic: Publication status and plans 11:12:34 AB: status of reqs doc, Marcos? 11:13:09 MC: it is ready but waiting for an input on the security model 11:13:38 ABe: I now have approval to publish it and may be able to send it to the list today 11:14:11 AB: Marcos, you may want to reflect some of Arve's input in the reqs doc? 11:14:13 MC: yes 11:15:41 AB: we need a 1-week review period after the spec is "ready for review" 11:17:02 ... tentative plan for Reqs is to start review on April 4 and end on April 11 11:17:34 ... if no objections or major problems raised, we will consider the doc ready for publishing 11:18:30 Topic: Landscape document 11:18:37 AB: Marcos, what is its status? 11:18:59 MC: need to make some changes re Yahoo! engine 11:19:08 ... I can be done by tomorrow though 11:19:25 AB: so we can start a 1-week review period on April 4? 11:19:31 MC: yes 11:20:50 AB: I propose that if no major issues are identified in the April 4 ED of the Landscape doc, that we request FPWD 11:20:57 AB: any objections? 11:21:00 [None] 11:21:42 RESOLUTION: if no major issues are identified in the April 4 ED of the Landscape do, we will request FPWD 11:22:19 Topic: P&C status 11:22:28 AB: Marcos, we do we stand? 11:22:44 MC: I've done some more work on the Proc Model 11:22:54 ... I am also in the process of implementing the ProcMod 11:23:05 ... in Java using Xerces 11:23:19 ... will be ready to review on April 4 11:23:59 AB: I'd like to get a new version published 11:24:38 AB: any objections to starting a review on April 4 and if no major issues identified then we request formal pub on April 14? 11:24:44 [None] 11:26:14 Topic: Signatures doc 11:26:24 MC: I responded to Hal's comments 11:26:34 ... I also asked the XML Security Maint WG for comments 11:26:46 ... I've written a Java impl and it seems to work 11:28:06 AB: I propose that if no major issues are identified in the April 4 ED of the Signatures doc then after a 1-week review period we request publication. 11:28:15 AB: Any objections? 11:28:19 [None] 11:29:06 RESOLUTION: if no major issues are identified in the April 4 ED of the Signatures doc, after a 1-week review period we will request FPWD 11:29:15 Topic: API and Events 11:29:23 AB: what is the status? 11:29:26 MC: no change 11:29:34 ... it will not be ready to publish 11:30:15 Topic: Issue #17 - Widgets: should Automatic Updates be included in v1.0? 11:30:27 AB: http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/issues/17 11:30:56 AB: status Marcos? 11:31:05 MC: I created a separate document 11:31:26 ... not many changes since Oslo meeting (Aug 2007) 11:31:58 ... I think it is very useful and I am in favor of continuing the spec 11:32:08 ABe: why is it included in the base spec? 11:33:04 AB: a key question is dependencies 11:33:23 I believe it was taken out to make sure the widget spec could go through just in case... but if finalized it should be put back in 11:33:39 ... e.g. would one need to implement Updates to implement P&C? 11:33:43 MC: no, not yet 11:34:39 BS: we can either state how the revision numbers work and the platform uses the data; otherwise we can define end-to-end 11:35:40 btw I've spoken with Access to see if they are insteressted in joining the group, and they will see if they can, but it seems they are interested in this specific item. 11:36:24 AB: I think it is useful but I don't want the P&C spec have a dependency on the Updates 11:36:49 ABe: in the mobile space, updates is complicated because different OTA mechanisms are used 11:37:22 MC: I can investigate the various deployed models in the next rev of the Landscape 11:38:07 BS: would it make sense to say udpates is in the level two specs 11:38:51 11:38:53 MC: update spec could include a new element that would need to be in the P&C spec 11:39:21 ... the spec is written such that unknown elements are ignored 11:39:49 MC: would like to have a decent model by June 11:40:15 ABe: if we can't get a good proposal by then, it should be considered level two 11:41:53 AB: so we could close this and say that without a good solid model, updates will be level 2 11:41:59 MC: ok 11:42:05 ABe: ok 11:42:34 BS: maybe the spec needs clarification on the version 11:42:45 ... could provide a link to it 11:43:44 MC: we discussed this a while ago with Ian Hickson; I'll track down that e-mail 11:44:34 ... Ultimately, I think the simple comparison model is good enough 11:45:11 BS: I'm more concerned about being able to process the updates at some point; need to know if the figures are Higher or Lower 11:45:31 MC: the current model is just about "is the version Different" 11:46:44 BS: in our widget system we have some additional requirements 11:46:59 ... we have different scenarios 11:47:16 ABe: I think your last scenario is about widget revocation 11:47:25 ... and I don't think that should be part of Updates 11:49:25 CV: we do need some mechanism for Updates 11:49:46 ... and we don't have a strong preference for how it is done 11:50:41 AB: I think we should leave this Issue open 11:50:41 3 scenarios: 11:50:51 MC: we need to discuss this at the f2f 11:50:59 1- enw version but does not need to change the widget 11:51:23 2- new version that allows the user to upgrade 11:51:53 3- new version the requires the user to change and revoque the earlier versions 11:52:44 RESOLUTION: Issue #17 will remain OPEN for now 11:52:55 Topic: I18N 11:53:34 MS: Felix, Team contact for the I18N group raised an issue related to Widget localization 11:53:52 MS: see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-appformats/2008Apr/0002.html 11:54:08 MS: there isn't any info at all about how to localize a Widget 11:54:33 ... they think something is needed, even if Optional 11:54:57 can they join the f2F? 11:55:00 Model for i18n. 11:55:01 If no config file is found in src (via content element) assume i18n mode. 11:55:03 use widget.locale (in RFC3086) 11:55:04 ... they are also willing to help; at least submit comments and provide guidance 11:55:04 search for folders that match window.locale at the mount point. 11:55:06 if match, match the start file in the i18n folder. 11:56:03 q+ to respond to Benoit's question 11:57:16 BS: will this be a declarative model? 11:57:38 MC: no, it's an automatic model 11:58:17 BS: with Vista, can have multiple config dirs 11:58:27 MC: correct 12:00:07 MS: Felix won't be in Dublin but maybe some others will be there because of XTech; we can also use a VC bridge 12:00:27 ... Yahoo's Addison is the Chair of the I18N WG 12:00:53 ... I wonder if the model Marcos proposed is consistent with Y!'s model 12:01:09 ... it would be good if Marcos could propose a model 12:01:19 MC: there's some stuff in the Landscape doc 12:01:54 AB: I'm tempted to create an Issue 12:01:59 AB: any objections? 12:02:02 [None] 12:02:33 ISSUE: what is the Localization model for Widgets 12:03:22 Topic: AOB 12:03:37 AB: I'll notify everyone by April 7 if we will have a call on April 10 12:04:31 AB: If it appears there will be an urgent need for a call April 10 and I cannot make, Mike can you Chair? 12:04:38 MS: tentatively yes 12:05:02 AB: I encourage everyone to review the 4 docs that will start formal review on April 4 12:06:11 AB: meeting adjourned 12:06:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:06:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/03-waf-minutes.html ArtB 12:07:14 -Caroline 12:07:21 - +39.011.228.aaaa 12:08:08 rrsagent, bye 12:08:08 I see no action items