14:57:35 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:57:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-irc 14:57:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:57:37 Zakim has joined #bpwg 14:57:39 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:57:39 ok, trackbot-ng, I see MWI_BPWG()11:00AM already started 14:57:40 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:57:40 Date: 20 March 2008 14:57:51 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Mar/0059.html 14:57:59 Chair: DKA 14:58:06 Regrets: Nacho, Abel, Miguel, Magnus, Dom, srowen, EdM, Adam, Shah, AlanC, rob, hgerlach, AlanTai, MartinJ, murari, kemp 14:59:04 Sorry for attending with IRC. 14:59:27 Jason has joined #bpwg 14:59:42 zakim, code? 14:59:42 the conference code is 2794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), francois 14:59:55 + +1.503.539.aabb 14:59:57 - +1.503.539.aabb 14:59:57 + +1.503.539.aabb 15:00:13 +francois 15:00:35 matt has joined #bpwg 15:00:51 +DKA 15:01:34 zakim, who's on the call? 15:01:34 On the phone I see +1.585.278.aaaa, +1.503.539.aabb, francois, DKA 15:01:52 zakim, aabb is Jason 15:01:52 +Jason; got it 15:02:05 zakim, aaaa is jeffs 15:02:05 +jeffs; got it 15:02:10 tnx 15:02:37 +Bryan_Sullivan 15:04:04 drooks has joined #bpwg 15:04:40 + +0783371aacc 15:04:47 ScribeNick: Bryan 15:04:54 Scribe: Bryan 15:04:58 zakim, +0783371aacc is drooks 15:04:58 +drooks; got it 15:05:19 Topic: CT Task Force report 15:05:32 zakim, who is making noise? 15:05:42 DKA, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: jeffs (13%), francois (68%) 15:05:50 zakim, mute jeffs 15:05:50 jeffs should now be muted 15:06:00 tnx 15:06:35 Francois: Making progress, with more problems arising. Difficult to speed things up, trying to get ready for FPWD. Editor's call next week, depending upon progress. 15:06:47 SeanP has joined #bpwg 15:07:12 ... in the current draft there are many red boxes showing issues that need resolution. 15:07:18 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/editors-drafts/Guidelines/080313 last CT draft 15:08:35 +SeanP 15:08:41 ... there is one big issue but the little problems take time, e.g. detection of browsers and non-browsers. These sort of issues need more discussions, raise concerns/issues, etc. 15:10:02 ... from 3.1.2 and beyond need work.On 4/3 we should be ready to review and make a decision on public draft. 15:10:14 Dan: any other issues? 15:11:08 q? 15:11:13 Francois: TF activity is good, no need to discuss other things here. 15:11:46 Dan: re the Mobile OK Pro TF, update is requested 15:12:30 Dan: but with Kai not present, we will have to wait. 15:12:47 Topic: BP2 update 15:13:02 q? 15:13:13 ScribeNick: francois 15:13:14 Scribe: Francois 15:13:19 Scribe: francois 15:13:21 ScribeNick: francois 15:14:04 Bryan: small update, I've yet to find cristallized things to add to the document 15:14:27 + +0496151aadd 15:14:29 ... I included some of Sean's Ajax techniques 15:14:40 q? 15:14:42 ... 5.11.1: a little bit of update 15:15:27 ... In "provide alternatives to Ajax", I have a ref to http://thinkingandmaking.com/entries/63 15:15:43 ... It would be really useful if someone could have a look at it 15:15:51 ... and crystallize it 15:16:15 DKA: volunteer to turn that into "How to do it"? 15:16:20 want me to? 15:16:27 zakim, who's here? 15:16:27 On the phone I see jeffs (muted), Jason, francois, DKA, Bryan_Sullivan, drooks, SeanP, +0496151aadd 15:16:29 On IRC I see SeanP, drooks, matt, Jason, Zakim, RRSAgent, jeffs, DKA, Bryan, soonho, francois, jo, trackbot-ng, dom 15:16:42 Present- Matt 15:16:46 q+ 15:16:51 Bryan: by default, I'll do that if no one else does. 15:16:53 zakim, aadd is kai 15:16:56 +kai; got it 15:16:58 ack jeffs 15:17:19 jeffs: If you want me to take a look at this specific section (5.9.4), I'll do it over the week-end 15:17:50 Bryan: jeffs, I think they have some good ideas, I just don't know how to express it. 15:17:57 Kai has joined #bpwg 15:17:58 zakim, nute jeffs 15:17:58 I don't understand 'nute jeffs', DKA 15:18:04 zakim, mute jeffs 15:18:04 jeffs should now be muted 15:18:08 nuke? 15:18:22 ACTION: jeff to take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it 15:18:22 Sorry, couldn't find user - jeff 15:18:27 ACTION: Sonstein to take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it 15:18:28 Created ACTION-719 - Take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it [on Jeffrey Sonstein - due 2008-03-27]. 15:19:23 Bryan: One exchange with francois which may be good: generalize "Minimize external script files" to "Minimize external files" 15:19:36 ... in 5.5.6, not done in latest draft 15:20:02 ... Very small change, but the issue of caching is an important one. 15:20:24 ... In summary, I made a small update, if I missed anything, feel free to tell me 15:20:49 s/, if I missed/ based on the discussions of the mailing-list, if I missed/ 15:21:10 DKA: that's where actions to come up with BPs could be useful. I have one actually. 15:21:46 Bryan: one question: we had two inputs from ETRI: one about the ADC and the seamless paper. 15:22:07 ... I didn't exactly know what to do with that, and just turned them into general statements 15:22:21 ... It would be useful to expand them 15:23:16 DKA: Yes, I think we need more text in there. The best thing would be to raise this as an issue. 15:23:57 ACTION: Dan to raise an issue on extending BPs on ADC and seamless Korean inputs 15:23:57 Created ACTION-720 - Raise an issue on extending BPs on ADC and seamless Korean inputs [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2008-03-27]. 15:24:25 Bryan: about improving DDC, where does that fit? 15:24:36 DKA: we agreed there would be no DDC in the document. 15:25:28 ... I think we're already addressing the Korean proposal here. 15:26:20 looking for 5.9.4 reference in draft but not finding it... anyone point me to it? 15:27:14 Bryan: device classification and device properties that may be important to request using the DDR. 15:27:21 ... Any help on that would be useful. 15:27:22 Kai has joined #bpwg 15:27:36 zakim, who is here? 15:27:36 On the phone I see jeffs (muted), Jason, francois, DKA, Bryan_Sullivan, drooks, SeanP, kai 15:27:38 On IRC I see Kai, SeanP, matt, Jason, Zakim, RRSAgent, jeffs, DKA, Bryan, soonho, francois, jo, trackbot-ng, dom 15:28:28 s/device properties/appendix on device properties/ 15:28:46 q+ to ask about ddc 15:28:57 ack kai 15:28:57 Kai, you wanted to ask about ddc 15:29:44 Bryan: was trying to find actionable items about both Appendix A and B (Best Practice Dependent Device Properties and Classification of Devices) 15:29:44 looking for 5.9.4 URI reference in draft but not finding it... anyone point me to it? 15:30:13 thanks 15:30:28 Kai: could someone remind me why we decided against ADC? 15:30:59 DKA: [explaining the decision]. We've gone back and forth on that one. I don't want to do that once again. 15:31:36 ... DDC, the fact that we put it in BP1, the fact that it was misunderstood by our Korean friends, typically show it probably wasn't a good idea 15:32:17 Kai: I just have the feeling that ADC is what people need. I think it's a mistake, making the problem worse, rather than solving anything. 15:32:46 DKA: we can open an issue on that Kai if you want to 15:33:04 ... I think we structured the doc in BP2 so that we don't need an ADC. 15:33:39 Kai: I think the issue is a good idea. I'll raise one not to have the group lose time on this. 15:33:57 topic: mobileOK Pro 15:34:01 ScribeNick: Bryan 15:34:04 Scribe: Bryan 15:34:08 Topic: Mobile OK Pro 15:35:04 Kai: The London F2F was held, not strongly attended but very good progress made. Tackled more stringent repeatable test requirements. 15:36:28 ... Interesting discussions about Mobile OK Pro and BP2, e.g. do we want RecTrack for Pro or remain a note; in the end creating guidelines imply room to comply. 15:36:49 ... Good progress was made on interpreting test results. 15:37:37 ... an updated document is available, but with 5 or 6 tests updated, unsure whether to put it on the website 15:37:52 Dan: proposes to put a new draft on the website 15:39:12 Kai: appeal to all for feedback when the new version is posted; on the text differences, and if the type of tests is valuable and we should proceed in this manner 15:39:32 Dan: will you send an email for input? 15:39:35 Kai: Yes 15:39:55 Kai_ has joined #bpwg 15:40:24 Dan: re the Note vs RecTrack, the BP1 was RecTrack but non-normative; Mobile OK was normative. A note is less potent, so maybe this should be on the RecTrack 15:40:50 +[IPcaller] 15:40:55 Kai: Negative on publishing as a note, but should remain on plan for RecTrack 15:41:00 zakim, who is here? 15:41:00 On the phone I see jeffs (muted), Jason, francois, DKA, Bryan_Sullivan, drooks, SeanP, kai, [IPcaller] 15:41:02 On IRC I see Kai_, SeanP, matt, Jason, Zakim, RRSAgent, jeffs, DKA, Bryan, soonho, francois, jo, trackbot-ng, dom 15:41:07 Dan: any machine testable tests? 15:41:07 zakim, IPCaller is me 15:41:07 +jo; got it 15:41:26 Kai: Yes, and some should be supportable by checker 15:41:28 Kai has joined #bpwg 15:42:29 Dan: Jo, anything to add on the Pro F2F? 15:42:59 Jo: not other than the general discussions 15:43:50 Jo: thought Pro could be made more machine testable by incorporating BP2 15:44:00 Kai has joined #bpwg 15:44:03 Dan: is there an issue or action to move that forward? 15:45:29 Kai: suggests to resolve subjectivity of the tests, taking that away. Also repeatability. Addressing those first is proposed, then address Pro as a whole e.g. relation to BP2 15:45:39 firmly agree 15:46:16 Kai: no proposed actions other than what is being done 15:47:20 Topic: Korean Task Force 15:47:21 Topic: idea of having a Korean TF 15:48:11 s/Topic: idea of having a Korean TF// 15:48:12 Dan: there were ideas of having a focus group to address Korean needs, meeting in Korea, able to report and interact with the group 15:48:39 Dan: trying to get that idea going 15:49:10 [have exchanged email with Seungyun and he will take it to his colleagues and get back to us] 15:49:23 Topic: Actions 15:50:19 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Mar/0061.html thesis summary 15:51:06 Topic: ACTION-696 15:51:28 yeliz has joined #bpwg 15:51:51 Francois: the document is long, related to analysis of AJAX performance, conclusion is that things are slow, and there is wide variance in performance 15:52:25 ACTION-696? 15:52:25 ACTION-696 -- François Daoust to summarise the U Helsinki masters thesis on Mobile Ajax performance with a view to including some aspects into BP 2 -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN 15:52:25 http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/696 15:52:40 ... there seems to be some interesting material to include or reference; not anything new necessarily, but some ideas about efficiency for performance purposes 15:53:42 ... we can use it as emphasis for what we have written. Extracted some info from a Yahoo document, not sure if it is related to BP or not, e.g. reduce DNS lookups 15:53:50 q+ 15:54:31 ... not sure if these are BP for mobile, but in the constrained environment this make more sense 15:54:35 ack bryan 15:54:35 ack Bryan 15:55:47 Bryan: this is usually an issue for non-proxied browsers (few) and specialized web applications, but it may be useful to look at 15:56:03 Kai_ has joined #bpwg 15:56:29 Francois: one issue, re use of HTTP streaming, using persistent HTTP connections, may be valuable 15:56:33 (keep-alive) 15:57:16 Dan: not sure if these are elaborations, re the Seoul discussion we want clear developer focused details 15:57:42 persistent connections with a device that is mobile may be problematical 15:57:51 Bryan: support the reference to HTTP keep-alive, this is a common optimization that we recommend 15:58:59 Dan: are you suggesting to reference this document? 15:59:43 Francois: other than linking them to the existing BPs, its one more external source in the same direction 16:00:22 Francois: don't recommend directly linking each BP to the external documents, just as a reference 16:01:16 Dan: we will give Bryan an action to review Francois's report to extract as possible 16:01:21 q? 16:02:27 ACTION-714? 16:02:27 ACTION-714 -- Jo Rabin to draft review of MMA Advertising -- due 2008-03-20 -- OPEN 16:02:27 http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/714 16:03:01 Kai has joined #bpwg 16:03:12 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-bpwg/2008Mar/0047.html jo's proposed response to MMA 16:03:38 Regrets+ Yeliz 16:04:12 -jo 16:04:25 zakim, code? 16:04:25 the conference code is 2794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jo 16:04:39 Jo: overall we think it is a good idea to have a global recommendation 16:04:55 + +0208995aaee 16:05:11 zakim, aaee is me 16:05:12 +jo; got it 16:05:34 Kai_ has joined #bpwg 16:06:06 Jo: Web should be capitalized, ref MWBP, Mobile OK, Checker, reducing redirects for Ads 16:06:22 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by H. Rabin. 16:06:32 +1 16:06:37 q+ 16:06:42 ack bryan 16:06:47 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by H. Rabin under ACTION-714 16:07:17 Bryan: why would we recommend against caching? 16:07:40 Kai has joined #bpwg 16:08:09 jeffs has changed the topic to: 16:08:12 jeffs has changed the topic to: 16:08:13 Jo: Sean's idea, retrieving an ad, not strongly held, maybe we should be silent on this 16:08:51 jeffs has changed the topic to: 16:09:18 jo has changed the topic to: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group 16:09:33 sorry, hamfisted today 16:09:51 Bryan: I think it assumes one particular advertising paradigm, but use of caching for content is typically a practice we would recommend 16:10:03 Bryan: caching is a viable option if statistics are not an issue 16:10:24 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by Jo under ACTION-714 modulo changing text on caching to say "and ensuring that the correct cache options are used" 16:11:16 I agree very much with Bryan 16:11:21 Bryan: agrees that cache use is context-specific 16:11:27 +1 16:11:30 +1 16:11:33 +1 16:11:34 +1 16:11:37 +1 16:12:34 q? 16:13:15 Jo: looking for Dom to send the response 16:14:20 RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by Jo under ACTION-714 modulo changing text on caching to say "and ensuring that the correct cache options are used" 16:14:45 ACTION-710 16:14:45 ACTION-710? 16:14:45 ACTION-710 -- François Daoust to test the Effect of HEAD Requests on Various Servers -- due 2008-03-13 -- OPEN 16:14:45 http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/710 16:15:14 Francois: will send a report to the list, its still open 16:18:20 [+1 to closing call at this stage] 16:18:23 ACTION: daoust to prepare a report's form to fill to test Aaron static/dynamic example 16:18:24 Created ACTION-721 - Prepare a report's form to fill to test Aaron static/dynamic example [on François Daoust - due 2008-03-27]. 16:18:49 -Jason 16:18:51 -jeffs 16:18:52 -Bryan_Sullivan 16:18:55 Jason has left #bpwg 16:18:56 -jo 16:18:58 -drooks 16:18:59 -francois 16:19:01 -SeanP 16:19:01 -kai 16:19:02 -DKA 16:19:02 MWI_BPWG()11:00AM has ended 16:19:04 Attendees were +1.585.278.aaaa, +1.503.539.aabb, francois, DKA, Jason, jeffs, Bryan_Sullivan, drooks, SeanP, +0496151aadd, kai, jo, +0208995aaee 16:19:12 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:19:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html francois 16:19:31 thx, Fran$B9P(Bis! 16:23:36 s/Topic: Actions// 16:24:37 i/ACTION-714?/Topic: ACTION-714 Response to MMA guidelines/ 16:24:57 s/mobileOK Pro// 16:24:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:24:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html francois 16:26:15 s/Topic: ACTION-696/Topic: ACTION-696 Summary of University of Helsinki thesis/ 16:26:50 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:26:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html francois 18:21:04 Zakim has left #bpwg