See also: IRC log
<inserted> Scribe: dbooth
<inserted> ScribeNick: dbooth
jar: We discussed the progress of
AWWSW at the last TAG meeting.
... Rules really resonated and helped the TAG members. "I was
worried about this effort. Now I'm not."
scribe dbooth
jar: a "potential rep" has the
opportunity to be a rep of a resource.
... if an http response has not actually been issued by a
resource yet.
... people have complained about the use of rep. So in an ont
we need something that might be a rep.
timbl: i'm not too worried about
having a separate name for something that could be a rep.
... 2 questions: rel btwn an http response and a rep. does it
carry anything else?
... the other q: http spec says it's a rep if the status 200
says its a rep.
<alanr> jonathan calls this a "200 responder"
<alanr> but it is not heard as such in common discussion - there is more to it
jar: 2616 says a rep is an entity
that goes with a 200 response, but the entity is not the whole
response. it ditches the headers.
... also I was trying to capture the discussion a few weeks
ago, someone was worried that restricting to http responses was
too limited. wanted a more general description of what a rep
might be.
... let's table this and move on to rules.
<inserted> Scribe: jar
discussion of jar's table & what's a reprsentation tabled until a later meeting
scribenick jar
the rules are a combination of 3 ontologies - uris, http, web architecture
<alanr> uri:hasProperRacine doesn't work with open world, if the intention is that there is *no* racine for some URIs
<timbl> ######################## AWWW #########################
<alanr> or do these rules assume closed world?
Meant to delete definition of 'resource'
<Stuart> How does awww:Resource differ from rdfs:Resource and/or owl:Thing?
<timbl> rdf:label "InformationResource" should be rdf:label "information resource"
hasRacine, hasProperRacine explained
alanr: are you assuming closed world reasoning?
timbl: the domain statement isn't as constraining as it could be.
dbooth: the correct domain restriction would reflect that the URI on the left of hasProperRacine has a #
alanr: you need a cardinality restriction in order to say what you mean.
timbl: but the logic doesn't capture the entire semantics
<dbooth> dbooth: Right, the domain and range are not as restrictive as they theoretically could be.
<timbl> it never can, so why bother trying to be so experssing in the RDFS.
<alanr> hasProperRacine subProperty hasRacine
alanr: hasProperRacine is a subproperty of hasRacine
<alanr> note for future: Need xsd:URINoFragment
dbooth: hasURI is the inverse of denotes. similar to log:uri
<timbl> Style: "hasURI" is messy, preefr "URI".
<alanr> q: is log:uri inferred by n3?
dbooth: hasDirectGetReply --
grounds this out
... hasGetReply allows for forwarding
alanr: if n3 deduces log:uri relationships then we can just use a type [scribe is confused]
timbl: issues about what has to be asserted or inferred all has to do with your test harness
<alanr> +1
<alanr> the thing that makes sense is to say, the system can not infer x, given y
timbl: request to separate out the two kinds of material in these files
<timbl> Theer is N3 and cwm
alanr: if log:uri has been inferred then there should be no need to assert hasURI
<timbl> N3 allows you to write these rules.
<timbl> Cwm has certian built-ins
<timbl> as well as an understaning of n3
alanr: what is the range of a location? looks like it's a URI
dbooth: it's the location: header value (string)
alanr: can we change the name, for clarity? a string is not a location
timbl: can we use a separate namespace for headers, mapped automatically from header names to ontology URIs?
<dbooth> timbl: I suggest a separate namespace for htttp headers -- hh or httph.
alanr: can I suggest something that strips the "has"?...
timbl: lots of reasons why no "has" is good
alanr: it's known that many people are confused by ambiguity of leaving out the "has"
dbooth: will do both
stuart: no, pick one and stick with it.
<timbl> label "direct reply"
<dbooth> alan: please add rdf:labels to these
<alanr> rdfs:label the other one
alanr: there's no language, wouldn't it make more sense for [...] to be strings?
timbl: mapping things to strings
is a whole lot simpler, for testing purposes
... you get a string out of the protocol, then coerce it to a
<alanr> hasContentType: text/plain@en is not permissible
timbl: xsd:anyURI is awkward and it's not clear it adds anything
alanr: i was asking about
has-content-type , which is marked as an rdfs:Literal,
similarly status-code
... this would permit things marked with language
... if we just say it's a string, we rule out nonsensical cases
such as a content-type that's in a language
timbl: timbl has an action item to align tabulator's ontology with this one
alanr: tabulator should use its own namespace
timbl: no, tabulator is trying to be faithful to http
<timbl> "text/plain"
<alanr> "text/plain"^xsd:string
<dbooth> dbooth: if these rules are going to correctly reflect HTTP, then the types should match the http spec s much as possible. I'm not sure what type the http spec says the value of the content-type header is.
alanr: the ^^xsd:string should be inferred if the range of the predicate is specified properly
<timbl> "text/plain"^^xsd:string
timbl: no, doesn't work that way
<Stuart> IIRC typed literals and plain literals are distinct in RDF.
alanr: have to check that one
***** let's plan to leave off at 9:55 so that we can consider next steps (homework) *****
alanr: maybe change the n3 parser to that "string" missing a ^^ is impicitly a xsd:string
<alanr> alan agrees that syntax should match practice
<Stuart> *if* you make that change how would you then enter a plain literal?
ISSUE: use of "..." syntax in relation to strings and literatls -- table
<Stuart> ...and what would you do about all the existing N3/Turtle documents.
<alanr> hasDirectGetReply subproperty hasGetReply
dbooth: next rule is questionable
- it says that a 301 means that the new location URI names the
same resource as the original
... this is based on the http spec
****** it's 9:55
dbooth: this is a somewhat
difficult area
... then what is the purpose of IR if these two things are
*not* the same
<alanr> then informationresource not an abstract object?
stuart: which rule?
<timbl> ?r1 = ?r2 .
<dbooth> dbooth: I should give each rule a name, for easier reference
<dbooth> stuart: line numbers would be good.
dbooth: the one whose comment starts "Furthermore, 301, 302, and 307"
<alanr> +1
stuart: suggests everyone read and comment on the rule set, via email, before next meeting
timbl: different information
resources that are the same work - please read the design
issues note
... specific vs. generic IRs -- core to the way the web
<dbooth> dbooth: if the two things should *not* be considered the same IR, then why not?
timbl: timbls's goal for next
week: figure same-work-as into this ontology
... you can have uris that aren't "on the web", or that are for
IRs but have no reference to the web
[scribe may have made up 'are for IRs' in the previous. need to be careful]
<alanr> permanent redirect shouldn't be from permanent to temporary, though
(discussion about 301, 302, and what they say about where the resource is, now & later)
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/in/and/ Succeeded: i/jar: We discussed the progress/Scribe: dbooth Succeeded: i/jar: We discussed the progress/ScribeNick: dbooth Succeeded: i/discussion of jar's table/Scribe: jar Found Scribe: dbooth Found ScribeNick: dbooth Found Scribe: jar Inferring ScribeNick: jar Scribes: dbooth, jar ScribeNicks: dbooth, jar Default Present: +1.617.253.aaaa, Alan, TimBL, jar, stuart, dbooth Present: TimBL DBooth AlanR Jonathan Stuart Got date from IRC log name: 04 Mar 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]