19:01:06 RRSAgent has joined #sml 19:01:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/17-sml-irc 19:01:13 johnarwe has joined #sml 19:01:23 Zakim has joined #sml 19:01:29 Sandy has joined #sml 19:01:38 Scribe: Jordan Boucher 19:01:45 ScribeNick: jboucher 19:02:13 Meeting: SML Teleconference 2008-01-17 19:02:29 zakim, this is sml 19:02:32 johnarwe, this was already XML_SMLWG()2:00PM 19:02:34 ok, johnarwe; that matches XML_SMLWG()2:00PM 19:02:49 Chair: John 19:03:08 zakim, aadd is me 19:03:08 +johnarwe; got it 19:03:09 zakim, aabb is me 19:03:10 +Valentina; got it 19:03:21 +[Microsoft] 19:03:26 ginny has joined #sml 19:03:27 zulah has joined #sml 19:03:27 zakim, aacc is me 19:03:27 +kirk; got it 19:03:37 MSM has changed the topic to: SML call 17 January http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2008Jan/0038.html 19:03:40 Kumar has joined #sml 19:03:46 zakim, please call MSM-Office 19:03:46 ok, MSM; the call is being made 19:03:47 +MSM 19:03:48 zakim, aaaa is me 19:03:48 +jboucher; got it 19:03:55 Jim has joined #sml 19:04:09 + +1.610.277.aaee 19:04:43 +??P14 19:05:04 -??P14 19:05:28 + +1.530.823.aaff 19:05:35 06zakim, who's on the phone?01 19:05:50 zakim, aaff is me 19:05:50 +ginny; got it 19:06:07 zakim, who's here? 19:06:07 On the phone I see jboucher, Valentina, kirk, Sandy, johnarwe, [Microsoft], MSM, +1.610.277.aaee, ginny 19:06:09 On IRC I see Jim, Kumar, zulah, ginny, Sandy, Zakim, johnarwe, RRSAgent, kirk, Valentina, jboucher, MSM, trackbot-ng 19:06:38 zakim, [Microsoft] is me 19:06:38 +Kumar; got it 19:06:49 zakim, aaee is me 19:06:49 +Jim; got it 19:08:02 Topic: roll call 19:08:11 regrets: Pratul, Zulah (partial) 19:08:18 Topic: approval of minutes 19:08:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2008Jan/att-0010/2008-01-03-minutes.htm 19:08:56 Resolution: minutes approved 19:09:07 Topic: overdue actions 19:10:53 only 1 and Pratul is not present 19:10:59 Topic: Bugs 19:12:00 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5368 19:12:12 Kumar: mark editorial 19:13:10 Resolution: so marked (by Ginny) 19:13:47 Valentina: point 2 & 3 are fixed by webmaster, only 1 is editorial now 19:13:56 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5379 19:14:32 John: needs agreement? 19:15:25 Resolution: so marked, target LC 19:17:27 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5380 19:18:40 Sandy: believes it is editorial 19:19:11 Resolution: so marked, answer to Sandy's final question is no 19:19:22 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5382 19:21:34 pratul has joined #sml 19:22:32 Kirk: mark editorial 19:23:03 Resolution: so marked 19:23:09 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5383 19:23:45 Kirk: mark editorial, perhaps revisit for EPR note 19:25:50 Sandy: perhaps open a separate issue? 19:28:06 Kirk: will open an issue for the EPR note component 19:29:00 Syntactically, the content of a locator can be a documentURI element defined by SML-IF or anything else understood by the consumer. Typically it is a URI, an XLink [XLink], or a Web Services Addressing endpoint reference [WS-Addressing Core]. 19:29:37 Resolution: mark 5383 editorial, open new issue for EPR note 19:29:59 ... remove the sentence starting with "Typically ..." 19:30:07 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5384 19:32:29 Resolution: mark editorial, remove use of equivalent (and variants thereof) 19:32:34 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5386 19:34:04 Resolution: mark editorial 19:34:12 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5387 19:36:14 Kirk: addressed by content sent by Sandy earlier today 19:38:12 The SML URI Scheme can be used in an SML-IF [SML-IF 1.1] document to reference documents from the interchange set. 19:39:24 Ginny: fixed right after the release of 3rd draft 19:39:37 Ginny: mark won't fix 19:40:02 Sandy: suggests duplicate instead 19:40:39 Resolution: make it so 19:40:43 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5388 19:40:49 Kirk: oh boy! 19:41:05 Kirk: mark needs review 19:42:04 Kirk: feels reference is overloaded and should be defined more clearly 19:44:58 John: check use of reference used on its own and qualify them 19:45:27 John: define SML reference and SML reference scheme 19:46:04 Kirk: distinguish use of scheme carefully as well, wrt. xpointer scheme 19:48:27 John: search and qualify use of scheme, in addition to reference 19:48:54 Resolution: 19:48:55 Define 2 terms - SML Reference (currently "Reference" in the terminology section) and SML Reference scheme (definition should indicate that it is different from xpath schemes) 19:48:57 Review all uses of unqualified "reference" and fix if necessary. Also review uses of "scheme". 19:48:58 Resolution: mark needs review, proposal is as discussed above 19:49:45 s/xpath/xpointer/ 19:50:14 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5389 19:50:36 Valentia: mark editorial 19:50:50 Resolution: so marked 19:51:28 Topic: Needs Review Bugs 19:51:34 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4687 19:53:01 John: has everyone had time? any objections to marking fixed? 19:53:05 Resolution: so marked 19:54:06 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4774 19:54:45 John: has everyone had time to review? any objections to marking fixed? 19:54:56 Resolution: so marked 19:55:06 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4992 19:55:51 Ginny: reviewed Sandy's suggestions and agrees 19:56:33 John: Kirk to add a link to comments in email 19:57:19 John: has everyone had time to review? any objections to marking fixed? 19:57:51 s/fixed/editorial/ 19:58:19 Resolution: mark as editorial 19:58:49 Topic: Needs Agreement Bugs 19:59:04 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5298 19:59:57 Sandy: target is CR, so skip 20:00:06 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5396 20:02:07 scratch 5396, it does not exist 20:02:12 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5306 20:14:17 Kirk, Kumar: discussion of possibly reducing scope down to schema complete and versoin 20:14:48 MSM: usefulness of version as a data-stamp, for debug, etc, but not for constraining consumers 20:15:35 ...i.e. consumers must be required to proceed in the face of unknown versions, if (in a practical sense) you want to be able to deploy future versions. 20:20:44 ...MSM strongly recommends using version numbers. eg a 1.0 consumer, receiving a 2.0 document, still must attempt to process the 2.0 document (as a 1.0 document with some unknown extensions). Since 1.0 consumers are not allowed to just fail based on the version number, a disincentive to deploying 2.0 producers is absent. 20:21:25 ... If the 2.0 format also happens to be 1.0-compliant, works fine. 20:26:07 John: Kirk to rev proposal per scope discussed above 20:26:33 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5341 20:26:51 Sandy: also a CR target 20:27:13 ... skip it 20:27:20 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5379 20:28:11 MSM: my analysis has not progressed since last week, some by F2F next week 20:28:59 Kumar: some idea of where you are going? 20:30:42 MSM: yes, leaning towards all constraints on types and elements (and lots more summary stated on phone) 20:39:04 Kumar: what is the value of allowing constraints on both types and elements? 20:42:07 MSM: a reason is to allow acyclic and target* to defined in the same places 20:44:04 ... a 2nd reason is wrt language design choices/patterns 20:45:38 Ginny: I totally agree with MSM 20:50:00 ... 1) prefer working in types, 2) require good reasons for restrictions, 3) support consistency 20:51:55 Sandy: certain constraints make sense on elements but not types, XML schema examples support this pattern 20:54:25 John: points out design perspectives may have varied on decision points 20:54:49 ... why do it this way? vs. why not do it this way? 20:55:38 ... what use case supports the decision? or, contradicts it? 20:56:24 Ginny: acyclic was discussed for weeks and determined to be needed on types 20:59:24 have to leave now. 20:59:27 Kumar: suggests impact to existing models is too great to allow target* on types 21:00:23 -Jim 21:00:30 MSM: suggests taking some further discussion into an email thread 21:01:16 -Kumar 21:01:18 rrsagent, make log public 21:01:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:01:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/17-sml-minutes.html jboucher 21:02:16 -kirk 21:02:40 -Sandy 21:03:04 -ginny 21:03:06 -Valentina 21:03:08 -jboucher 21:03:09 -johnarwe 21:03:14 -MSM 21:03:15 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 21:03:17 Attendees were +1.303.495.aaaa, +1.905.413.aabb, +1.603.823.aacc, Sandy, +1.845.433.aadd, johnarwe, Valentina, kirk, MSM, jboucher, +1.610.277.aaee, +1.530.823.aaff, ginny, Kumar, 21:03:19 ... Jim 21:03:21 /quit 21:03:33 rrsagent, bye 21:03:33 I see no action items