15:47:08 RRSAgent has joined #xproc 15:47:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/03-xproc-irc 15:47:10 Zakim has joined #xproc 15:47:12 Zakim, this will be xproc 15:47:12 ok, Norm; I see XML_PMWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 13 minutes 15:47:39 ruilopes has joined #xproc 15:53:28 Meeting: XML Processing Model WG 15:53:28 Date: 3 January 2008 15:53:28 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/01/03-agenda 15:53:28 Meeting: 96 15:53:28 Chair: Norm 15:53:29 Scribe: Norm 15:53:31 ScribeNick: Norm 15:57:15 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has now started 15:57:22 +Norm 15:58:40 alexmilowski has joined #xproc 16:00:50 ht has joined #xproc 16:01:12 zakim, please call ht-781 16:01:12 ok, ht; the call is being made 16:01:14 +Ht 16:01:25 richard has joined #xproc 16:01:50 zakim, please call me at Office 16:01:50 ok, MSM; the call is being made 16:01:51 +MSM 16:01:57 + +1.415.404.aaaa 16:01:59 +??P8 16:01:59 zakim, ? is me 16:01:59 +richard; got it 16:02:28 Zakim, who's on the phone? 16:02:28 On the phone I see Norm, Ht, MSM, richard, +1.415.404.aaaa 16:02:33 Zakim, aaaa is alexmilowski 16:02:33 +alexmilowski; got it 16:03:14 Regrets: Alessandro, Paul 16:03:22 Present: Norm, Michael, Henry, Richard, Alex 16:03:25 MoZ has joined #xproc 16:03:49 Zakim, what is the code ? 16:03:49 the conference code is 97762 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), MoZ 16:04:13 Regrets: Alessandro, Paul, Murray 16:04:31 +MoZ 16:05:06 Present: Norm, Michael, Henry, Richard, Alex, Mohamed 16:05:08 +??P14 16:05:12 Present: Norm, Michael, Henry, Richard, Alex, Mohamed, Rui 16:05:22 Topic: Accept this agenda? 16:05:22 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/01/03-agenda 16:05:24 Zakim, ? is me 16:05:24 +ruilopes; got it 16:05:41 Accepted. 16:05:42 +??P16 16:05:49 Present: Norm, Michael, Henry, Richard, Alex, Mohamed, Rui, Andrew 16:05:58 Zakim, ??P16 is Andrew 16:05:58 +Andrew; got it 16:06:05 Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 16:06:05 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/12/20-minutes 16:06:10 Accepted. 16:06:17 Topic: Next meeting: telcon 10 January 2008? 16:06:31 No regrets given. 16:07:15 Topic: Last call comments 16:07:15 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/09/lastcall/comments.html 16:08:03 Topic: 81. A proposal to restructure our top-level syntax 16:09:00 Norm wonders if Alex has any thoughts. 16:09:03 Alex: I generally like it. 16:09:37 Alex wonders if there are any controversial parts in the minds of others 16:09:39 Silence 16:10:00 Norm: Is there anyone on the call that thinks we shouldn't do this? 16:10:30 Michael: The fundamental idea seems good. Some of the special cases for defaulting are problematic. 16:11:44 Alex: When you have a p:pipeline, any inputs and outputs are additive, is that right? 16:12:02 Richard: Yes, as I framed it, p:pipeline is just syntactic sugar for a declaration with a p:input and a p:output. 16:12:33 ...The advantage it gives is that there's a fully explicit syntax for things. 16:12:46 ...If you want an abbreviated syntax, then p:pipeline is it, and the abbreviation seems to me to be very straightforwarde. 16:12:50 s/forwarde/forward/ 16:12:59 Alex: Can you point to a p:pipeline to import it. 16:13:10 Richard: I don't see why not. 16:13:30 In fact, you can point to all three, a p:pipeline, a p:declare-step, or a p:library. 16:14:26 Some discussion of the fact that this means you can point to a declare-step implemented by other means as well. 16:14:45 Let's consider the options in Richard's proposal: 16:14:56 1. How to refer to pipeline input ports within a subpipeline. 16:16:03 Norm: I have a preference for using the local name of the type. 16:17:09 ##local 16:17:12 Richard: That has an impact on option 3, since it will make some inputs totally unavaiable. 16:17:27 Alex: Why not make the type required. 16:17:40 Henry: You could do that, you could take 1 and 3 as a package solution. 16:18:16 Henry expresses a preference for requiring the name if we don't go with the absent step attribute shortcut. 16:18:23 s/the name/the type/ 16:19:05 Henry: The advantage of requiring all pipelines to be typed is that it means you can always import them. 16:19:29 Richard: And conversely, having untyped pipelines allows authors to prevent them from being reused. 16:19:47 s/reused/reused without copying/ 16:21:01 Mohamed: I prefer to use the local name as well. Omitting the name is just too complicated to understand. 16:21:16 So, for option 1, we'll use the local name of the step type. 16:21:44 2. Should the defaulted input and output on p:pipeline have referenceable names. 16:22:15 Richard: I think that if they don't have referencable names, how can you call the pipeline? That's compelling to me. 16:23:04 Norm: I feel a little odd because we've made the other choice elsewhere. 16:23:13 Richard: yes, but no where else is it exposed externally. 16:23:15 s/yes/Yes/ 16:23:49 Anyone disagree? 16:25:17 Mohamed points out that you could still call them, as long as the call used the primary input port. 16:25:38 Richard: I think the the point of the simplification is that it simplifies things for the author, it shouldn't constrain the user. 16:25:41 s/the the/the/ 16:26:30 Ok, for 2, we'll use the names "source" and "result" 16:27:49 3. The type attribute is optional on p:pipeline. 16:29:17 Norm: I think at the moment I favor making it optional, the point of the default syntax is to make things simple and requiring a type you never use doesn't seem simple. 16:29:27 Henry: I think we should try that and see if we get pushback. 16:29:50 So, for 3, we leave it optional. 16:31:41 Norm summarizes the consequences of the choices. 16:32:27 Richard: I left the 'primary' off of my equivalence summary in email. 16:36:52 Mohamed: I'm wondering about the mandatory nature of input and output in the p:pipeline case. 16:37:22 Norm: I think pipelines that have no input or no output are going to be much less common. 16:37:28 It's not "do something extra if you want to reuse", it's "don't use this abbrevation if you want to reuse" 16:41:05 ACTION: Norm to craft an editor's draft implementing these decisions 16:41:18 Topic: 90. Questions and comments 16:41:22 s/90/89/ 16:41:38 Norm: On closer inspection, I decided that these were editorial or clarifications. 16:42:45 Topic: Future plans 16:43:08 Norm: Seems like we're done. 16:43:11 Henry: Time for a last call. 16:43:25 Richard: Do we want to introduce this renaming in a last call. 16:44:06 Norm muses about that. 16:44:41 Norm: I guess it's time to get an editor's draft out that includes all of the decisions we've made. 16:45:07 Norm: Anyone know of anything else that's outstanding? 16:45:21 Mohamed: At some point we talked about splitting the spec. 16:45:29 Richard: Having the step library separate, you mean? 16:45:32 Mohamed: yes. 16:46:07 Norm: I'll put that on the agenda for next week. 16:46:14 Topic: Any other business? 16:46:21 None. 16:46:32 Adjourned. 16:46:35 -richard 16:46:36 -ruilopes 16:46:36 -Andrew 16:46:37 -Ht 16:46:38 -MoZ 16:46:44 -MSM 16:51:35 -Norm 16:51:37 -alexmilowski 16:51:38 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has ended 16:51:39 Attendees were Norm, Ht, MSM, +1.415.404.aaaa, richard, alexmilowski, MoZ, ruilopes, Andrew 16:58:46 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 16:58:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:58:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/03-xproc-minutes.html Norm 17:13:26 Norm has joined #xproc 18:43:39 Zakim has left #xproc