13:56:52 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 13:56:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-irc 13:57:01 meeting: i18n ITS WG 13:57:03 chair: Yves 13:57:08 scribe: Felix 13:57:13 scribeNick: fsasaki 13:58:01 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0027.html 13:59:57 Jirka has joined #i18nits 14:00:08 I18N_TS()9:00AM has now started 14:00:16 + +420.4.824.0.aaaa 14:00:39 YvesS has joined #i18nits 14:01:04 -Jirka 14:01:07 +Jirka 14:01:09 bbogacki has joined #i18nits 14:01:09 chriLi has joined #i18nits 14:01:11 +Felix 14:01:37 +Yves_Savourel 14:01:43 +[SAP] 14:01:56 +??P12 14:02:02 zakim, who is there? 14:02:05 I don't understand your question, YvesS. 14:02:14 zakim, who is here? 14:02:15 On the phone I see Jirka, Felix, Yves_Savourel, Christian, Bartosz 14:02:18 On IRC I see chriLi, bbogacki, YvesS, Jirka, RRSAgent, Zakim, fsasaki, r12a, trackbot-ng 14:02:53 topic: action items 14:02:55 http://www.w3.org/International/its/track/actions/open 14:03:18 ACTION-2 XHTML issues 14:03:22 zakim, dial richard 14:03:22 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:03:25 +Richard 14:03:41 Yves: need to decide whether to keep or remove the section 14:03:51 ACTION-3 skipped for now 14:04:03 ACTION-11 ITS and XForms 14:04:40 ACTION-24 ITS and XProc 14:04:47 Jirka: XProc new WD available 14:05:21 ... there is an attribute with translatable content in the WD 14:05:59 .. it is better than previous WD, but not completely resolved 14:06:06 Yves: how to follow-up? 14:07:03 Felix: propose that Jirka sends a mail to the XProc people with his concerns, keeping us in CC 14:07:14 Jirka: OK, keep the AI open, I'll send a mail 14:07:43 ACTION-31 14:08:11 Yves: everything resolved here, AI can be closed 14:08:13 Close ACTION-31 14:08:13 ACTION-31 Provide correction for examples 39 and 40 closed 14:11:05 ACTION-33 14:11:47 pending 14:12:06 ACTION-45 , done offline, but not closed yet 14:12:34 ACTION-44 ongoing 14:12:56 http://www.w3.org/TR/#last-call 14:13:04 Topic: reviews 14:13:31 nothing new 14:13:46 topic: Best Practices Working Draft 14:14:49 Yves: thanks to Richard a lot for editing, saw nothing except BP 24 14:14:54 .. how about others? 14:15:18 Richard: So I can accept also change to subtitles and blue background text? 14:15:47 Felix: happy with the changes and moving forward 14:15:53 s/happy/also/ 14:16:00 Yves: now BP 24 14:16:41 Yves: sometimes we have XML files which contain XML source of some other files 14:18:20 Felix: our examples in the XMLSPEC source are also XML data which is not part of the XMLSPEC vocabulary 14:18:58 Yves: problem is for what is inside elements, mostly HTML data 14:19:10 .. content is not authoring content, but just storage as XML 14:19:39 Richard: you said "we can't add markup since it is storage". Were do you want to add markup? 14:20:11 Yves: I don't want to add markup, just process the "stored as data" XML 14:20:34 .. e.g. if we have XHTML data , the text should be XHTML markup 14:21:32 Richard: so how about our XHTML output of the BP document? 14:21:54 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html#AuthMarkupAsText 14:21:56 Yves: that is an output format, but in most cases we look into temporary stortage formats 14:23:24 Richard: were do we have such scenarios: translation tools? 14:23:31 Yves: yes, and spell checking, QA etc. 14:23:42 .. all kinds of localization related processing 14:24:06 .. often there is no way around this, but in some places it helps to use namespaces 14:25:10 Richard: if we need to translate into Arabic and need to put e.g. a span element 14:25:49 .. if you would have CDATA, you would put in the tags in escaped forms 14:25:59 Yves: problem is not adding markup to target output 14:26:05 .. problem is processing 14:26:18 .. you don't distinguish element from the text 14:27:28 Richard: is it localization properties? 14:27:42 Yves: no, all kinds of processing 14:28:03 Felix: like writing a translateRule element, that would not match for escaped elements 14:28:18 .. e.g. a code element 14:28:34 Richard: you would need to put the code element into a namespace anyway? 14:28:57 Felix: yes, but not escaping them via 14:29:25 .. e.g. <myns:code> ... 14:29:32 Christian: what is escaping here? 14:29:41 Richard: changing markup into content 14:30:32 Yves: big problem is putting XML into XML. The "hosted" XML is text, not XML anymore 14:30:40 .. that is the problem 14:30:59 .. there is no real solution, except flaging the content like JavaScript 14:31:11 .. by saying "this is not plain text, but 'escaped' HTML" 14:31:33 Richard: we have to find an example that makes that clear 14:32:59 Yves: I can try to make an explanation 14:33:16 Richard: you said it is the use, that makes this clearer 14:33:53 action: Yves to make an explanation of the BP 24 issue 14:33:53 Created ACTION-46 - Make an explanation of the BP 24 issue [on Yves Savourel - due 2007-12-12]. 14:34:25 Yves: how about other sections? 14:34:29 Richard: still working on some 14:34:53 Yves: we got feedback from Bartosz, are you happy with my replies and changes? 14:41:22 action: Felix to look into having numbers for BPs in the table of contents, Richard to see if he has some code for that 14:41:22 Created ACTION-47 - Look into having numbers for BPs in the table of contents, Richard to see if he has some code for that [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-12-12]. 14:43:14 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html#xmlspec 14:44:25 Felix: we need to update the XMLSPEC section to use the official XMLSPEC dtd (not the modified XMLSPEC i18n DTD) 14:44:44 .. and we need to mention that we will update the XMLSPEC i18n DTD accordingly 14:45:00 action: Felix to update XMLSPEC dtd 14:45:00 Created ACTION-48 - Update XMLSPEC dtd [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-12-12]. 14:45:25 Yves: we will need to go through sec. 4 later 14:45:47 Richard: will not go through this section in detail 14:46:28 topic: editorship for BP document 14:46:48 everybody agrees that Richard should be co-editor of BP document! 14:46:56 topic: AOB 14:51:10 Yves: next meeting would be 9 a.m. in Central Europe time, fine with everybody? 14:51:34 no disagreement 14:53:00 action: Felix to change teleconf reservation 14:53:00 Created ACTION-49 - Change teleconf reservation [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-12-12]. 14:53:51 topic: ITS2Y 14:54:09 Christian and Felix were and will follow up 14:54:16 -Christian 14:54:17 -Bartosz 14:54:19 -Felix 14:54:19 -Jirka 14:54:22 -Yves_Savourel 14:54:45 present: Richard, Christian, Yves, Jirka, Bartosz, Felix 14:54:49 -Richard 14:54:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:54:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 14:54:50 I18N_TS()9:00AM has ended 14:54:51 Attendees were +420.4.824.0.aaaa, Jirka, Felix, Yves_Savourel, [SAP], Christian, Bartosz, Richard 14:55:15 Jirka has left #i18nits 14:55:34 i just uploaded a new version of its-techniques.html which seems to have captured the changes made in external files 14:59:22 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-actions.rdf : 14:59:22 ACTION: Yves to make an explanation of the BP 24 issue [1] 14:59:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-irc#T14-33-53 14:59:22 ACTION: Felix to look into having numbers for BPs in the table of contents, Richard to see if he has some code for that [2] 14:59:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-irc#T14-41-22 14:59:22 ACTION: Felix to update XMLSPEC dtd [3] 14:59:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-irc#T14-45-00 14:59:22 ACTION: Felix to change teleconf reservation [4] 14:59:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/05-i18nits-irc#T14-53-00 14:59:28 Zakim has left #i18nits