18:58:42 RRSAgent has joined #sml 18:58:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-sml-irc 18:59:01 zakim, ??P1 is me 18:59:01 +ginny; got it 18:59:21 +Jim 19:00:25 Jordan has joined #sml 19:00:58 +??P5 19:01:08 +Jordan 19:01:18 Kirk has joined #sml 19:01:46 johnarwe has joined #sml 19:01:52 +Kirk 19:02:36 pratul has joined #sml 19:03:01 Chair: John 19:03:10 +[Microsoft] 19:03:24 Zakim, Microsoft is me 19:03:24 +pratul; got it 19:03:31 zakim, who's here? 19:03:31 On the phone I see ginny, Jim, ??P5, Jordan, Kirk, pratul 19:03:32 On IRC I see pratul, johnarwe, Kirk, Jordan, RRSAgent, Zakim, Sandy, ginny, Jim, trackbot-ng 19:03:39 zakim, ??P5 is me 19:03:40 +johnarwe; got it 19:03:44 +Sandy 19:08:51 Topic: Approval of minutes from 8 Nov 19:09:03 +[Microsoft] 19:09:16 Resolution: 8 Nov minutes approved 19:09:47 Topic: Upcoming Meetings 19:10:19 Schedule remains unchanged. 19:12:10 Topic: FYI from CG on XML 1.0 19:12:43 John: Don't believe this affects us directly. 19:13:39 CG will issue proposal to modigy XML 1.0 with an erratum allowing XML 1.1 names and characters to be valid. 19:14:49 Topic: Review bugs with no keywords 19:15:34 +Zulah_Eckert 19:16:28 Topic: Bug 4775 19:16:35 zeckert has joined #SML 19:17:53 Resolution: Removing dependencies, accepting Kumar's proposal (#2), and moving to editorial. 19:18:12 Topic: Bug 4894 19:23:12 Resolution: Accept proposal in Comment #3 and mark as editorial. 19:23:24 Topic: Bug 5421 19:25:17 s/5421/5241/ 19:26:52 Kumar has joined #sml 19:27:25 Resolution: Accept proposal with URI changed to URI-reference and in 2a say 'scheme instance is unresolved'. Mark as editorial. 19:27:40 Topic: Bug 4994 19:29:53 Resolution: Change to Won't Fix. 19:30:08 Topic: Bug 4992 19:42:36 zakim, who is making noise? 19:42:46 johnarwe, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: pratul (9%), Sandy (34%), [Microsoft] (56%) 19:47:07 Still not settled on proposals in Comment #6 and #5. Will continue discussion in email . 19:47:22 Topic: Bug 5247 19:52:11 This Bug relates to Bug 5047 where it is allowed for to have no content. 19:53:59 Kumar: Changing this to disallow this case requires an implementation change for me. 19:56:22 + +1.416.386.aaaa 19:58:53 current def: The SML-IF interchange set is the set of documents that constitute the SML model to be interchanged. 20:00:18 Proposal: Leave things as they are but add clarification on its use. If metadata is empty then it is not part of the document. 20:03:58 johnarwe has left #sml 20:04:12 johnarwe has joined #sml 20:04:28 johnarwe has left #sml 20:04:35 johnarwe has joined #sml 20:08:11 Valentina has joined #sml 20:11:02 Resolution: Agreed to empty element. Mark as editorial, needsReview. Kumar will take this and create appropriate wording. 20:14:42 Topic: Bug 4788 20:23:40 Resolution: This Bug can be changed to Fixed as is. 20:24:36 Action: Jim to open similar Bug for SML-IF. 20:24:36 Sorry, couldn't find user - Jim 20:25:57 Action 1 = James to open similar Bug for SML-IF. 20:36:35 Topic: Bug 5069 20:37:09 s/5069/5095 20:40:51 Resolution: Mark as Fixed. 20:43:26 Topic: Bug 4675 20:44:52 Levels of conformance are on the document not the producer or consumer. 20:45:20 Ginny: Is a conformant producer one which produces a level 1 document? 20:45:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Oct/0261.html 20:46:12 - All producers MUST be able to produce IF documents using URI scheme 20:46:12 - All consumers MUST be able to process IF documents using URI scheme 20:46:12 - IF documents using URI scheme for all SML references (and satisfy all 20:46:12 other IF requirements) are level 2 conformant 20:46:12 - IF documents containing at least one SML reference that doesn't use URI 20:46:13 scheme (and satisfy all other IF requirements) are level 1 conformant 20:47:49 Will edit according to the wording above, adding that this is for non-null references only. 20:52:36 Topic: Bug 5024 20:54:01 Will review offline due to extensive nature of changes. 21:00:20 Action: James to open bug for use of URI scheme term to be changed to SML URI scheme. 21:00:20 Created ACTION-153 - Open bug for use of URI scheme term to be changed to SML URI scheme. [on James Lynn - due 2007-11-22]. 21:01:20 -pratul 21:01:21 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:01:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-sml-minutes.html Jim 21:01:21 -Zulah_Eckert 21:01:22 -Sandy 21:01:24 -Jordan 21:01:24 -ginny 21:01:25 -johnarwe 21:01:26 - +1.416.386.aaaa 21:01:26 -Kirk 21:01:28 -Jim 21:01:30 -[Microsoft] 21:01:31 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 21:01:33 Attendees were ginny, Jim, Jordan, Kirk, pratul, johnarwe, Sandy, [Microsoft], Zulah_Eckert, +1.416.386.aaaa 21:02:14 rrsagent, make minutes public 21:02:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', johnarwe. Try /msg RRSAgent help 21:02:25 already done 21:02:48 or at least I thought so 21:03:43 that's what I'm getting 21:03:56 rrsagent, make log public 21:04:23 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:04:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-sml-minutes.html Sandy 21:04:42 They are there now. 21:38:33 They are there now. 22:12:55 Zakim has left #sml 22:13:39 johnarwe has left #sml 22:38:31 Kumar` has joined #sml