17:59:01 RRSAgent has joined #sml 17:59:01 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/09/20-sml-irc 17:59:36 +[Microsoft] 17:59:47 Zakim, Microsoft is me 17:59:47 +pratul; got it 18:00:38 +Valentina 18:00:51 Valentina has joined #sml 18:01:46 zakim, please call MSM-Office 18:01:46 ok, MSM; the call is being made 18:01:47 +MSM 18:02:13 MSM has changed the topic to: SML WG call 20 Sept 2007, agenda at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-comments/2007AprJun/0030.html 18:02:38 MSM has changed the topic to: SML WG call 20 Sept 2007, agenda at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Sep/0205.html 18:03:00 +Sandy 18:05:17 zakim, who's here? 18:05:17 On the phone I see Jim, pratul, Valentina, MSM, Sandy 18:05:18 On IRC I see Valentina, RRSAgent, Zakim, Sandy, Jim, pratul, MSM, trackbot-ng 18:07:23 scribe: Jim 18:07:54 rrsagent, make logs public 18:08:11 rrsagent, generate minutes 18:08:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/20-sml-minutes.html Jim 18:08:44 Chair: Pratul 18:09:10 Topic: Approval of minutes 18:09:42 Pratul raised the concern that we do not have 50% quorom to approve minutes 18:11:32 Kumar has joined #sml 18:11:44 MSM stated that the process document allows the Chair a fair ammount of flexibility. 18:13:31 Chair declares that hearing no objectinos or concerns, the minutes for 9/13/07 are approved. 18:14:28 Pratul proposed that any “second draft” bug that is still marked as “needsAgreement” or “needsReview” at the end of this call is out of scope for the second draft. 18:15:14 +[Microsoft] 18:23:16 q+ 18:23:29 Bug 4793 needs significant rewriting and Jim and Pratul feel it should be removed from second draft. 18:24:16 Topic: Review of Bugs for Second Draft 18:25:26 q- 18:25:27 zakim, [Microsoft] is Kumar 18:25:28 +Kumar; got it 18:28:42 The current changes related to the target* section should be rolled back. 18:29:37 Topic: Verify consensus on the bugs marked as editorial. 18:29:42 I propose two changes for resolving 4638 18:29:42 1) In the running text, change all references to "XML 1.0", "XML 18:29:43 Schema 1.0" (etc.) to read just "XML", "XML Schema", etc., without 18:29:43 specific version numbers. 18:29:43 2) For 18:29:45 However, the current specification does not impose any 18:29:48 restrictions on using newer versions of the XML, XML Schema, 18:29:50 Schematron or XPath specifications. 18:29:53 read 18:29:55 However, conforming implementations MAY additionally support later 18:29:58 versions of the XML, XML Schema, Schematron or XPath 18:30:00 specifications. 18:40:04 s/4638/4630/ 18:40:30 The group agrees that the changes proposed by MSM will be made in the next draft. 18:41:36 The group declares consensus on the bugs listed as editorial fixes. 18:42:37 Topic: Consensus on bugs 4665 and 4682 18:48:04 MSM expressed some concerns about not referring to RFC 3986 but will come back to this. 18:48:31 (Ref: Bug 4665)- 18:48:49 Teh group reached consensus on 4665. 18:49:35 The group reached consensus on 4682. 18:50:26 Topic: Bugs that are in "needsAgreement" for second draft. 18:53:27 Topic: Process in handling disucssions regarding bugs. 18:53:41 [It's a very useful practice to say: if you DO comment on a particular issue in email, you should ALWAYS indicate the issue number in the subject line] 18:54:17 Valentina suggested that discussions be done in Bugzilla as this is where the editors will look when changes are made to the draft. 18:55:34 This relates only to discussions related to an open bug in bugzilla. 18:56:39 Action: Valentina to write short summary of her proposal to be reviewed and approved in the next call. 18:56:39 Created ACTION-122 - Write short summary of her proposal to be reviewed and approved in the next call. [on Valentina Popescu - due 2007-09-27]. 18:58:43 s/Teh/The/ 19:00:14 4632 Use of IRIs 19:00:28 [Sandy, are you postulating a semantic difference between URIs and IRIs? At the level of abstraction we are working at, I think they are semantically the same -- IRIs are just a broader syntax for the same basic meaning] 19:03:11 q+ 19:10:41 q- 19:14:18 After discussion, we are declaring consensus in accordance with Kumar's proposal. 19:14:49 4635 sml:uri element name 19:15:57 4635 will be changed to Won't fix 19:16:32 4636 What should SML say about fragment identifiers? 19:18:01 I will be back in 2 min. 19:19:53 Action: Kumar to draft proposal on 4636 19:19:53 Created ACTION-123 - Draft proposal on 4636 [on Kumar Pandit - due 2007-09-27]. 19:20:04 4636 to be removed from second draft 19:20:22 4637 What should we do with EPR scheme? 19:22:43 Valentina summarized discussions she has had with Kirk: 19:23:21 There seems to be uncertainty about how the EPR scheme should be implemented. 19:23:36 Valentina suggests further investigation. 19:24:04 4639 Allow cycle checking on element graphs as well as documents 19:24:23 4639 will require further discussion. 19:24:37 4658 How should deref() treat multiple child elements that use... 19:29:25 We are waiting for feedback on Sandy's proposal. 19:29:41 4658 will be removed from second draft. 19:30:38 4675 add text in section 3.2 to require that consumers and pro... 19:31:50 It looks like this bug incorrectly is categorized as CORE - but should be SML-IF 19:33:56 Pratul will send email to John asking for clarification on the intent of the bug. 19:34:38 4679 Revise Section 6 in SML spec 19:35:43 Pratul believes that this has already been done. 19:36:09 Sandy suggested marking this as a duplicate of 4638 Conformance Section needed. 19:38:10 4687 Handling of DTDs when composing an IF document 19:42:24 Sandy-The problem is in associating a DTD with the documents that make up the SML-IF doc, since XML requires that DTDs appear before the root element of the (SML-IF) document. 19:46:49 q+ to ask whether this issue is still alive - I can't find the part of the spec being complained of 19:49:07 The section has been changed and the problem is still present in the spec. 19:55:49 An example. The following is a well-formed (and valid) XML document: 19:55:50 19:55:50 19:55:50 19:55:53 ]> 19:55:55 &bar 19:56:06 If it is embedded in an SML-IF package as described in SML-IF today, 19:56:15 (a) the SML-IF package will not be well-formed 19:57:01 (b) the infoset will be different (the 'foo' element in the IF package will be missing the 'a' attribute) 19:57:26 Families of solutions: 19:57:58 1 require that DTD dependencies be eliminated before embedding 19:58:13 ACTION: MSM to draft a rule to address handling of DTDs. 19:58:13 Sorry, couldn't find user - MSM 19:58:45 ACTION: Michael to draft a rule to address handling of DTDs. 19:58:45 Created ACTION-124 - Draft a rule to address handling of DTDs. [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2007-09-27]. 19:58:53 2 require that if there are dependencies on the DTD, the relevant declarations be propagated upwards 19:59:04 3 allow implementations to do either 1 or 2 19:59:14 4774 definitional schema documents should be preferentially us... 20:01:44 The group agrees that we should request publication of the second draft. 20:02:22 We will make the final changes to the editorial draft and post to the web. 20:05:18 -Kumar 20:05:19 -pratul 20:05:19 -Valentina 20:05:22 -Sandy 20:05:32 -MSM 20:05:45 Kumar will notify the webmaster that we are ready to publish. 20:05:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:05:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/20-sml-minutes.html Jim 20:06:07 -Jim 20:06:09 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 20:06:10 Attendees were Jim, pratul, Valentina, MSM, Sandy, Kumar 20:07:38 Topic: Publication of Second Draft 20:07:48 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:07:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/20-sml-minutes.html Jim 20:08:32 Title: SML Weekly Teleconference 20:08:40 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:08:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/20-sml-minutes.html Jim 20:09:24 Meeting: SML Weekly Teleconference 20:09:34 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:09:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/20-sml-minutes.html Jim 20:12:57 Jim has left #sml 21:55:42 Zakim has left #sml