See also: IRC log
section 2.8 (Content) Content will be moved into its own document
issue 4: finish RDF schema first and then maybe someone can create XML schema
saz: pending issue 7a
CV: issue 5b?
saz: still open except editorial part
RR: issue 8?
saz: CI's concern extensible list may become to
open for misuse/ambiguity
... need real proposal and discussion on that
... issue 7a
... heuristic -> mixed -> inferred
... proposal to drop it, too ambiguous, no real information
saz: four possible testmodes: automatic,
semi-automatic, manual, undisclosed
... discussion of aggregating tests; for atomic tests one of the four
testmodes can easily be found
... what to do if a there is a compound of several tests?
cv: still want something like testmode 'combined'
saz: the 'combined' could be extracted from the test description, so it's no new information
rr: the additional information is still that it is a combination
jk: semi-automatic itself is a combination of automatic manual parts
saz: place for combination information is in
the test description
... in EARL we already have TestRequirement vs. TestCase and SingleAssertor
vs CompoundAssertor
... proposal: dropping testmode inferred, adding a note to next schema
document version
... for us and for asking external feedback
RESOLUTION: drop testmode inferred, add a note to next schema document version
jk: no open issues, some issues we resolved (e.g. timestamping), some are addressed by new approach
<scribe> ACTION: jk to create a new document describing the new approach [recorded in]
no questions on pointers
saz: new, more complete version of the EARL guide online
cv: I want to wait with editing until HTTP-in-RDF, Content, and Pointers are more stable
saz: Content
jk: should be quite easy for me to do that
saz: no telcon on 3rd October
<scribe> ACTION: saz to create new EARL schema document by 8th October [recorded in]