18:09:09 RRSAgent has joined #sml 18:09:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/07/26-sml-irc 18:09:25 Sandy has left #sml 18:09:30 Sandy has joined #sml 18:10:14 pratul: do you have any questions on the last meeting? 18:10:50 pratul: since no questions from anyone, we should approve minutes from the last meeting. 18:11:13 scribe: Kumar Pandit 18:11:20 ScribeNick: Kumar 18:12:03 pratul: please register for f2f meeting. 18:12:19 pratul: what is PCATS? 18:14:42 msm: describes PCATS and its advantages 18:16:01 topic: post-october f2f dates / location proposed last week. 18:16:03 PCATS meeting page: http://cms.pcats.org/node/633 18:16:48 virginia: do they have telephone access in PCATS conf rooms? 18:17:38 msm: they probably do but we need to make sure that it does not involve exorbitant hotel dial-out charges. 18:18:18 Marv has joined #sml 18:18:27 pratul: michael can you find out from PCATS if they have these facilities (phone, broadbad, access, etc.) 18:18:28 Not virginia, Zulah 18:18:45 s/virginia/Zulah/ 18:20:03 pratul: apart from the queries about phone/broadbad, does anyone have objections to location (Orlando) or dates? 18:20:06 Kumar: no 18:20:44 +??P0 18:21:10 zakim, ??P0 is Marv 18:21:10 +Marv; got it 18:21:56 pratul: explains PCATS discussion to Marv 18:22:31 Marv: ok with me 18:23:56 pratul: I think we have a decision to hold Jan meeting with PCATS. this is subject to the questions about phone/internet/conf room raised earlier. If they do not have facilities, we may have to revisit the decision. 18:24:23 topic: f2f meeting in CA 18:24:34 pratul: anyone have problems with the dates? 18:25:46 pratul: no objections heard. 18:26:23 pratul: some other WG (xsl/xquery) are also meeting during this time. 18:27:17 pratul: we agree to meet in CA (oracle campus) for the march 08 meeting. 18:27:34 topic: bug/AI process 18:28:28 marv: explains the AI/bug process proposal (details in agenda email). 18:30:30 kirk: some issues come up during the meeting discussions. how will they be handled? 18:30:52 marv: if we do not know immediately if the issues is an editorial item, it would go to AI 18:31:18 pratul: any concerns? suggestions? 18:31:31 Regarding Agenda Item 5: I personally have a strong preference for SML to meet the later half of the week. Thanks. 18:31:53 I am referring to the meeting in Orlando (week of January 21st) 18:32:09 q+ 18:32:39 q- 18:33:14 kirk: if there is a big discussion there are many people involved. however, an AI is assigned to a single person. 18:33:51 paul: I personally have a strong preference for SML to meet the later half of the week. 18:34:50 Jim has joined #sml 18:35:26 topic: #7 how to recognize bug states? 18:35:46 pratul: we are not discuss this much. if you have proposals, please send them by email. 18:36:03 topic: #8 overdue AIs 18:36:44 jboucher has joined #sml 18:36:53 I will be back in a minute (need to pick up printout) 18:40:19 pratul: 1 AI for plh. is he in? 18:40:29 he is ill 18:42:19 plh: I sent email about this. IRI is supported in Java. we can close this AI. 18:42:27 pratul: Bassam? 18:42:51 not present. He sent me email about his AIs. I will go through the email and act appropriately. 18:43:06 topic: triage new bugs 18:46:30 pratul: 4876 ok for FPWD? 18:46:39 kumar: yes. it is a simple change. 18:49:17 kumar: re 4877, unless the text is to be inserted verbatim it would be better to postpone it post FPWD. 18:49:47 pratul: some parts of the abstract need to be changed. 18:50:54 marv: the word 18:51:18 marv: the work profile appears a number of times and it will need bigger change to fix it. 18:51:33 s/marv/Kirk 18:51:37 pratul: can we just change version to 1.1 ? 18:52:13 s/work/word 18:54:27 pratul: for now, we can use the suggested abstract as-is and then change the spec and the abstract later. 18:55:45 kirk: the current editorial version omits the workd IT. 18:56:32 s/workd/word/ 18:57:30 pratul: from the proposed abstract, remove the word IT. other part remains intact. 18:57:54 pratul: agreement for the above. 19:02:39 +1 to P1 for 4884 19:03:07 pratul: propose milestone for 4884 to be second draft 19:05:44 pratul: marv to be scribe for the next meeting. 19:06:31 -Zulah_Eckert 19:06:36 - +1.267.987.aadd 19:06:38 -[Microsoft] 19:06:39 -Kirk 19:06:40 -Sandy 19:06:41 -Brian 19:06:42 - +1.303.495.aacc 19:06:47 -Marv 19:06:49 -MSM 19:07:01 -[Microsoft.a] 19:07:46 zakim, bye 19:07:46 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.603.823.aaaa, +1.610.277.aabb, MSM, [Microsoft], Kirk, Sandy, Brian, James, +1.303.495.aacc, +1.267.987.aadd, Zulah_Eckert, Marv 19:07:46 Zakim has left #sml 19:08:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:08:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/07/26-sml-minutes.html Kumar 19:08:17 rrsagent, bye 19:08:57 Jim has left #sml 19:15:34 quit