11:58:15 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds 11:58:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc 11:58:34 meeting: WS Policy WG, July 2007 f2f (editor's meeting) 11:58:38 chair: Frederick 11:58:49 maryann has joined #ws-policy-eds 11:59:05 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Jul/0017.html 11:59:16 scribe: maryann 11:59:19 rrsagent, make log public 11:59:22 fjh has joined #ws-policy-eds 11:59:39 zakim, who is here? 12:00:55 fhirsch3 has joined #ws-policy-eds 12:01:13 Zakim has joined #ws-policy-eds 12:01:17 zakim, who is here? 12:01:17 sorry, fsasaki, I don't know what conference this is 12:01:18 On IRC I see fhirsch3, maryann, RRSAgent, asir, fsasaki, trackbot 12:01:24 zakim, this will be edit 12:01:24 ok, fsasaki; I see WAI_PFWG(Editors)9:00AM scheduled to start in 59 minutes 12:01:45 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Jul/0017.html 12:01:46 agenda at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Jul/0017.html 12:02:00 TOPIC: administrative 12:02:07 CHAIR: frederick 12:02:10 Regrets: Toufic, Prasad 12:02:40 present: asir, daveo, maryann, frederick, felix 12:02:51 next weeks call cancelled 12:02:52 dorchard has joined #ws-policy-eds 12:03:01 next call is 8/1/07 12:03:07 regrets 12:03:10 regrets for 8/1 from david 12:03:37 regrets from felix until 8/15 12:03:49 next call chair is asir 12:04:01 next call scripe is frederick 12:04:11 next reporter is frederick 12:04:18 s/scripe/scribe/ 12:04:20 s/15/22/ 12:04:37 Last editors call minutes: 12:04:46 http://www.w3.org/2007/07/11-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html 12:05:16 TOPIC: open actions 12:05:24 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open 12:05:44 AI-100 tickler we can ignore 12:06:15 Action 249 - still open 12:06:52 Action 309- close 12:08:09 Action - 325- closed- withdrawn by Maryann 12:08:36 Action-326 12:08:44 closed by frederick 12:09:49 Action-327 issue 4582, status, asir to complete 3/25 12:09:55 s/closed/completed/ 12:10:07 s/frederick/frederick, closed/ 12:10:36 Action-328 assigned to Toufic, status unknown 12:10:55 related to action 249 12:11:47 Action-329 assigned to everyone, asir to take, 3/25 12:12:34 Action-330 asir to take, felix to supply uri 12:13:52 Action-331 frederick to take, 4/1 12:14:19 Action-332 frederick completed and item is closed 12:15:29 Action-333 frederick completed and item is closed (freestanding statements) 12:16:43 Action-334 (new from today) bug 4854 (replace fictiitous examples with RM) assigned maryann target 4/1 12:18:27 Action-335 (new from today) bug 4859 (clarify best practice) assigned to frederick target 4/1 12:19:34 Zakim has left #ws-policy-eds 12:20:59 Action-336 (new from today) bug 4660, 4661 (optional and ignorable sections) assigned to dave o 12:22:03 Action-337 (new from today) bug 4851 assigned to frederick, completed and closed 12:22:43 Action-338 (new from today) bug 3988 ( remove section 8 ) assigned to asir, completed and closed 12:23:13 Action-339 (new from today) bug 3978 (remove section 7) assigned to asir, completed and closed 12:24:36 Action-340 ( new from today) bug 4654 ( new section guidelines on attachment) assigned to frederick, target 4/1 12:26:05 maryann to take AI335 12:27:24 Action-341 (new from today) typo assigned to daveO 12:28:00 Action-342 (new from today) bug 4660 (best practice statements) assigned to asir 12:28:30 Action-343 (new from today) bug 4664 ( adding a sentence to nested policy) assigned to daveO 12:30:40 new Action to Maryann- to contact Toufic to find status of his actions, and availability- Maryann to backup Toufics AI's 12:31:15 ACTION: Maryann to contact Toufic re:garding status of open AIs 12:31:15 Created ACTION-344 - Contact Toufic re:garding status of open AIs [on Maryann Hondo - due 2007-07-25]. 12:31:36 TOPIC: editors notes 12:33:03 these were markers for work to be completed 12:33:34 three editors notes were listed in the agenda and we need to update the working group on the staus of these items 12:34:05 editor item 1- created by Toufic, section 5.1 12:34:37 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/%7Echeckout%7E/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-guidelines.html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#assertion-target 12:34:39 has two notes 12:35:50 editor item 2- section 5.5 12:36:02 editor item 3- section 5.8 12:36:20 what remains to be done is the two in section 5.1 12:36:59 status is maryann has a new AI to ensure the closure of these two 12:39:37 reassigning 249, 328 to Dave O 12:44:32 frederick sends regrets for 8/1 12:44:44 maryann to scribe on 8/1 12:47:57 frederick - proposed strawman for next publication.....all actions completed by end of day july 27 12:48:10 deliver to WG 8/1 12:48:26 let the WG decide on publication at that meeting 12:48:45 assume there will be another round of edits before final publication 12:50:22 I will not be at 8/1 or 8/8 meeting, but will do the publication , propose 8/10 12:50:55 there is one remaining on the editors from working group--- 12:51:36 ACTION: asir to review the refeences in the docs and create a workgroup issue on august 15 12:51:36 Created ACTION-345 - Review the refeences in the docs and create a workgroup issue on august 15 [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-07-25]. 12:52:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:52:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html fsasaki 12:52:47 type http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html, 14:58:38 Action: David [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4861 14:58:38 Created ACTION-346 - [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4861 [on David Orchard - due 2007-07-25]. 15:26:25 Action: Frederick [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4695 15:26:25 Created ACTION-347 - [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4695 [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2007-07-25]. 15:56:30 Action: Frederick [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4862 15:56:31 Created ACTION-348 - [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4862 [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2007-07-25]. 16:33:31 Action: Asir [Primer] to fix the tje typo in Section 3.4 16:33:31 Created ACTION-349 - [Primer] to fix the tje typo in Section 3.4 [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-07-25]. 16:36:50 Action: Asir [Primer] to implement the resolution for issue 4857 16:36:50 Created ACTION-350 - [Primer] to implement the resolution for issue 4857 [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-07-25]. 17:14:56 rrsagent, bye 17:14:56 I see 7 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-actions.rdf : 17:14:56 ACTION: Maryann to contact Toufic re:garding status of open AIs [1] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T12-31-15 17:14:56 ACTION: asir to review the refeences in the docs and create a workgroup issue on august 15 [2] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T12-51-36 17:14:56 ACTION: David [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4861 [3] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T14-58-38 17:14:56 ACTION: Frederick [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4695 [4] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T15-26-25 17:14:56 ACTION: Frederick [Guidelines] to implement the resolution for issue 4862 [5] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T15-56-30 17:14:56 ACTION: Asir [Primer] to fix the tje typo in Section 3.4 [6] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T16-33-31 17:14:56 ACTION: Asir [Primer] to implement the resolution for issue 4857 [7] 17:14:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/18-ws-policy-eds-irc#T16-36-50 17:14:59 fsasaki has left #ws-policy-eds