15:01:09 RRSAgent has joined #grddl-wg 15:01:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/07/11-grddl-wg-irc 15:01:10 agendum 4 added 15:01:16 agenda+ PR request 15:01:18 agendum 5 added 15:01:19 DanC has changed the topic to: GRDDL WG 11 Jul http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/weekly-agenda scribe: john-l 15:01:20 agenda+ #issue-base-param 15:01:22 agendum 6 added 15:01:26 done reading agenda, DanC 15:01:33 Zakim, this will be grddl 15:01:58 ok, DanC, I see SW_GRDDL()11:00AM already started 15:02:12 +DanC 15:02:15 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:02:16 chimezie has joined #grddl-wg 15:02:30 On the phone I see +1.216.445.aaaa, DanC 15:02:41 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:02:53 Zakim, take up item 1 15:03:04 +john-l; got it 15:03:14 agendum 1. "Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2007-07-11T11:00-0400" taken up 15:03:39 Zakim, aaaa is HarryH 15:03:47 + +1.919.668.aabb 15:03:59 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:04:03 Zakim who is on the phone? 15:04:05 Zakim, aaaa is DanC 15:04:10 Zakim, aabb is HarryH 15:04:20 sorry, HarryH, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:04:22 +Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:04:31 FabienG has joined #grddl-wg 15:04:40 On the phone I see john-l, DanC, +1.919.668.aabb, Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:04:48 sorry, HarryH, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:04:52 +HarryH; got it 15:05:24 agenda + SPARQL WG wants to know about our test harness 15:05:38 rreck has joined #grddl-wg 15:05:44 +??P24 15:05:47 sorry i'm late 15:05:52 rreck 15:05:57 chair: Harry 15:05:59 Zakim, ??P24 is rreck 15:06:02 scribe: john-l 15:06:10 + +049238aacc 15:06:10 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:06:12 +rreck; got it 15:06:14 On the phone I see john-l, DanC, HarryH, Chimezie_Ogbuji, rreck, +049238aacc 15:06:26 Zakim, aacc is FabienG 15:06:26 +FabienG; got it 15:06:54 PROPOSED: to approve GRDDL WG -- 27th Jun 2007 as a tru e record 15:07:03 http://www.w3.org/2007/06/27-grddl-wg-minutes.html 15:07:13 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Jul/0010.html 15:07:37 RESOLVED: approved GRDDL WG -- 27th Jun 2007 http://www.w3.org/2007/06/27-grddl-wg-minutes.html as a tru e record 15:07:56 Scribe? 15:08:02 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:08:02 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose DanC 15:08:15 jjc has joined #grddl-wg 15:08:29 DanC is scribe next time. 15:08:44 Zakim, item 3 15:08:44 I don't understand 'item 3', HarryH 15:08:51 Zakim, next agenda 15:08:51 agendum 2. "Standard Library Transform" taken up 15:09:02 danja has joined #grddl-wg 15:09:31 (whoops, sorry, got involved in a lengthy mail) 15:09:32 Zakim, open item 3 15:09:32 agendum 3. "GRDDL Outreach" taken up 15:10:00 q+ to comment on "Kingsley and try to get GRDDL EARL results " 15:10:10 HarryH: What do we want to do with our time while GRDDL is in PR? 15:10:15 ... Outreach! 15:10:41 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Jun/0385.html 15:10:43 ... Dublin core metadata profile need to be GRDDLified. 15:10:45 Andy Powell? 15:10:48 Eduserv? 15:10:49 danja, do you know what's up with dublin core profile stuff? 15:11:00 i.e. does any of that leak from IanD to you? 15:11:11 no sorry, I completely forgot 15:11:19 Try to figure this out. 15:11:24 I can ask him now (in #talis) 15:11:30 pls do 15:11:40 ack danc 15:11:40 DanC, you wanted to comment on "Kingsley and try to get GRDDL EARL results " 15:11:58 DanC: Kingsley sent EARL results privately. 15:12:28 Chimezie: Received copy, haven't gr0ked, will ping about making results public. 15:12:31 + +0127368aadd 15:12:40 Zakim, aadd is me 15:12:40 +jjc; got it 15:12:41 as for outreach, i was going to propose the use of GRDDL for a presentation at http://ncor.us/oic2007 15:13:12 DanC, re. DC - 15:13:15 DanC: I get to promote GRDDL at XML Summer School. 15:13:19 iand: no progress - i will email andy powell this afternoon 15:13:33 RSS? 15:13:37 Atom? 15:13:55 HarryH: Easiest deployment would be to seed namespace documents for main formats. 15:13:58 if someone could help me see how to add a namespace correctly to Zthes i could do many ISO vocabs 15:14:06 zthes doesnt use a namespace 15:14:14 HarryH, RSS 2.0 doesn't have an XML namespace :-( 15:14:26 brainstorming on outreach possibilities: Atom, microformats profiles, dublin core, OAI, Creative Commons [timbl/tabulator] 15:14:33 Atom GRDDL? 15:14:43 not sure of current status of Atom XSLT - Henry Story has one for XSLT 2.0 15:15:11 also David ??? (will look up) has another, fairly verbose one 15:15:29 DanC: Once upon a time RSS had an RDF version, there had been hope of an RDF version of Atom, then there were efforts towards Atom OWL 15:15:43 ... now there are bits of code for producing Turtle from Atom 15:16:07 http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom is owned by the Atom WG 15:16:10 ... the Atom NS is owned by the Atom folks, whom we need to ask if we want to get a namespace doc at the NS URI. 15:17:02 HarryH: Need to convince the Atom WG that a namespace doc with a GRDDL ref is value added. 15:17:16 DanC: Need to get that by Tim Bray, who is... dubious about the value. 15:17:34 ... Need to be a well-engineered solution. 15:17:46 HarryH: Follow up with Henry Story about his transformation. 15:17:53 ... Any takers? 15:17:58 I can 15:18:21 (I also did an XSLT myself, but am pretty sure it's far from complete) 15:18:36 s/Need/Needs/ 15:19:25 Danja does this sound right - ACTION: danja to find out the status of Atom GRDDL and e-mail listt to find other people with transformations or schemas. 15:19:36 which list? IETF Atompub WG? 15:19:36 fine 15:19:48 Danja does this sound right - ACTION: danja to find out the status of Atom GRDDL and IETF Atompub WG list to find other people with transformations or schemas. 15:20:00 ACTION: danja to find out the status of Atom GRDDL and IETF Atompub WG list to find other people with transformations or schemas. 15:20:02 finer 15:20:34 HarryH: Anyone want to help rreck out with his namespace issues? 15:20:47 rreck: Representation of thesauri in XML 15:20:53 re. Outreach, is there anything that might be useful to pass through SWEO? 15:20:56 DanC: Looked at SCOS? 15:20:59 rreck: Yup! 15:21:06 s/SCOS/SKOS 15:22:23 rreck: All the pieces are in place (e.g. translation to SKOS exists) 15:22:58 +??P36 15:23:17 Zakim, ??P36 is danja 15:23:17 +danja; got it 15:23:30 http://zthes.z3950.org/ 15:23:39 DanC and rreck discuss the possibility of adding namespaces to Zthes. 15:24:09 (I wonder if this is worth some SemWeb CG time) 15:24:24 (or SemWeb Deployment WG time) 15:25:04 HarryH: Stepping back, we may just want to continue discussing GRDDL deployment on the ML. 15:25:15 DanC: I can see using GRDDL offline. 15:25:54 DanC: Keep cached copies of namespaced documents. 15:26:39 jjc: I could even have a URN, and simply state a relationship between a URN and a namespace document. 15:26:49 HarryH: But how do we bootstrap to that point? 15:26:58 DanC: But this is reasonable in an enterprise setting. 15:27:21 (re. Quick Reference Card - I plan to make public to coincide with PR...Agenda #5) 15:28:03 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:28:03 On the phone I see john-l, DanC, HarryH, Chimezie_Ogbuji, rreck, FabienG, jjc, danja 15:28:21 Straw poll: what would you do to support GRDDL? 15:29:03 im bringing it up at a conference on saturday and in a paper that is due today 15:30:23 I plan to push the issue of using GRDDL for extracting links to bioinformatic ontologies from 'legacy' healthcare communication (XML) dialects 15:30:31 this is a theme i keep pushing and will keep pushing 15:30:32 john-l: Interested in helping with some follow-up with Atom. 15:31:37 I plan to fill in some of the gaps in XSLTs, also try and get some online demo stuff (@talis) 15:32:50 FabienG: Included GRDDL materials in our graduate school curriculum, integrating GRDDL transforms and agents in various internal projects 15:33:00 (fabien explains lots of cool stuff; I hope the scribe is getting that, but if not, maybe fabien can elaborate in mail) 15:33:47 jjc: Maintaining Jena GRDDL support 15:34:23 agenda + GRDDL press release noodling 15:34:43 HarryH: Could add microformat transforms to the XHTML namespace document 15:34:52 (might a page on the ESW Wiki for GrddlOutreach be useful?) 15:35:18 +q about DanC's comment to the HTML WG about keeping @profile (not related to advocacy, but).. 15:35:20 (could be) 15:35:52 ack chimezie 15:35:55 -HarryH 15:36:25 Zakim, mute me 15:36:25 danja should now be muted 15:36:40 maybe a cellphone nearby 15:36:53 ack danja 15:37:35 agenda + OpenID and FOAF and GRDDL 15:37:37 danja: I'd like to get some live demos with some practical, interesting results. 15:38:05 ACTION: Chime to ask Kingsley about distribution of GRDDL EARL results 15:38:35 ACTION: IanD and Danja to e-mail maintainer of Dublin Core Metadata Profile to upgrade to GRDDL. [CONTINUES] 15:38:42 Zakim, close item 3 15:38:42 agendum 3, GRDDL Outreach, closed 15:38:43 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:38:44 2. Standard Library Transform 15:39:00 Zakim, take up item 2 15:39:00 agendum 2. "Standard Library Transform" taken up 15:39:01 iand: no progress - i will email andy powell this afternoon 15:39:37 indeed, http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/library has @@s 15:39:44 jjc: There is code in the library that still needs work and exercise. 15:40:10 jjc: There needs to be an action in this space to ensure work proceeds. 15:41:31 http://www.w3.org/2003/g/xml-attributes 15:41:37 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/library GRDDL Standard Transform Library 15:41:43 xml-attributes.xsl,v 1.24 2007/06/25 10:52:08 jcarroll 15:42:01 jjc: The xml attributes library module needs review. 15:42:45 DanC: There are tests that exercise the critical features... 15:43:07 ACTION: john-l to read through documentation for xml-attributes and to be sure there aren't any gremlins. 15:43:09 "Also, it doesn't use 15:43:09 the @@@link W3C XSLT URI library." 15:44:01 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/grddl-tests#grddl-library 15:44:11 hmm.. no, that's just a link to the library 15:45:23 DanC: Should review what tests have what status. 15:46:05 DanC: We didn't approve the library tests. 15:46:43 (btw, http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink2rdf/ may be worth looking at re. Standard Transforms) 15:47:27 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/pendinglist.html#lang-html-1 xml:lang from xml-attributes 15:49:21 "unit"/"regression" tests 15:49:38 jjc: I can partition out the tests relevant to the library to their own list. 15:49:55 ACTION jjc: organize library tests; link from http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/library 15:50:34 ACTION jjc: dispose of @@s in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/library (and in docs of 3 txforms) 15:51:01 Zakim, close this item 15:51:01 agendum 2 closed 15:51:02 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:51:03 4. Relationship to XHTML 2 and HTML 5 15:51:14 Zakim, next item 15:51:14 agendum 4. "Relationship to XHTML 2 and HTML 5" taken up 15:51:24 Harry, did you send something to the XHTML 2 WG? 15:51:36 that's supposed to be in place, e.g. for the meeting later today 15:51:37 I did email Steve Pemberton directly. 15:51:44 with public archive? 15:51:48 Yep. 15:51:51 ok 15:52:25 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Jun/0273.html 15:52:35 Note Steve is cc'ed. 15:52:40 No response. 15:52:52 I wrote http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2007Jul/0571.html 15:53:02 I will take an action to follow up with Steve if needed. 15:53:08 ... in the name of this WG, without review. 15:53:43 chimezie: I like it. 15:53:44 So do I take an action for that? 15:54:50 DanC: At least there isn't a lot of negative reaction. 15:54:56 ... It's possible that it's just being ignored. 15:55:04 no, no more action needed, Harry 15:55:36 My only fear would be if XHTML also drops profile 15:55:44 in XHTML2 15:56:19 Zakim, next item 15:56:19 agendum 5. "PR request" taken up 15:56:39 The call is today 3PM EST. 15:56:59 I have no major concerns. 16:00:27 DanC: There might be a loop to close with respect to XQuery and Schemas... 16:00:51 chimezie: How does that relate to the URN case? 16:01:08 DanC: In the URN case, you're using a custom resolution mechanism... 16:01:22 DanC: In another case, there's an undefined binding between the document and the schema. 16:01:30 ... That would be a "larger asterisk". 16:03:35 john-l: Implementation report was confusing? 16:03:36 If need be , I can suggest text for covering the XML CMS link to schema usecase.. 16:06:11 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/grddl-tests/#multiple-representations Testing for Multiple Representations 16:07:52 Discussion of "Not Applicable" confusion in the test results document. 16:08:21 Looking at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/grddl-tests#langconneg1 and the two following tests... 16:08:29 Each of these three have the same "input" URI. 16:08:34 Thus, they are alternatives. 16:09:07 -FabienG 16:09:20 gTest:subsumes is used for the maximal conneg situation 16:10:12 +FabienG 16:10:18 otherwise gTest:alternative is asserted where tests share the same input 16:12:14 jjc: HP would have a preference to be finished before 2007-09-05 16:12:26 DanC: Looking like 2007-09-11 at the moment 16:13:06 DanC: 2007-07-13 or 16 for PR, perhaps 16:13:33 ... Then a number of members need to encourage it going to Rec 16:13:40 ... Also important is press release testimonials 16:13:56 s/16/17/ 16:14:10 chimezie: I prefer 2007-07-13 16:14:31 anything else re the PR request, HarryH ? 16:14:42 Zakim, next item 16:14:42 agendum 6. "#issue-base-param" taken up 16:14:57 . ACTION: DanC to remove base param from online GRDDL service and home2rss.xsl 16:15:25 DanC: This action should go under outreach. 16:15:36 ... Dom is looking to migrate to another GRDDL implementation. 16:16:06 chimezie: What infrastructure is present? 16:16:13 DanC: Precedent exists for Jena 16:17:31 ACTION DanC: to replace the W3C GRDDL service implementation with Jena or redland 16:17:37 and my other action is withdrawn 16:18:30 DanC: ETA on Jena release? 16:18:36 JJC: ~PR time, 13 July 16:18:45 Zakim, next item 16:18:45 agendum 7. "SPARQL WG wants to know about our test harness" taken up [from DanC] 16:20:08 -danja 16:20:15 ew 16:21:13 Discussion ensues to some end talking about existing tools for manipulating EARL. 16:22:08 DanC: I've sent mail about my work; if they need me to explain it further, then it's prolly not mature enough. if they can go with what I've done and explained to others, maybe it is. 16:22:11 Zakim, next item 16:22:11 agendum 8. "GRDDL press release noodling" taken up [from DanC] 16:22:45 DanC: Press release usually goes with Rec. 16:23:15 ... Someone else is working on the first draft of the press release. 16:23:26 ... Anyone else want to talk to reporters? 16:23:39 ... We also need testimonials from member companies. 16:24:07 (looking at http://www.w3.org/Press/ ) 16:24:30 http://www.w3.org/2004/01/sws-testimonial 16:24:35 jjc: Press release aimed at mid September? 16:24:41 DanC: Yes. 16:25:29 Talis may be willing to provide a testimonial, I'll ping iand 16:25:37 DanC: Get your name in lights, write a testimonial! 16:25:51 jjc: HP, yes. 16:25:54 chimezie: Yes. 16:25:57 possibly 16:25:59 may be worth pinging sweo too 16:26:17 yes, please, danja 16:26:18 I can help with french translation ;-) 16:27:00 amour, amour amour 16:27:01 er, HarryH "we need testimonials by July" - end of? 16:27:53 End of July at latest, better if earlier. 16:28:00 Zakim, next item 16:28:00 agendum 9. "OpenID and FOAF and GRDDL" taken up [from DanC] 16:28:15 Also, let's ask Kingsley for a testimonial. 16:28:28 DanC: OpenID: use your homepage as your login key. 16:28:33 ACTION: HarryH to ask Kingsley for a testimonial 16:28:40 ... also like callback auth using web pages instead of email. 16:29:10 ... I think it would be cool if we could mix RDF metadata into such webpages using GRDDL. 16:29:27 ... How do we trust this data? 16:29:56 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/blog/2 16:30:33 DanC: Web log spam sucks, so now we require OpenID logins. 16:30:39 ... But a spammer can make up an OpenID login. 16:31:04 ... Now, Advogato IDs include FOAF with relationships of trust. 16:31:28 ... This is resistant to spam through earned RDF karma. 16:31:49 ... So you might be able to comment if you pass a certain karma policy. 16:32:20 sounds like a similar problem space as PAW 16:32:36 ... Advogato's FOAF files don't have all the pretty data you might want, though. 16:32:40 sounds interesting 16:32:54 ADJOURN. 16:32:56 good bye all 16:33:02 -Chimezie_Ogbuji 16:33:06 bye 16:33:07 -jjc 16:33:07 FabienG has left #grddl-wg 16:33:09 -FabienG 16:33:13 -rreck 16:33:15 -john-l 16:33:21 Zakim, please generate the minutes. 16:33:23 I don't understand 'please generate the minutes', john-l 16:33:35 Zakim, please publish the minutes. 16:33:35 I don't understand 'please publish the minutes', john-l 16:34:11 Zakim, list participants 16:34:11 As of this point the attendees have been +1.216.445.aaaa, DanC, john-l, +1.919.668.aabb, Chimezie_Ogbuji, HarryH, +049238aacc, rreck, FabienG, +0127368aadd, jjc, danja 16:34:13 Zakim, list attendees 16:34:15 As of this point the attendees have been +1.216.445.aaaa, DanC, john-l, +1.919.668.aabb, Chimezie_Ogbuji, HarryH, +049238aacc, rreck, FabienG, +0127368aadd, jjc, danja 16:35:39 RRSAgent, please publish the minutes. 16:35:39 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please publish the minutes.', john-l. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:35:43 RRSAgent, please publish the minutes 16:35:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/07/11-grddl-wg-minutes.html john-l 16:35:56 RRSAgent, please make these logs world-readable 16:38:15 disconnecting the lone participant, DanC, in SW_GRDDL()11:00AM 16:38:23 SW_GRDDL()11:00AM has ended 16:38:24 Attendees were +1.216.445.aaaa, DanC, john-l, +1.919.668.aabb, Chimezie_Ogbuji, HarryH, +049238aacc, rreck, FabienG, +0127368aadd, jjc, danja 16:39:35 Any idea why I can't get access to the minutes? Do I just need to wait longer? :) 16:41:49 hmm... that does seem like long latency... 16:43:57 I'm not sure what's happening. I just flipped it to "world", effective in a few seconds 16:44:11 I get 200 now 18:02:52 HarryH has joined #grddl-wg 19:45:30 briansuda has joined #grddl-wg