IRC log of forms on 2007-07-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:52:13 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #forms
14:52:13 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:52:18 [John_Boyer]
rrsagent, make log public
14:52:22 [John_Boyer]
Chair: John
14:52:42 [John_Boyer]
Meeting: Weekly Forms WG Teleconference
14:53:35 [Schnitz]
Schnitz has joined #forms
14:53:40 [Schnitz]
14:55:13 [jturner]
jturner has joined #forms
14:58:18 [John_Boyer]
John_Boyer has changed the topic to: Agenda:
14:58:27 [Zakim]
HTML_Forms()11:00AM has now started
14:58:34 [Zakim]
14:58:51 [Zakim]
+ +49.308.322.aaaa
14:59:00 [Roger]
Roger has joined #forms
14:59:25 [Schnitz]
zakim, code?
14:59:25 [Zakim]
the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Schnitz
14:59:26 [jturner]
zakim, aaaa is me
14:59:27 [Zakim]
+jturner; got it
14:59:46 [Zakim]
14:59:50 [wellsk]
wellsk has joined #forms
15:00:15 [John_Boyer]
zakim, [ is wellsk
15:00:15 [Zakim]
+wellsk; got it
15:00:34 [Rafael]
Rafael has joined #forms
15:01:12 [Zakim]
15:01:20 [Schnitz]
zakim, ??p26 is me
15:01:32 [Schnitz]
zakim, mute me
15:01:35 [jturner]
zakim, mute me
15:01:38 [Zakim]
+Schnitz; got it
15:01:40 [Zakim]
15:01:56 [Zakim]
Schnitz should now be muted
15:02:02 [Zakim]
jturner should now be muted
15:02:22 [Zakim]
+ +091211aabb
15:02:35 [Roger]
zakim, aabb is Roger
15:02:51 [Charlie]
Charlie has joined #forms
15:02:54 [Zakim]
+Roger; got it
15:02:59 [Charlie]
zakim, who is on?
15:03:05 [Nick]
Nick has joined #Forms
15:03:10 [Steven]
zakim, who is here?
15:03:15 [John_Boyer]
15:03:16 [Roger]
zakim, Roger has Rafael
15:03:21 [Steven]
(Zakim is very slow today)
15:03:22 [Zakim]
I don't understand your question, Charlie.
15:03:30 [Zakim]
On the phone I see John_Boyer, jturner (muted), wellsk, Schnitz (muted), [IBM], Roger
15:03:36 [Charlie]
zakim, [IBM] is Charlie
15:03:40 [Charlie]
* thanks, steven
15:03:43 [Zakim]
+Rafael; got it
15:04:00 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Nick, Charlie, Rafael, wellsk, Roger, jturner, Schnitz, RRSAgent, Zakim, John_Boyer, markbirbeck, Steven
15:04:16 [Zakim]
+Charlie; got it
15:04:35 [markbirbeck]
joining in just a moment
15:05:02 [Steven]
zakim, dial steven-617
15:05:10 [Zakim]
15:05:17 [Steven]
q+ to ask who has implemented inputmode
15:05:30 [Zakim]
ok, Steven; the call is being made
15:05:32 [Zakim]
15:06:39 [Blake]
Blake has joined #forms
15:06:40 [lars]
lars has joined #forms
15:07:48 [Zakim]
+ +1.541.754.aacc
15:08:00 [Blake]
zakim, aacc is me
15:08:00 [Zakim]
+Blake; got it
15:08:13 [Zakim]
+ +6aadd
15:08:27 [lars]
zakim, I am +6aa
15:08:27 [Zakim]
+lars; got it
15:08:36 [Zakim]
15:08:38 [lars]
zakim, mute me
15:08:38 [Zakim]
lars should now be muted
15:08:44 [Blake]
zakim, mute me
15:08:46 [Zakim]
Blake should now be muted
15:08:52 [Steven]
zakim, who is here?
15:08:52 [Zakim]
On the phone I see John_Boyer, jturner (muted), wellsk, Schnitz (muted), Charlie, Roger, Nick_van_den_Bleeken (muted), Steven, Blake (muted), lars (muted), markbirbeck
15:08:54 [jturner]
zakim, unmute me
15:08:56 [Zakim]
Roger has Rafael
15:08:57 [Zakim]
On IRC I see lars, Blake, Nick, Charlie, Rafael, wellsk, Roger, jturner, Schnitz, RRSAgent, Zakim, John_Boyer, markbirbeck, Steven
15:08:59 [Zakim]
15:09:00 [Zakim]
jturner should no longer be muted
15:09:21 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:09:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
15:09:40 [lars]
I hear a lot of noise on the line, anyone else having problems?
15:09:43 [ebruchez]
ebruchez has joined #forms
15:09:57 [ebruchez]
zakim, who is on the phone
15:09:57 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is on the phone', ebruchez
15:10:11 [Schnitz]
zakim, unmute me
15:10:11 [Zakim]
Schnitz should no longer be muted
15:10:13 [Steven]
Meeting: Forms WG Weekly Meeting
15:10:20 [Steven]
CHair: John
15:10:28 [Steven]
Scribe: jturner
15:10:32 [Steven]
15:10:48 [ebruchez]
zakim, who's here
15:10:48 [Zakim]
ebruchez, you need to end that query with '?'
15:10:53 [ebruchez]
zakim, who's here?
15:10:53 [Zakim]
On the phone I see John_Boyer, jturner, wellsk, Schnitz, Charlie, Roger, Nick_van_den_Bleeken (muted), Steven, Blake (muted), lars (muted), markbirbeck, ??P32
15:10:56 [Zakim]
Roger has Rafael
15:10:57 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ebruchez, lars, Blake, Nick, Charlie, Rafael, wellsk, Roger, jturner, Schnitz, RRSAgent, Zakim, John_Boyer, markbirbeck, Steven
15:11:06 [ebruchez]
zakim, ??P32 is ebruchez
15:11:06 [Zakim]
+ebruchez; got it
15:11:22 [Schnitz]
zakim, mute me
15:11:22 [Zakim]
Schnitz should now be muted
15:11:40 [John_Boyer]
Topic: inputmode implementation
15:12:08 [John_Boyer]
Regrets: MarkS
15:12:33 [jturner]
we don't
15:12:45 [Charlie]
Steven: we're adding inputmode to xhtml 1.1 but need implementer reports for it to stay
15:12:55 [Charlie]
Mark: we don't have it but are looking into it
15:13:11 [John_Boyer]
15:13:26 [Schnitz]
Topic: coming calls
15:13:33 [Schnitz]
John: Please check soon
15:13:50 [Zakim]
15:14:08 [Schnitz]
John: Steven will chair when I am unavail. If we have calls
15:14:18 [John_Boyer]
John_Boyer has joined #forms
15:14:21 [Zakim]
15:14:37 [ebruchez]
zakim, [IPcaller is ebruchez
15:14:37 [Zakim]
+ebruchez; got it
15:15:05 [Schnitz]
topic: Upcoming FtF
15:15:17 [Schnitz]
John: do we have a page for the FtF?
15:15:32 [jturner]
zakim, mute me
15:15:32 [Zakim]
jturner should now be muted
15:15:35 [Steven]
15:16:29 [unl]
unl has joined #forms
15:16:29 [John_Boyer]
John_Boyer has joined #forms
15:16:34 [Schnitz]
Hi uli
15:16:39 [markbirbeck]
zakim, mute me
15:16:39 [Zakim]
markbirbeck should now be muted
15:17:04 [Schnitz]
Topic: XForms 1.0 3rd Ed.
15:17:10 [markbirbeck]
zakim, unmute me
15:17:10 [Zakim]
markbirbeck should no longer be muted
15:17:12 [Schnitz]
John: largely ready
15:17:23 [Schnitz]
John: need to change link to test suite
15:17:44 [Schnitz]
John: simple, will be done fast, second bit, www-forms-editor we have an email to request the version attribute
15:18:51 [Schnitz]
15:18:57 [Schnitz]
scribe: schnitz
15:19:03 [Schnitz]
scribe: Schnitz
15:19:16 [Schnitz]
Resolution: add verison attribute to XHTML 1.0 Third Ed.
15:19:24 [Zakim]
15:19:25 [Schnitz]
15:19:44 [lars]
bad zakim
15:19:47 [John_Boyer]
15:19:57 [Schnitz]
Steven: do we have an errata page for Third Ed.?
15:20:07 [Schnitz]
John: That is right, we need to create one
15:20:14 [Zakim]
15:20:23 [Schnitz]
Action: John to add version attribute to XForms 1.0 Third Edition
15:20:36 [lars]
zakim, I am svante
15:20:36 [Zakim]
ok, lars, I now associate you with Svante
15:20:39 [Schnitz]
Action: John to start an errata page for XForms 1.0 3rd Ed.
15:20:49 [Schnitz]
John: Moving on to XForms 1.1...
15:20:56 [lars]
zakim, mute me
15:20:56 [Zakim]
Svante should now be muted
15:21:01 [Schnitz]
Zakim, code?
15:21:01 [Zakim]
the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Schnitz
15:21:47 [Schnitz]
John: There is one issue (103?105?... Steve Speicher)... there actually two issues... I would like to split them
15:22:12 [Schnitz]
John: I can't forward it, its deleted in my mailbox
15:22:25 [Zakim]
+ +49.336.293.aaee
15:22:55 [Schnitz]
John: Steven, if I go into the archive, can I reply and change the "to" line, will Shane's system understand?
15:23:25 [Schnitz]
Action: Steven to find that message and to sent it twice
15:23:34 [Schnitz]
15:23:46 [Schnitz]
John: its under misc
15:23:54 [Schnitz]
(looking for message)
15:24:01 [Schnitz]
issue found
15:24:05 [Schnitz]
number 5?
15:24:33 [Schnitz]
ok number 5 to be trashed once splitted
15:24:45 [Schnitz]
Topic: XForms at the XML conference
15:25:18 [Schnitz]
John: The announcement went out, I will like to correct, do not simply reply, but reply-all, so everyone sees the comments
15:25:25 [Schnitz]
15:25:38 [Schnitz]
15:26:08 [Schnitz]
John: get your act together and submit rather sooner than later :-)
15:26:16 [Schnitz]
Topic: XForms Transitional
15:26:21 [Schnitz]
John: Charter confusion
15:26:35 [Schnitz]
John: XForms 1.1., XForms-T, XHTML 2.0 as deliverables
15:26:54 [Schnitz]
John: We thought that XForms 1.2 was seperate from XForms-T
15:27:12 [Schnitz]
John: XForms 1.2 is still undefined in terms of milestones
15:27:35 [Schnitz]
John: Its not clear to me what we can do in an XForms 1.2 other than supporting XForms-T
15:27:55 [Schnitz]
John: And if we don't start on XForms 2, we miss these milestones
15:28:03 [John_Boyer]
15:28:35 [Schnitz]
John: 1st Public WD end of this year, LC next year
15:28:49 [Schnitz]
John: 6 Months from 1st WD to LC is unrealistic
15:29:11 [Schnitz]
John: I am proposing that XForms-T *is* XForms 1.2
15:30:18 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: Lots of things I would like see in XForms-T, but, the naming isn't right, therefore I have a hard time putting time into it, and 2), the relationship with the HTML-WG is very draining
15:30:52 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: However, that simplification area is important, but the current context is too difficult, what do others think about?
15:30:57 [Schnitz]
zakim, unmute me
15:30:57 [Zakim]
Schnitz should no longer be muted
15:31:45 [unl]
unl has joined #forms
15:32:01 [Zakim]
15:32:13 [Schnitz]
Schnitz, +1 with Markbirbeck
15:32:22 [Schnitz]
zakim, mute me
15:32:22 [Zakim]
Schnitz should now be muted
15:33:02 [Schnitz]
John: the task force is about mapping whatever we have into what is being done in the HTML WG, they might do that or not, we should make technical decisions based on that, though
15:33:47 [Schnitz]
John: Custom controls...
15:33:55 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: is that 2.0 or 1.2?
15:34:05 [Zakim]
15:34:16 [Roger]
zakim, ??p7 is Roger
15:34:16 [Zakim]
+Roger; got it
15:34:23 [Schnitz]
John: IF custom controls can be combined with something that is simple to author, then its a 1.2 issue, IMO
15:34:29 [Roger]
zakim, Roger has Rafael
15:34:29 [Zakim]
+Rafael; got it
15:35:05 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: I can offer time in the context that Schnitz and John proposed...
15:35:18 [Schnitz]
15:35:48 [Nick]
If that is the course I can make some time free for that too
15:36:05 [Schnitz]
Action: Editorial Ownership of the Former XForms Transitional work goes to Mark Birbeck and Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer
15:36:19 [Schnitz]
Resolution: XForms Transitional will be merged with XForms 1.2
15:36:19 [Nick]
(if it is simplification, custom controls,..)
15:36:42 [Schnitz]
yes, please nick!
15:36:58 [Nick]
can do, with some help
15:37:05 [markbirbeck]
15:37:18 [jturner]
i would give a little help too if necessary
15:37:26 [Schnitz]
Resolution: Co-editors of XForms 1.2, former XForms Transitional, are Mark Birbeck, Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer and Nick Van Den Bleeken
15:37:57 [Schnitz]
jturner, ok, good to know...
15:38:41 [Schnitz]
John: anything with the Joint Task Force seemed to be things we would have to do to XForms, instead of the HTML side making changing
15:38:59 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:38:59 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
15:39:15 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: The problem already is what we mean by architectural consistency...
15:39:49 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: For us, MVC is a core idea here, and they dispute that, but still think its architecturally consistent, which of course won't make sense
15:40:12 [Schnitz]
15:40:34 [lars]
zakim appears to be emotional as well, dropped me again
15:40:39 [Schnitz]
John: would be possible for the editors for to be also the TF members?
15:40:45 [Schnitz]
Schnitz, +1
15:40:55 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: are there any meetings plans yet
15:40:57 [Zakim]
15:41:06 [Schnitz]
John: no, we need members, they will then define communication
15:41:14 [Zakim]
15:41:26 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck, +1
15:41:28 [lars]
zakim, Svante is lars
15:41:28 [Zakim]
+lars; got it
15:41:36 [Charlie]
Thank you all
15:41:45 [Schnitz]
Nick_van_den_Bleeken, +1
15:41:48 [lars]
zakim, mute me
15:41:48 [Zakim]
lars should now be muted
15:41:48 [Schnitz]
John: thank you
15:42:33 [Schnitz]
Resolution: The tree current co-editors of XForms 1.2, formerly XForms Transitional, will also be the three members of the Joint Forms TF from the Forms WG side
15:42:46 [Schnitz]
Topic: Progress on Action items
15:43:03 [Schnitz]
John: Everyone, please check with the action item list, and please make progress on it hits week
15:43:10 [Schnitz]
15:43:16 [Steven]
zakim, mute me
15:43:16 [Zakim]
Steven should now be muted
15:43:37 [Schnitz]
(John explains details in handling the Action item lists)
15:43:56 [Steven]
Tell me if you need an account
15:44:09 [Schnitz]
15:44:37 [Schnitz]
Topic: LC issues
15:45:05 [Schnitz]
Topic: Issue 151, identical 106
15:45:19 [Schnitz]
John: get rid of 151?
15:45:29 [Schnitz]
John: Steven, can you look at this?
15:45:52 [Steven]
ack me
15:45:54 [Zakim]
Steven, you wanted to ask who has implemented inputmode
15:46:16 [Schnitz]
Action: Steven to look whether Issue 151 and Issue 106 are identical, and if so, get rid of Issue 151
15:46:44 [Schnitz]
Topic: Removing the notion of homogeneous collection
15:46:49 [John_Boyer];user=guest;statetype=1;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
15:47:28 [Schnitz]
John: we already agreed to rewriting text of getting rid of homogeneous collection
15:47:37 [Schnitz]
John: So we can just go ahead here
15:48:15 [Schnitz]
John: We need an action to get rid of homogeneous collection (checking)?
15:48:26 [Schnitz]
... investigating
15:48:35 [Schnitz]
There is an old action item on Mark
15:48:42 [Schnitz]
John: thats defunct
15:48:48 [Schnitz]
John: we need a new action item
15:49:06 [lars]
zakim unmute me
15:49:21 [Schnitz]
Action: Eliminate Wording on homogeneous collection on repeat, assigned to Ulrich Nicolas Lisse
15:49:31 [lars]
zakim, mute me
15:49:31 [Zakim]
lars was already muted, lars
15:49:33 [Schnitz]
John: moving on...
15:49:43 [Schnitz]
Topic: 3 editorial issues...
15:49:54 [Schnitz]
John: simple run-by
15:49:57 [unl]
zakim, mute me
15:49:57 [Zakim]
sorry, unl, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
15:50:01 [Schnitz]
Issue 91?
15:50:11 [Schnitz]
15:50:29 [Nick];user=guest;selectid=91;statetype=-1;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
15:50:56 [Schnitz]
Topic: Issue 91, bunch of Typos, by Uli
15:51:05 [Schnitz]
John: Any objection me just going forward?
15:51:16 [Steven]
COnmfirmed that issue 151 was a reply to 106
15:51:20 [Steven]
I have merged them
15:51:22 [Schnitz]
Resolution: John to follow as proposed in Issue 91
15:51:29 [Schnitz]
Action: John to address Issue 91
15:51:33 [John_Boyer];user=guest;statetype=1;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
15:51:39 [Schnitz]
Topic: Issue 127
15:52:41 [unl]
john, issue 91 is in Multi-issue, not in Controls
15:52:41 [Schnitz]
Containing *or compound* document profile to add foreign namespace decl.
15:52:47 [Schnitz]
John: ok
15:53:06 [Schnitz]
Resolution: Issue 127 accepted
15:53:22 [Schnitz]
Action: John to move forward with Issue 127 as proposed by Issue 127
15:53:44 [John_Boyer];user=guest;statetype=-1;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
15:53:49 [Schnitz]
Topic: Issue 23
15:54:00 [Schnitz]
John: issue for me
15:54:41 [Schnitz]
(John reading wording)
15:54:59 [Schnitz]
John: the wording is misleading
15:55:21 [Schnitz]
John: information is redundant
15:56:07 [Schnitz]
John: I propose to shoot that Paragraph
15:56:10 [Charlie]
sounds good
15:56:28 [Schnitz]
John: any objection
15:56:33 [Schnitz]
No objection
15:56:45 [Schnitz]
Action: John to address Issue 23
15:57:26 [John_Boyer];user=guest;statetype=4;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
15:57:50 [Schnitz]
Topic: Issue from S. Speicher 103, related to immediately following from S. Pemberton
15:58:12 [Schnitz]
John: Steve says he miss a normative ref to what the HTTP verb actually is
15:58:36 [Schnitz]
John: It turns out that HTTP verb is used quite a bit
15:58:51 [Schnitz]
John: But we don't say that in our spec
15:59:14 [Schnitz]
John: Steven, had similar problems to Steve
15:59:23 [Schnitz]
Topic: Is "HTTP verb
15:59:39 [Schnitz]
intuitive or misleading...
16:00:15 [Schnitz]
Steven: we need to define it properly
16:00:20 [Schnitz]
John: +1
16:01:31 [Schnitz]
John: I really think that a lot of problems will be cleared up when under submission options that table should probably say what the default submission verb is to be and show a default string
16:01:40 [John_Boyer]
It would be clearer if the fourth column of the submission options table werernentitled "Default Submission Verb" and then the table entries were of the formrn"POST" (HTTP POST or equivalent).
16:02:07 [Schnitz]
John: I propose wording there...
16:02:18 [Schnitz]
John: Resolution?
16:02:23 [Schnitz]
Any objections?
16:02:38 [Schnitz]
No, fine
16:03:03 [Schnitz]
Steven: we should also add a sentence if free-floating text what we me mean by verb
16:03:09 [Schnitz]
John: Yes, 1+
16:03:23 [lars]
http 1.1 sect 5.1 request line / 5.1.1 method would be the reference
16:04:01 [Schnitz]
John: Yes, its about not resolving the final wording now, but that we resolve that we assign an action to come up with wording at those places for this
16:04:18 [Schnitz]
16:04:30 [Schnitz]
Time is up
16:04:58 [lars]
zakim, unmute me
16:04:58 [Zakim]
lars should no longer be muted
16:05:05 [Schnitz]
John: We need text similar how SOAP and WSDL is connecting its abstract concept to HTTP
16:06:16 [Schnitz]
Markbirbeck: We could use method as the element name
16:06:23 [Schnitz]
Lars: I guess its ok
16:06:38 [Schnitz]
John: please continue on the mailing list...
16:06:44 [Schnitz]
zakim, unmute me
16:06:44 [Zakim]
Schnitz should no longer be muted
16:06:50 [Schnitz]
Steven: please kick off...
16:06:55 [Zakim]
16:06:55 [Nick]
16:06:56 [Zakim]
16:06:57 [Zakim]
16:06:59 [Zakim]
16:07:00 [Zakim]
16:07:01 [Zakim]
- +49.336.293.aaee
16:07:02 [Zakim]
16:07:03 [Zakim]
16:07:05 [Zakim]
16:07:06 [Zakim]
16:07:07 [Zakim]
16:07:18 [Schnitz]
Action: John to kick off on mailing list discussion on Issue 103
16:07:22 [wellsk]
wellsk has left #forms
16:07:32 [Zakim]
16:07:59 [Blake]
16:08:09 [Blake]
Blake has left #forms
16:08:15 [unl]
zakim, +49.336.293.aaee was me
16:08:15 [Zakim]
I don't understand '+49.336.293.aaee was me', unl
16:08:23 [Schnitz]
John_Boyer, thanks, I'll head off... r u and Steven fine with generating minutes of this?
16:08:41 [Zakim]
16:08:42 [Zakim]
HTML_Forms()11:00AM has ended
16:08:43 [John_Boyer]
16:08:44 [Zakim]
Attendees were John_Boyer, +49.308.322.aaaa, jturner, wellsk, Schnitz, +091211aabb, Rafael, Charlie, Nick_van_den_Bleeken, Steven, +1.541.754.aacc, Blake, +6aadd, lars,
16:08:46 [Zakim]
... markbirbeck, ebruchez, [IPcaller], +49.336.293.aaee
16:08:50 [Schnitz]
ok, bye
16:09:00 [John_Boyer]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:09:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate John_Boyer
16:09:10 [John_Boyer]
rrsagent, bye
16:09:10 [RRSAgent]
I see 10 open action items saved in :
16:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: John to add version attribute to XForms 1.0 Third Edition [1]
16:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: John to start an errata page for XForms 1.0 3rd Ed. [2]
16:09:10 [RRSAgent]
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ACTION: Steven to find that message and to sent it twice [3]
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ACTION: Editorial Ownership of the Former XForms Transitional work goes to Mark Birbeck and Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer [4]
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ACTION: Steven to look whether Issue 151 and Issue 106 are identical, and if so, get rid of Issue 151 [5]
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ACTION: Eliminate Wording on homogeneous collection on repeat, assigned to Ulrich Nicolas Lisse [6]
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ACTION: John to address Issue 91 [7]
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ACTION: John to move forward with Issue 127 as proposed by Issue 127 [8]
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ACTION: John to address Issue 23 [9]
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ACTION: John to kick off on mailing list discussion on Issue 103 [10]
16:09:10 [RRSAgent]
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