17:59:36 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds 17:59:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-irc 17:59:45 meeting: WS Policy WG (editor's) 18:00:10 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Jun/0013.html 18:00:24 chair: asir 18:00:30 rrsagent, make log public 18:02:01 fjh has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:02:54 WS_Policy(editors)2:00PM has now started 18:03:01 +[Microsoft] 18:03:10 +Frederick_Hirsch 18:03:32 +Felix 18:05:09 +Toufic 18:07:28 scribe: fjh 18:07:42 Sorry I will need to join in a bit late. I have taken Editors AI 314 (new from today) 18:07:48 Meeting: WS-Policy Editors 18:07:51 I will join ASAP 18:08:02 Chair: Asir 18:08:17 Scribe: Frederick Hirsch 18:08:26 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Jun/0013.html 18:08:49 RRSAgent, make log member 18:09:16 TOPIC: Administrivia 18:09:31 Scribe for this call is Frederick, chair is Asir. 18:09:51 Next week, reporter Asir. 18:10:02 +Dave_Orchard 18:10:17 zakim, who is here? 18:10:17 On the phone I see asir, Frederick_Hirsch, Felix, Toufic, Dave_Orchard 18:10:18 On IRC I see fjh, RRSAgent, Zakim, prasad, fsasaki, asir, trackbot 18:10:36 dorchard has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:10:41 Regrets for next week for Frederick 18:10:46 next week chair - David 18:10:50 next week scribe - Asir 18:10:57 Regrets for next week for Felix 18:11:29 future chair rotation - DaveO, Prasad, Toufic, Maryann, Asir 18:11:36 Frederick after DavidO> 18:11:41 s/>/? 18:12:13 scribe rotation Asir, Maryann ?, DaveO, Prasad, Toufic 18:12:39 Dublin, DaveO, Asir, Frederick will be present 18:12:47 Toufic will not be in Dublin 18:13:03 Asir: Maryann will attend 18:13:50 Dublin F2F is 17-19 18:13:57 s/19/19 July 18:14:02 I will most likely not be in Dublin 18:14:17 Felix will attend F2F 18:15:23 Asir: asks whether 3 day F2F or 2 day F2F, anticipates 2 day 18:15:39 ... need clarification from WG 18:16:02 ... assuming 2 day F2F 18:16:14 dorchard: which days are you assuming 18:16:48 asir: plan to meet of last day of F2F 18:17:45 ACTION: asir to enquire regarding F2F logistics 18:17:46 Created ACTION-315 - Enquire regarding F2F logistics [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-06-13]. 18:18:08 ACTION: frederick to check with william on editors logistics 18:18:08 Created ACTION-316 - Check with william on editors logistics [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2007-06-13]. 18:18:47 Plan to meet at end of F2F meeting. 18:19:07 TOPIC: Review of open actions 18:19:15 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open 18:19:44 action 100, will probably need to keep as is, keep action open 18:19:48 -Toufic 18:20:01 action 216 close 18:20:40 action 249 pending action in wg 18:21:07 269-273 open, asir plans to do this week. 18:21:19 274 done 18:21:52 275 - done 18:22:05 276- done 18:22:34 283 - done 18:23:05 286 - open, guidelines 18:23:08 289 open 18:23:14 I'll do 313 18:23:23 292, open, maryann not here to give status 18:23:35 293, open, maryann not here to give status 18:23:44 295 open 18:24:09 298,299 doen 18:24:13 s/doen/done 18:24:24 +Toufic 18:24:55 309 - open 18:25:41 312 - done 18:26:17 313 - open 18:26:19 314 open 18:26:45 TOPIC: Timeline 18:27:10 a) When should we deliver the updated scenarios? 18:27:19 b) From the WG agenda: 18:27:26 June 20th - Editors to deliver the updated Framework and Attachment drafts 18:27:32 c) July Dublin F2F - When should we deliver the updated Guidelines and Primer drafts? 18:27:50 asir: working on this, should be able to deliver before next WG call 18:28:06 ACTION: asir to deliver updated scenarios to WG 18:28:06 Created ACTION-317 - Deliver updated scenarios to WG [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2007-06-13]. 18:28:32 Asir: (b), only two actions against framework. Possibly more next week 18:28:59 ... need draft by 18, checkins done by 15 June 18:30:25 RESOLUTION: Agreement to complete checkings for framework and attachment drafts by 15 June. 18:30:52 Asir: (c), drafts for guidelines/primer before Dublin F2F 18:31:17 ... Delivery by 10, complete checkins by 5 July 18:33:37 -Toufic 18:34:09 RESOLUTION: Agree to complete checkins for guidelines/primer by 5 July, delivery by 10 July 18:34:46 -Felix 18:35:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html fsasaki 18:35:19 fsasaki has left #ws-policy-eds 18:35:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:35:35 -Dave_Orchard 18:35:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:35:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html fjh 18:35:52 sorry, had to drop off. 18:36:21 zakim, who is on call? 18:36:21 I don't understand your question, fjh. 18:37:18 Present: Asir, DavidO, Frederick, Toufic 18:37:28 Regrets: Maryann, Prasad 18:37:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:37:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html fjh 18:38:03 PRESENT: Asir, DavidO, Frederick, Toufic 18:38:14 REGRETS: Maryann, Prasad 18:38:51 zakim, bye 18:38:51 leaving. As of this point the attendees were [Microsoft], asir, Frederick_Hirsch, Felix, Toufic, Dave_Orchard 18:38:51 Zakim has left #ws-policy-eds 18:39:04 RRSAgent, Bye 18:39:04 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-actions.rdf : 18:39:04 ACTION: asir to enquire regarding F2F logistics [1] 18:39:04 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-irc#T18-17-45 18:39:04 ACTION: frederick to check with william on editors logistics [2] 18:39:04 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-irc#T18-18-08 18:39:04 ACTION: asir to deliver updated scenarios to WG [3] 18:39:04 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/06-ws-policy-eds-irc#T18-28-06