See also: IRC log
Susie giving outline of the telco
talk about enterprise survey, use cases, finish with work on logos
introducing herself
part of SemWeb technology development group
<ivan> (full name: Melliyal Annamalai)
<wing> welcome!
group also interacting w. customers and exploring use cases
last week started w. license issues
Ivan got us legal advice from W3C
Leo talked w. Rigo Wenning re. license advice
got some feedback from people re. data sources and licenses to use
Leo will forward this info to the list
CC license is what people want
"gather info now, let's visualise afterwards"
will continue info-gathering as it is, providing all the data about SemWeb in RDF
as a 2nd step we work on annotating, filtering and cleaning this data, and visualising it
can even make a new task force for this task
Susie: what a data format will be finished
Leo: we need time. not so many edits on data formats page
great if someone could make a good HowTo on the wiki
on info gathering and formats to use, Leo?
kidehen: do we need a text on the wiki saying "here's the guide for publishing the data"?
definitive statement how to contribute data to this effort
<kidehen> kidehen: agrees to do how-to contribute RDF Data to Info Gathering effort
leobard published a URL fo the wiki page, need some editors for it
kidehen will start the edits on it
others can / should join
<scribe> ACTION: Leo to send email to the list about this wiki page and guides for contributing [recorded in]
Leo: happy to see people from outside the IG reply and provide data
Karen's dedicating the day to finishing the survey,
will have the draft shortly
ivan giving an update
last week uploaded & finalises Segala's use case
today finalised case study from Tata Consulting Services (TCS)
had contacts with Renault
agreed to do a use case to use the SemWeb
for their internal documentation
3 weeks from now
got an agreement with UN's FAO food & agriculture organisation
Susie talked w. people in Pfizer and should give one from Lily
use case w. Chevron
we will have 10-12 use cases that we can publicise
thanks for the corrections
ivan unified all the formats, converted to PDFs
bengee gives an overview
#9 and #10 are variations of what was decided the last call
#9 by Kingsley with a lighter font
Susie: #9 and #10 are nice. good progress.
uldis: #6 stands out more than #10
Susie: maybe have 2 different options to use according to what background they are on
ivan: has bengee tried to reduce #10 to smaller versions like we had for #6
small versions is what one will use on many pages. how does that look w. #10
<scribe> ACTION: bengie to make smaller versions of #10 [recorded in]
ivan more in favor of #10. more appealing for esthetics.
nice progress, need to get the small size and then we're done
please let know if you can make it to F2F at the end of this month
FAQ - please look it over and provide comments
discussion of any other business
wing - putting together a presentation for ...
ivan - arranging to meet up with ...
<wing> yue pan in china
next Tue is a monthly Cambridge area SemWeb meetup
if you are in the area, that's a good event to participate in
<wing> wing - presentation for SICoP
Susie tells about the case studies
couple of pages, to help CEO and CIO see how to make use of the Semantic Web
F2F is to get all of us together in one room, focused to do SWEO work
ivan: experience when meeting w. industries is - they want to see some kind of proof that somebody is already using this technology for making money
until now no such a list, Ivan has some pointers which are in presentations here and there
having clear use cases, signed by companies themselves is an important thing to answer these questions
they will be public documents
1st International Conf. on Weblogs and Social Media
a conference to keep an eye on. there are things how this area can benefit from the SemWeb and structured data, but more outreach needed
Thalia project (->
within Linking OpenData project will inject RDF/OWL
will have a generic testbed for RDF / SemWeb tech.
another project ...
financial data
kidehen: if you can put project names in IRC
ontology to query financial and economic data
those 2 efforts have come in to a particular project
Karen is trying to build contact with different financial institutions via W3C
would be good if kidehen help in making these contacts
send all this information to Karen
we need not only a creation of ontology but a use case where it is used
kidehen: the particular case is describing creation of ontology
ivan: a use case is a step further - that an institution is already using this data
kidehen: the delay between an ontology and creation of instance data will be very short
will revisit this next week