15:03:52 RRSAgent has joined #grddl-wg 15:03:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/14-grddl-wg-irc 15:03:59 zakim, this is grddl 15:03:59 HarryH, this was already SW_GRDDL()11:00AM 15:04:00 ok, HarryH; that matches SW_GRDDL()11:00AM 15:04:02 jjc has joined #grddl-wg 15:04:07 Meeting: GRDDL Working Group 15:04:21 Chair: HarryH 15:04:26 Scribe: Chime 15:04:34 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/weekly-agenda 15:04:41 zakim, read agenda from http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/weekly-agenda 15:04:41 working on it, HarryH 15:04:47 +[IPcaller] 15:04:49 Zakim, +IPcaller is briansuda 15:04:49 sorry, briansuda, I do not recognize a party named '+IPcaller' 15:04:51 done reading agenda, HarryH 15:04:53 +??P21 15:04:59 Zakim, [IPcaller] is briansuda 15:04:59 +briansuda; got it 15:05:03 Zakim, ??P21 is me 15:05:03 +jjc; got it 15:05:17 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:05:17 On the phone I see FabienG, john-l, rreck, HarryH, Chimezie_Ogbuji, briansuda, jjc 15:06:19 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:06:19 On the phone I see FabienG, john-l, rreck, HarryH, Chimezie_Ogbuji, briansuda, jjc 15:06:42 regets: Simone 15:06:56 PROPOSED: to approve GRDDL WG Weekly -- 7 March 2007 as a true record 15:07:05 http://www.w3.org/2007/02/28-grddl-wg-minutes.html 15:07:37 RESOLVED: GRDDL WG Weekly -- 7 March 2007 as a true record 15:07:44 regrets: DanC 15:07:51 PROPOSED: to meet again Wed, 21 March 11:00-0500. scribe volunteer? 15:08:07 Scribe for next meeting: Fabien 15:08:13 Zakim, next item 15:08:13 agendum 1. "Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2007-03-07T11:00-0500" taken up 15:08:17 Zakim, next item 15:08:17 agendum 1 was just opened, HarryH 15:08:22 Zakim, next item 15:08:22 agendum 1 was just opened, HarryH 15:08:27 I know... 15:08:30 Zakim, next item 15:08:30 agendum 1 was just opened, HarryH 15:08:33 Zakim, open item 2 15:08:33 agendum 2. "Patent Policy" taken up 15:09:41 ACTION: HarryH contact AC Reps directly about form if not filled out by next Tuesday. 15:10:42 Zakim, open item 3 15:10:42 agendum 3. "Advocating" taken up 15:11:33 Why aren't there more comments on the spec? 15:11:49 It covers alot of ground 15:11:53 a *bit* intimidating.. 15:11:58 LC comments come on the last day! 15:12:00 i concur 15:12:14 I assume we're getting lots of implementers.. 15:12:25 Which is the audience of the spec. 15:12:33 And they have been following since working draft. 15:12:46 However, it would be good to do better outreach to the microformat community? 15:12:56 is everyone on irc on the phone? 15:13:06 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:13:06 On the phone I see FabienG, john-l, rreck, HarryH, Chimezie_Ogbuji, briansuda, jjc 15:13:48 does the primer cover some of that advocacy? 15:14:08 As long as we are happy that there are implementers, and that they are reading the spec 15:14:16 then everything is OK for this one 15:14:22 Primer audience may be wider 15:14:40 Last Call comments are made by unhappy people 15:14:46 -HarryH 15:14:47 yes... 15:15:20 OK, then maybe save big push on GRDDL for deployment till we get primer a bit more well sorted... 15:15:22 which WG have we asked to review? 15:15:46 im not sure if we've asked any for review specifically 15:15:48 Quite a few informally, almost none formally. 15:15:57 XSLT? 15:16:00 +HarryH 15:16:09 but we have liason with SADDLE & XProc 15:16:09 Actually, we haven't asked XSLT 15:16:15 We asked XProc and Xquery 15:17:42 Zakim, open item 3 15:17:42 agendum 3. "Advocating" taken up 15:17:47 Zakim, open item 4 15:17:47 agendum 4. "Primer Document: Last Call?" taken up 15:18:44 Zakim, open item 5 15:18:44 agendum 5. "Use-Case Document: Going To Last Call?" taken up 15:19:20 jjc: what was decition about Primer going to rec track 15:19:38 HarryH: there seemed to be more votes to take it rec track, but editor has been unavailable 15:20:50 jjc: release a LC WD to quickly cycle up to LC if thats what we have in mind for the Primer 15:21:44 good plan of action to myself 15:21:45 jjc: wouldn't expect substantial LC comments for the primer 15:22:05 we've had only syntactic comments before 15:22:29 Zakim, oen item 6 15:22:29 I don't understand 'oen item 6', HarryH 15:22:36 Zakim, open item 6 15:22:36 agendum 6. "Test Cases as Rec?" taken up 15:22:57 HarryH: usecase editor is more available but response to questionaire suggests it *shouldn't* be taken to REC 15:23:12 FabienG: posted a new version of the usecase document 15:23:37 New version 15:23:56 see http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/doc43/scenario-gallery.htm 15:25:11 FabienG: doesn't believe it is in critical path 15:25:23 FabienG: probably will play a role again for outreach 15:25:51 jjc: one more round of WG review for a WG Note 15:25:53 Reviewer volunteers? 15:26:18 ACTION: Jeremy to review Use-case document 15:26:32 Zakim, open item 6 15:26:32 agendum 6. "Test Cases as Rec?" taken up 15:26:42 Chime, you've posted a document? 15:27:12 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/doc50/grddl-tests.html 15:28:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Mar/0087.html 15:29:02 jjc: critical to publish WD 15:29:14 jjc: need to publish 2 copies to go to PR 15:29:39 jjc: first WD is a placeholder 15:30:04 jjc: bad manners to put out a single cycle WD -> PR 15:30:33 How about give one more week to clean it up and then release as Working Draft? 15:30:53 -HarryH 15:31:04 And since I believe it's in critical path perhaps get another co-editor. 15:31:22 +HarryH 15:31:49 jjc: suggests publishing WD with an ACTION on editor to address outstanding commentary 15:34:18 HarryH: RDF processors support turtle.. 15:34:46 jjc: we can put it in informative text.. 15:36:13 jjc: the main problem is where we make changes to normative sections of the specification.. 15:37:27 will going forward with leaving the test document as is close the door on addressing #output-format LC commentary? 15:40:07 ACTION: Chime to address comments in test case doc and then release as WD 15:40:14 jjc: clean up broken text, links, etc.. 15:40:44 ^text^test 15:40:54 Zakim, open item 8 15:40:56 agendum 8. "tests for" taken up [from #issue-mt-ns] 15:41:07 -HarryH 15:41:37 +HarryH 15:42:00 Chime - did we get EARL output? 15:42:52 could the current test harness be used to get result Jena GRDDL reader impl? 15:43:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Mar/0085.html 15:44:42 Do we have any volunteers to fix the tests? 15:44:45 jjc: need someone to fix broken tests.. 15:45:12 john-l's email shows how it is broken.. 15:45:15 ACTION: jeremy to fix broken tests 15:46:26 jjc: clarify which tests were approved 15:48:11 jjc: EARL output reports will steamline the process 15:49:33 -HarryH 15:49:58 This sounds like we can skip the rest of the test-related issues on the agenda. 15:50:20 +HarryH 15:50:23 jjc: suggesting we decide how we specify multiple test outputs *after* a first WD publication 15:51:19 Zakim, open item 11 15:51:19 agendum 11. "GRDDL Spec: Last Call" taken up 15:51:51 ACTION: to send out Jeremy's message in response to Eliotte Rusty Harold 15:52:45 Chime: Suggestions for informative text and informative rules to address Stefano. 15:53:46 If DanC disappears, we're not going to have co-editor for the spec? 15:54:48 ACTION: HarryH to ask DanC for permission to check edits in that get WG consensus if DanC is unavailable. 15:55:08 Any final comments before adjourning meeting? 15:56:04 Can we just put library transforms in test doc or primer? 15:56:52 ACTION: Chime to put library transforms in Test Doc 15:57:04 ACTION: HarryH to make sure library transforms are linked from Primer. 15:58:00 jjc: transformation libraries are both inefficient and (broken?) in some case.. 15:59:44 jeremy to create library page 15:59:52 jeremy to suggest changes to library transforms 16:00:25 ACTION: Jeremy tocreate a standalone library transform page and suggest changes to library transform 16:01:12 -HarryH 16:01:29 Are n3 rules helpful enough to put right next to normative text? 16:01:36 I think so 16:01:39 no the 16:01:43 i don't think 16:01:55 +HarryH 16:02:17 I thought it might trip implementers up but it is informative. 16:02:39 The decision in editor's hands. 16:02:40 jjc: thinks they should have been moved to an appendix 16:03:07 Meeting adjourned 16:03:16 -john-l 16:03:17 -briansuda 16:03:17 -jjc 16:03:23 -rreck 16:03:24 -FabienG 16:03:38 Chime? 16:03:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:03:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/14-grddl-wg-minutes.html HarryH 16:04:04 # 16:04:11 rssagent, make logs public 16:04:41 rssagent, make logs world-visible 16:05:22 rssagent, published minutes 16:06:08 rrsagent, make logs public 16:06:30 rrsagent, make logs world-visible 16:07:03 rrsagent, publish minutes 16:07:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/14-grddl-wg-minutes.html chimezie 16:07:09 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/doc29/primer.html#hl7 16:07:59 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/doc29/CDA-sample.xml 16:08:04 breaking up again 16:09:07 i can add in xml transform to sample doc 16:10:02 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/doc29/problem-oriented-medical-record.owl 16:13:17 http://purl.org/cpr/doc 16:15:19 -HarryH 16:15:20 SW_GRDDL()11:00AM has ended 16:15:21 Attendees were FabienG, john-l, +1.703.956.aabb, HarryH, rreck, Chimezie_Ogbuji, briansuda, jjc 16:16:27 rrsagent make logs world-visible 16:18:21 rrsagent publish minutes 16:21:27 rrsagent generate minutes 16:21:46 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:21:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/14-grddl-wg-minutes.html chimezie 16:21:49 jjc has joined #grddl-wg