15:48:04 RRSAgent has joined #rif 15:48:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/01/23-rif-irc 15:48:10 zakim, this will be rif 15:48:10 ok, ChrisW; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 15:48:23 Meeting: RIF Telecon 23 Jan 07 15:48:38 Chair: Christian de Saint-Marie 15:49:59 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2007Jan/0099.html 15:50:12 ChrisW has changed the topic to: 23 Jan Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2007Jan/0099.html 15:50:31 rrsagent, make minutes 15:50:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/01/23-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 15:50:49 agenda+ Admin 15:50:56 agenda+ F2F 15:51:01 agenda+ Liason 15:51:10 agenda+ UCR 15:51:30 agenda+ Tech Design 15:51:33 Harold has joined #rif 15:51:35 agenda+ RIFRAF 15:51:39 agenda+ AOB 15:51:44 zakim, clear agenda 15:51:44 agenda cleared 15:51:48 agenda+ Admin 15:51:49 agenda+ F2F 15:51:50 csma has joined #rif 15:51:50 patranja has joined #rif 15:51:52 agenda+ Liason 15:51:53 agenda+ UCR 15:51:55 agenda+ Tech Design 15:51:57 agenda+ RIFRAF 15:51:59 agenda+ AOB 15:53:53 igor has joined #rif 15:54:57 igor, will you be on the call today? 15:55:06 igor, could you scribe today? 15:55:11 sorry, no 15:55:29 AlexKozlenkov has joined #rif 15:55:36 I have no voice connection from here (a meeting) 15:57:38 FrankMcCabe has joined #rif 15:58:05 MichaelKifer has joined #rif 15:58:31 SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started 15:58:38 +[NRCC] 15:58:46 +??P2 15:58:53 zakim, [NRCC] is me 15:58:53 +Harold; got it 15:59:13 zakim, ??P2 is me 15:59:14 +csma; got it 15:59:21 +??P4 15:59:22 josb has joined #rif 15:59:27 zakim, ??p4 is me 15:59:27 +FrankMcCabe; got it 16:00:17 Hassan has joined #rif 16:00:29 +josb 16:00:32 +[LMU] 16:00:41 +[IPcaller] 16:00:45 +Sandro 16:00:45 DavidHirtle has joined #rif 16:00:46 zakim, ipcaller is me 16:00:47 +??P9 16:00:51 +ChrisW; got it 16:01:04 DaveReynolds has joined #rif 16:01:23 +??P20 16:01:25 LeoraMorgenstern has joined #rif 16:01:25 +Dave_Reynolds (was ??P20) 16:01:34 Scribe: David Hirtle 16:01:42 scribenick: DavidHirtle 16:01:46 Allen has joined #rif 16:01:50 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:01:50 On the phone I see Harold, csma, FrankMcCabe, josb (muted), PaulaP (muted), ChrisW, ??P9, Sandro, Dave_Reynolds 16:02:37 +Allen_Ginsberg 16:02:45 DavidHirtle, press "41#"