Semantic Web: Changing gears

Data on the Web: "Crossing the chasm"

Talk to HP, 2006-0-26

W3C member - HP Confidential

Tim Berners-Lee

Director, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

This talk

HP at W3C

  1. Advisory Board:
    1. Jim Bell <>
  2. Advisory Committee:
    1. Jim Bell <>
  3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group:
    1. Melinda Grant <>
  4. Chairs:
    1. Brian McBride <>
    2. Scott McGlashan <>
  5. Device Description Repository Workshop:
    1. Mark Butler <>
  6. Education and Outreach Working Group:
    1. Natasha Lipkina <>
  7. HTML Working Group:
    1. Melinda Grant <>
  8. Hypertext Coordination Group:
    1. Scott McGlashan <>
  9. Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Working Group:
    1. Francois Richard <>
  10. Multimodal Interaction Working Group:
    1. Paul Burke <>
    2. Sriganesh Madhvanath <>
    3. Scott McGlashan <>
  11. MWI Steering Council:
    1. Evan Smouse <>
  12. Patent and Standards Interest Group:
    1. Scott Peterson <>
  13. Privacy Workshop Program Committee:
    1. Marco Casassa Mont <>
  14. RDF Data Access Working Group:
    1. Andy Seaborne <>
    2. Kevin Wilkinson <>
  15. Rule Interchange Format Working Group:
    1. Jeremy Carroll <>
    2. Dave Reynolds <>
  16. Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group:
    1. David Booth <>
    2. Jeremy Carroll <>
    3. Brian McBride <>
  17. Semantic Web Coordination Group:
    1. Brian McBride <>
  18. Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group:
    1. Ray Hookway <>
  19. Technical Architecture Group:
    1. Ed Rice <>
  20. Voice Browser Working Group:
    1. Hans Bjurstrom <>
    2. Scott McGlashan <>
  21. Web Services Addressing Working Group:
    1. Yin-Leng Husband <>
  22. XSL Working Group:
    1. Fabio Giannetti <>


Adoption stages "life cycle"


after Geoffrey A Moore, "Crossing the Chasm".

Adoption stages "life cycle"

Phase Who buys Technique
1 Innovators
2 Visionaries, Early adopters Concentrate on niche areas SW moving from here
3 Pragmatists Simplify & generalize ... to here
4 Conservatives Customize
5 Laggards

The Chasm is between 2 and 3.

That is what SW technology is crossing now.

( Commercial products, SPARQL implementations OWL implementations)

Network effect

Metcalfe's Law: The value of one node is proportional to the number of other nodes

This applies to the Semantic Web maybe more than anything so far

Small community: Niche applications

Connecting: Browsable data

Some RDF deployment areas

Library metadata Anti-terrorism Life sciences Enterprise
Problem to solve? Single-domain integration Yes. Serious data integration needs Yes. Stovepipes between genetics, proteomics, clinical trials, regulatory etc Flexibility, accountability
Willingness to adopt? Yes. OCLC push and Dublin Core initiative. Yes. Funded early DAML (OWL) work. Yes. Intellectual level high, much modeling done already. Conservative: read-only at this point.
Motivation Light Strong. Strong. Major cost of delays in drug discovery chain. If competition do.
Links to other library data Phone calls records, etc Chemistry, regulatory, medical, etc Product areas.
Showcase? Limited. Not at all Yes, model for other industries. Limited: confidentiality. Public data e.g. catalogues

AGFA: Semantic web bus

The semantic web bus connects medical decision making systems

Thanks to Helen Chen, AGFA

AGFA: Semantic web workflow

The semantic web bus connects medical decision making systems

Thanks to Helen Chen, AGFA

Teranode in Life Sciences

Manual integration is a lot of work Semantic web as unification bus

Moving from niche application areas

Build on existing systems

Practical Semantic Web

Practical Semantic Web

Bottom-up ontology design

  1. Start with existing SQL databases
  2. Add information about how keys and foreign keys connect
  3. Remove other artifacts of the DB schema
  4. Note relationships to other people's concepts

RDF views of data

RDF is to data what HTML is to documents

SPARQL access to data

Query interface

SPARQL - the universal query service

Clients of the RDF bus

New data applications can be built on top of RDF bus, for example:

db to sw

Components: Adapting random files

Keep your existing systems running - adapt them

db to sw

Components: Triple store

Virtual severs actually figure stuff out as well as look up data

db to sw

Adapting SQL Databases

Keep your existing systems running - adapt them

db to sw

Adapting XML

Remember- RDF on an HTTP server can always be virtual

db to sw

Adapting XML: GRDDL

Remember- RDF on an HTTP server can always be virtual

db to sw

Components: Smart servers

Virtual severs actually figure stuff out as well as look up data

db to sw

Complete the product

Roadmap: Stack of expressive power

architectural layers

The Semantic Web Wave

The wave is coming...get out your surfboard

Current Semantic Web work


FAQ: Questions about the Semantic Web

Q. What can RDF do which XML can't do?

See Jim Melton's W3C Tech Plenary talk ( slides and XTech paper.)

Q. So can you show me what it looks like?

  1. No, because semantic web apps will be so varied
  2. No, because it won't be awesome until masses of data is out there.
  3. Well, OK then

Some data in HTML microformat (scraped to RDF)


Some data built with RDF reported as HTML


Tabulator: generic data browser


Starting only with a URI

Tabulating around W3C -


Tabulating around W3C -


Tabulating around W3C -


Tabulating around W3C - Crossing the application boundary


Tabulating around W3C -


Tabulating around W3C -


Tabulating around W3C - This is not a tree


Tabulating around W3C - Query by example


Tabulating around W3C - Graph to table


Q: What about the cost of making all the ontologies?

Communities and Vocabularies

Universal WWW must include communities on many scales

Applications connected by concepts

Its like a metro, the way the lines of common concepts connect the stations of different applications

For example in Biopax

Venn diagram showing ontologies overlapping by certain common terms

[Diagram: Joanne Luciano, Predictive Medicine; Drug discovery demo using RDF, Sideran Seamark and Oracle 10g]

Fractal Web of concepts

The semantic web is about allowing data systems to change by evolution not revolution

Total Cost of Ontologies (TCO)

Assume :-) ontologies evenly spread across orders of magnitude; committee size as log(community), time as committee^2, cost shared across community.
Scale Eg Committee size Cost per ontology (weeks) My share of cost
0 Me 1 1 1
10 My team 4 16 1.6
100 Group 7 49 0.49
1000 10 100 0.10
10k Enterprise 13 169 0.017
100k Business area 16 256 0.0026
1M 19 361 0.00036
10M 22 484 0.000048
100M National, State 25 625 0.000006
1G EU, US 28 784 0.000001
10G Planet 31 961 0.000000

Total cost of 10 ontologies: 3.2 weeks. Serious project: 30 ontologies, TCO = 10 weeks.
Lesson: Do your bit. Others will do theirs.
Thank those who do working groups!

Flexibility with Semantic Web

Responsibility with Semantic Web

"Crossing the chasm": Timing strawman


Questions for HP

Thank you for your attention

Random links

Tabulator demo (experts only with Ffox): W3C,