W3C Web Security Context Working Group
This is the working Wiki of the W3C WSC WG.
- issue and action tracker - public, read-only (find via a different link if you need this one)
W3C Workshop on Transparency and Usability of Web Authentication; held March 2006
RecommendationUsabilityEvaluationFirstCut - an initial evaluation of proposals from a usability perspectie
RecommendationDisplayProposals - list of proposals for rec-track work
editor's draft - work in progress to fold these proposals into recommendation-style language
Stuff in this wiki
MinSpec - what do we have adequate implementation of today?
BeyondJune - ideas about what we might do after June 2008
TestPlanning - Planning our conformance testing for CR
SuccessBaseline - Working Group's fundamental baseline for considering our work as a group successful
TimeLine - a detailed and dynamic list of our planned milestones
NoteIndex - The index page for wiki pages that form part of the working text of the WG's note
RecommendationIndex - The index page for wiki pages that form part of the working text of the WG's recommendation(s)
FuturesAndOnePluses - things we'd like to do, but probably won't have time, or are in someone else's charter, or should be in the charter of some future WG
SharedBookmarks - background material
OtherGroupsSpecs - specifications that we'll likely interact with
DocsRepository -- Contributed documents and other references not available as web links
ListsFromNewYork - some lists we did at the first face-to-face meeting
DublinBrainstorm - an overview and notes from the free-for-all brainstorming session at the second face-to-face meeting
GoalsNonGoals -ACTION-33: What the Working group is trying to solve, what, it is not
Use Case Dimensions -- The four dimensions used to construct use cases
ThreatTrees -- working document containing threat trees
Glossary -- a glossary of terms used by the group
NoteWorkshopRecommendations -- summary of proposals from 2006 workshop
UsabilityStudies -- working document to track usability studies
UI Issues In Mobile Browsing -- working document with findings on security usability in mobiles
MeetingTaxisAndDinners - arrival and hotel information for upcoming face-to-face meetings
GoodBadStanding - tracking of standing of WG members
Interesting starting points
RecentChanges: see where people are currently working
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