15:27:53 RRSAgent has joined #rif 15:27:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/11/21-rif-irc 15:27:56 zakim, this will be rif 15:27:57 ok, ChrisW; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 33 minutes 15:28:58 ChrisW has changed the topic to: 21 Nov RIF agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Nov/0079.html 15:29:11 Meeting: RIF Telecon 21 Nov 06 15:29:11 Chair: Chris Welty 15:29:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Nov/0079.html 15:29:55 Zakim, read agenda from http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-rif-agenda.rdf 15:29:55 working on it, ChrisW 15:30:00 agenda+ Admin' [ChrisW] 15:30:01 agendum 1 added 15:30:02 agenda+ F2F [ChrisW] 15:30:03 agendum 2 added 15:30:04 agenda+ Liason [ChrisW] 15:30:05 agendum 3 added 15:30:06 agenda+ Technical Design [ChrisW] 15:30:07 agendum 4 added 15:30:09 agenda+ RIF-RAF [ChrisW] 15:30:10 agendum 5 added 15:30:11 agenda+ UCR [ChrisW] 15:30:13 agendum 6 added 15:30:15 agenda+ AOB [ChrisW] 15:30:17 agendum 7 added 15:30:19 done reading agenda, ChrisW 15:33:02 polo has joined #rif 15:42:48 Polo has joined #rif 15:43:00 Polo has left #rif 15:54:25 Hassan has joined #rif 15:55:11 FrankMcCabe has joined #rif 15:58:22 SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started 15:58:29 +[IPcaller] 15:58:35 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:58:35 +FrankMcCabe; got it 15:58:51 patranja has joined #rif 15:58:58 +LeoraMorgenstern 15:59:17 mdean has joined #rif 15:59:48 Harold has joined #rif 15:59:52 csma has joined #rif 16:00:23 Allen has joined #rif 16:00:44 josb has joined #rif 16:00:53 +josb 16:00:55 + +1.613.993.aaaa 16:00:55 AlexKozlenkov has joined #rif 16:00:56 DaveReynolds has joined #rif 16:01:25 +Allen_Ginsberg 16:01:40 StellaMitchell has joined #rif 16:01:48 zakim, mute me 16:01:50 Allen_Ginsberg should now be muted 16:01:51 +[LMU] 16:01:56 +??P18 16:01:58 +Mike_Dean 16:02:00 +[IBM] 16:02:04 zakim, ibm is temporarily me 16:02:04 +ChrisW; got it 16:02:06 +Dave_Reynolds (was ??P18) 16:02:15 +??P21 16:02:15 MalaMehrotra has joined #rif 16:02:29 pfps has joined #rif 16:02:33 +Sandro 16:02:35 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:02:37 On the phone I see FrankMcCabe, LeoraMorgenstern, josb (muted), +1.613.993.aaaa, Allen_Ginsberg (muted), PaulaP (muted), Mike_Dean, Dave_Reynolds, ChrisW, ??P21, Sandro 16:02:44 +??P25 16:02:46 +[INRIA] 16:02:48 +[IBM] 16:02:48 zakim, ??p21 is me 16:02:48 zakim, ??P25 is me 16:02:50 +pfps; got it 16:02:52 +AlexKozlenkov; got it 16:02:54 cgi-irc has joined #rif 16:02:56 zakim, [ibm] is temporarily me 16:02:56 +StellaMitchell; got it 16:02:58 zakim, mute me 16:02:58 AlexKozlenkov should now be muted 16:03:03 +Mala_Mehrotra 16:03:29 zakim, inria is me 16:03:30 zakim, +1.613.993.aaaa is me 16:03:32 +csma; got it 16:03:33 +Harold; got it 16:03:44 sandro has joined #rif 16:03:46 Stella, can you scribe today? 16:03:50 ack csma 16:03:52 yes 16:03:56 thanks 16:04:03 Scribe: Stella Mitchell 16:04:04 zakim, mute me 16:04:04 csma should now be muted 16:04:11 scribenick: StellaMitchell 16:04:18 I can't hear anyone talking 16:04:36 Ok, I will do action tracking 16:04:41 +[IPcaller] 16:04:46 OK now 16:04:50 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:04:50 On the phone I see FrankMcCabe, LeoraMorgenstern, josb (muted), Harold, Allen_Ginsberg (muted), PaulaP (muted), Mike_Dean, Dave_Reynolds, ChrisW, pfps, Sandro, AlexKozlenkov 16:04:54 ... (muted), csma (muted), StellaMitchell (muted), Mala_Mehrotra, [IPcaller] 16:05:36 DavidHirtle has joined #rif 16:05:45 chris: propose to cancel next week's telcom because chairs cannot attend 16:06:01 ... any objections? no 16:06:09 yes 16:06:10 (It conflicts with W3C AC meeting) 16:06:25 chrisw: Nov 28th telcon is cancelled 16:06:31 +[IPcaller] 16:06:37 continued 16:06:45 chris: action-165 continued 16:07:08 zakim, next item 16:07:08 agendum 1. "Admin'" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:07:10 I did not either 16:07:15 no, Francois is not here but I can ask him about the minutes 16:07:28 action-165 continued 16:07:32 action-171 continued 16:07:37 chrisw: still need minutes from last week's telecon 16:07:44 zakim, next item 16:07:44 agendum 1 was just opened, StellaMitchell 16:07:47 zakim, next item 16:07:47 agendum 1 was just opened, ChrisW 16:07:53 zakim, close item 1 16:07:53 agendum 1, Admin', closed 16:07:54 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:07:55 2. F2F [from ChrisW] 16:07:59 zakim, next item 16:07:59 agendum 2. "F2F" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:08:03 zakim, unmute me 16:08:03 Allen_Ginsberg should no longer be muted 16:08:12 zakim, unmute me 16:08:12 csma should no longer be muted 16:08:29 AxelPolleres has joined #rif 16:09:02 chrisw: there is still another week for people to propose f2f5 alternatives 16:09:13 +Hassan_Ait-Kaci 16:09:32 Francois told me he sent the minutes for the last telecon, but apparently there were some problems in receiving the emails from him 16:09:37 allen: regarding mitre, room is reserved for feb 26-28 16:09:54 ... early march is not possible 16:09:58 Dates proposed: Feb26-28 16:09:59 +Axel_Polleres 16:10:31 chrisw: only one proposal so far for f2f5 and f2f6 16:10:51 ... f2f5: mitre 16:11:12 I put the possible dates for f2f6 in Innsbruck around the ESWC on the wiki 16:11:22 ...f2f6 deri, Austria 16:11:44 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/F2F6 16:11:46 ... correction: there is a 2nd proposal for f2f5: Jan, at MIT 16:12:03 action-121 done 16:12:11 q+ 16:12:37 Polo has joined #rif 16:13:06 Polo has left #rif 16:13:22 action-183 done 16:13:23 action-122 done 16:13:43 action-183 done 16:13:44 paula: just sent out minutes from last week 16:14:06 chrisw: see url above from Jos for f2f6 16:14:13 zakim, next item 16:14:13 agendum 3. "Liason" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:14:16 Polo has joined #rif 16:14:22 PRR: no news 16:14:30 zakim, next item 16:14:30 agendum 3 was just opened, StellaMitchell 16:14:49 zakim, close item 3 16:14:49 agendum 3, Liason, closed 16:14:50 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:14:51 4. Technical Design [from ChrisW] 16:14:56 zakim, next item 16:14:56 agendum 4. "Technical Design" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:15:05 MichaelKifer has joined #rif 16:15:08 ZAY-kim ZAY-kim ZAY-kim. :-) 16:15:22 yes 16:15:38 zakim, mute me 16:15:38 csma should now be muted 16:15:51 action-152 continued 16:16:02 action-153 done 16:16:06 action-142 continued 16:16:25 sandro: i might not get to action-156 16:16:47 + +43.512.507.aabb 16:16:48 chrisw: any volunteers to take over action-156 from Sandro? 16:17:12 zakim, aabb is me 16:17:12 +MichaelKifer; got it 16:17:12 GiorgosStoilos has joined #rif 16:17:27 zakim, mute me 16:17:27 MichaelKifer should now be muted 16:17:32 +Gary_Hallmark 16:17:36 q+ 16:17:45 frank: uc5 may not be able to be done in the core syntax 16:17:45 -LeoraMorgenstern 16:17:45 ack paula 16:17:53 Here is the URL for the email on action 153 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Nov/0009 16:17:53 GaryHallmark has joined #rif 16:18:01 sandro: all UC will probably involve some extensions 16:18:05 zakim, unmute me 16:18:05 csma should no longer be muted 16:18:11 chris: the point is to see what you can and cannot express with core 16:18:41 +GiorgosStoilos 16:18:46 csma: yes, to help identify extensions needed 16:19:16 +1 to csma for part of the exercises is to write down what is missing in the core and maybe propose what could be added 16:19:19 frank:: I will take the action-156 16:19:23 q- 16:19:24 +LeoraMorgenstern 16:19:32 action-126 reassigned to Frank 16:19:38 action-157 continuted 16:19:47 s/126/156/ 16:20:06 action-159 continued 16:20:27 my action is ALMOST done, so continued :) 16:20:39 action-160 continued 16:20:47 It is continued 16:20:52 action-170 continued 16:21:03 action-180 done 16:21:20 action-182 continued 16:21:42 action-184 continued 16:21:46 closed 16:21:51 action-185 done 16:22:04 action-186 continued 16:22:39 action-188 continued 16:23:04 chris: most minutes from fsf4 are on the f2f4 wiki page 16:23:05 LeoraMorgenstern has joined #rif 16:23:16 q? 16:23:17 -LeoraMorgenstern 16:23:34 sandro: when to we have to approve them? 16:23:34 zakim, unmute me 16:23:34 csma was not muted, csma 16:23:35 +[IBM] 16:23:38 Some poste the URL please? 16:23:41 IBM is temporarily me 16:23:44 chris: they are not quite finished yet, but main ones are there 16:23:57 ... after they are completed, there will be 1 week to approve them 16:24:23 chris: first main issue for discussion are the changes to the core that Harold made 16:24:33 ... in response to resolutions from f2f4 16:24:37 zakim, mute me 16:24:37 csma should now be muted 16:24:53 draft minutes for F2F4, see F2F4 wiki http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/F2F4 16:24:54 please mute me 16:25:02 zakim, please mute me 16:25:02 sorry, LeoraMorgenstern, I do not see a party named 'LeoraMorgenstern' 16:25:14 zakim, ibm is temporarily me 16:25:14 +LeoraMorgenstern; got it 16:25:18 zakim, please mute me 16:25:18 LeoraMorgenstern should now be muted 16:25:22 q+ 16:26:04 harold: 2 parts that could be seperated: slots seperately from optional constraints 16:27:48 "slots" in this case refers to "keyword arguments" (as opposed to positional) 16:28:45 1st part: 16:29:10 2nd: part optional constraint only on rule part or on condtion part also 16:29:35 s/also/also? 16:29:36 q? 16:30:06 ack hassan 16:30:39 zakim, unmute me 16:30:39 csma should no longer be muted 16:30:50 hassan: contraints views of terms and slotted terms are just like rdf 16:31:16 ... can have a hybrid syntax with "dot" on term also 16:33:10 csma: text on the wiki is correct? yes 16:33:36 hassan: but in slides and emails there is an error 16:34:05 ... it's x.1 not f.1 (?) 16:34:31 chrisw: is it correct that condition language is a keyword language? 16:34:50 hassan: it's a convenience to avoid verbose syntax 16:35:15 csma: which is the most general? 16:35:19 hassan: terms 16:36:05 chris: several people requested more concrete version of this proposal before they could accept 16:36:07 zakim, unmute me 16:36:07 AlexKozlenkov should no longer be muted 16:36:29 zakim, mute me 16:36:29 AlexKozlenkov should now be muted 16:36:30 alex: have not had a chance to evaluate the proposal yet 16:36:43 s/terms/constraints/ 16:36:50 I withdrew my skepticism, after I finally understood the presentation, after Chris' clarification at the face-to-face 16:37:05 Yes 16:37:37 chris: are there comments from anyone else on this proposal? 16:37:58 ... we will have to vote on it soon 16:38:05 +1 to a 1st WD before end of year!!! 16:38:09 The Hassan proposal looks good although I would like to see more links to claims about relation to reactivity 16:38:50 chris: there were email discussions on extensibility, kicked off by Sandro 16:39:10 chris: one of the requirements is that the core language must be extensible 16:39:19 16:39:23 hak -> alex: we first concentrate on Horn, then move to other kinds. Proof theory is one way (HHF) 16:39:28 ... important part of phase 1 work is to understand the extensibility mechanism 16:40:27 alex -> hak: agreed, but you are saying nice things about the basis being there already, which is good but more detils would be nice to have 16:40:30 sandro: we talked about extensibility last week 16:40:49 ... how to you characterize what will go wrong if you ignore part of the syntax that you don't understand 16:41:17 zakim, mute me 16:41:17 AlexKozlenkov was already muted, AlexKozlenkov 16:41:19 hak -> alex: point taken - I will provide what I know, and will take it from there 16:42:22 csma: I just sent an email related to this. we need something more general that "body implies head" 16:43:16 ... also, we do not have a resolution on ?? 16:43:26 chris: we will take it offline and look through the minutes 16:43:27 It would help mu action point about extensibility 16:43:36 zakim, next item 16:43:36 agendum 5. "RIF-RAF" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:43:40 s/mu/my 16:43:51 ...on having a common syntax for all dialects 16:43:55 action-148 continued 16:44:15 zakim, unmute me 16:44:15 LeoraMorgenstern should no longer be muted 16:44:16 actoin-172 continued 16:44:25 s/action/action 16:44:34 zakim, mute me 16:44:34 LeoraMorgenstern should now be muted 16:44:37 continued 16:44:38 action-173 continued 16:45:03 action-174 continued 16:45:06 Action continued! 16:45:10 action-175 continued 16:45:16 action-176 continued 16:45:19 continued 16:45:22 action-177 continued 16:45:27 action-179 continued 16:45:36 s/actoin/action 16:45:55 thanks 16:46:43 chris: any other things to report on RIFRAF? Leora or Axel? 16:46:49 not at the moment... I start working on it intensively this thu 16:47:03 I"m here 16:47:10 I don't know why you can't here me. 16:47:14 -Mala_Mehrotra 16:47:16 No, nothing to report on rifraf. 16:47:18 ack leora 16:47:50 zakim, next item 16:47:50 agendum 6. "UCR" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:47:59 action-38 continued 16:48:03 action-41 done 16:48:09 typo above: that should "I don't know why you can't hear me" 16:48:47 s/can't here me/can't hear me/ 16:48:56 action-106 complete 16:49:40 action-144 continued 16:50:47 chris: Paul, can you take a look at the current draft and send your comments to Allen 16:50:54 paul: yes 16:51:05 I know continued 16:51:14 action-169 continued 16:51:27 action-181 continued 16:51:46 chris: allen, what is status for the UC document? 16:51:47 ACTION-131 was completed and reported on last month... 16:52:36 allen: a main thing that needs to be done is to limit the requirements that need to be linked to 16:52:49 paula: I already did that - with UC 2 16:53:08 action: Allen to send email to link use cases to requirements based on Paula's draft of UC2 16:53:08 Created ACTION-189 - Send email to link use cases to requirements based on Paula\'s draft of UC2 [on Allen Ginsberg - due 2006-11-28]. 16:53:33 chris: need definition of "covers" finished 16:53:51 chris: are functional vs. non-functional reqquirements discussed in the doc? 16:53:54 allen: yes 16:54:06 csma: I think it is confusing the way it is written 16:54:21 chris and csma: can the general requirements be listed first? 16:55:14 allen: ok, and also will remove them from the phase sections 16:55:20 action: allen to move "general" requirements to beginning of section and remove duplicates 16:55:20 Created ACTION-190 - Move \"general\" requirements to beginning of section and remove duplicates [on Allen Ginsberg - due 2006-11-28]. 16:56:09 chris: I will review break out minutes to double check 16:56:14 q? 16:56:44 chris: any other comments on UCR? 16:56:47 ... none 16:57:14 chris: next telecon will be on Dec 5th 16:57:19 next telecon Dec 5 16:57:27 -GiorgosStoilos 16:57:28 +1 16:57:29 +1 16:57:30 -AlexKozlenkov 16:57:33 -Gary_Hallmark 16:57:35 -Harold 16:57:37 -DavidHirtle 16:57:37 happy thanksgiving folks 16:57:38 -PaulVincent 16:57:39 -Dave_Reynolds 16:57:39 -Hassan_Ait-Kaci 16:57:40 bye 16:57:46 -MichaelKifer 16:57:48 -josb 16:57:48 -Axel_Polleres 16:57:49 -LeoraMorgenstern 16:57:50 -Allen_Ginsberg 16:57:51 -PaulaP 16:57:51 -FrankMcCabe 16:57:54 rrsagent, make minutes 16:57:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/11/21-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 16:57:54 -Mike_Dean 16:58:03 -pfps 16:58:05 rrsagent, make logs public 16:59:26 -StellaMitchell 16:59:58 -Sandro 17:00:00 -ChrisW 17:00:01 -csma 17:00:03 SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended 17:00:04 Attendees were FrankMcCabe, LeoraMorgenstern, josb, Allen_Ginsberg, Mike_Dean, ChrisW, PaulaP, Dave_Reynolds, Sandro, pfps, AlexKozlenkov, StellaMitchell, Mala_Mehrotra, csma, 17:00:09 ... Harold, PaulVincent, DavidHirtle, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, Axel_Polleres, +43.512.507.aabb, MichaelKifer, Gary_Hallmark, GiorgosStoilos 17:00:18 rrsagent, make minutes 17:00:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/11/21-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 17:01:24 Regrets: IgorMozetic, JosDeRoo, MichaelSintek, MarkusKrötzsch 17:01:30 rrsagent, make minutes 17:01:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/11/21-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 17:01:55 ok, stella, the minutes are ready 17:11:10 EvanWallace has joined #rif 17:15:12 csma has left #rif 19:10:41 Zakim has left #rif