15:19:25 RRSAgent has joined #rif 15:19:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/31-rif-irc 15:20:20 zakim, this will be rif 15:20:20 ok, ChrisW; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 40 minutes 15:21:36 Meeting: RIF Telecon 31 Oct 06 15:21:36 Chair: Christian de Sainte-Marie 15:21:36 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Oct/0112.html 15:21:36 Scribe: Gerd Wagner 15:22:01 Zakim, read agenda from http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-rif-agenda.rdf 15:22:01 working on it, ChrisW 15:22:02 done reading agenda, ChrisW 15:23:21 agenda+ Admin 15:23:44 agenda+ F2F 15:23:52 agenda+ Liason 15:24:00 agenda+ Technical Design 15:24:10 agenda+ RIF-RAF 15:24:19 agenda+ UCR 15:24:22 agenda+ AOB 15:26:12 rrsagent, make minutes 15:26:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/31-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 15:27:50 rrsagent, make logs public 15:29:54 Harold has joined #rif 15:46:14 agiurca has joined #rif 15:54:17 patranja has joined #rif 15:55:16 DavidHirtle has joined #rif 15:55:44 csma has joined #rif 15:56:28 SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started 15:56:35 +??P4 15:56:45 zakim, ??P4 is me 15:56:45 +csma; got it 15:57:01 Hassan has joined #rif 15:57:29 +[NRCC] 15:58:01 zakim, [NRCC] is me 15:58:01 +Harold; got it 15:58:30 +Hassan_Ait-Kaci 15:58:45 Regrets: IgorMozetic MichaelKifer PaulVincent FrançoisBry MarkusKrötzsch MichaelSintek ElisaKendall 15:59:08 Deborah_Nichols has joined #rif 15:59:25 JeffP has joined #rif 15:59:29 +[IBM] 15:59:37 zakim, ibm is temporarily me 15:59:37 +ChrisW; got it 15:59:38 +Deborah_Nichols 16:00:00 +Gerd_Wagner 16:00:02 Allen has joined #rif 16:00:26 +G 16:00:26 GerdWagner has joined #rif 16:00:32 josb has joined #rif 16:00:53 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:00:53 On the phone I see csma, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci (muted), ChrisW, Deborah_Nichols (muted), Gerd_Wagner, G 16:00:54 zakim, Gerd_Wagner is GerdWagner 16:00:55 +GerdWagner; got it 16:00:58 + +22427aaaa 16:00:59 +Allen_Ginsberg 16:01:00 -GerdWagner 16:01:07 scribenick: GerdWagner 16:01:12 AlexKozlenkov has joined #rif 16:01:13 +[LMU] 16:01:16 StellaMitchell has joined #rif 16:01:23 zakim, mute me 16:01:23 Allen_Ginsberg should now be muted 16:01:26 zakim, [LMU] is temporarily me 16:01:26 +PaulaP; got it 16:01:37 LeoraMorgenstern has joined #rif 16:01:44 +??P15 16:01:52 AxelPolleres has joined #rif 16:02:00 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:02:00 On the phone I see csma, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci (muted), ChrisW, Deborah_Nichols (muted), G, JeffP, Allen_Ginsberg (muted), PaulaP (muted), ??P15 16:02:09 +GerdWagner 16:02:13 +Axel_Polleres 16:02:15 DaveReynolds has joined #rif 16:02:20 +[IBM] 16:02:23 zakim, [ibm] is temporarily me 16:02:23 +StellaMitchell; got it 16:02:32 +Sandro 16:02:33 Zakim, mute me 16:02:34 sorry, agiurca, I do not see a party named 'agiurca' 16:02:38 +Leora_Morgenstern 16:02:44 +??P32 16:02:47 zakim, mute me 16:02:49 zakim, ??P32 is me 16:02:54 Leora_Morgenstern should now be muted 16:02:58 Zakim, ??P15 is me 16:03:01 +[IPcaller] 16:03:07 +AlexKozlenkov; got it 16:03:08 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:03:11 +??P34 16:03:15 I already had ??P15 as josb, agiurca 16:03:15 zakim, please mute me 16:03:19 +Dave_Reynolds (was ??P34) 16:03:27 On the phone I see csma, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci (muted), ChrisW, Deborah_Nichols (muted), G, JeffP, Allen_Ginsberg (muted), PaulaP (muted), josb (muted), GerdWagner, Axel_Polleres 16:03:32 ... (muted), StellaMitchell, Sandro (muted), Leora_Morgenstern (muted), AlexKozlenkov, DavidHirtle, Dave_Reynolds 16:03:40 AlexKozlenkov should now be muted 16:03:41 zakim, mute me 16:03:48 AlexKozlenkov was already muted, AlexKozlenkov 16:04:37 ack G 16:04:45 zakim, G is adrian 16:04:45 +adrian; got it 16:04:52 Zakim G is agiurca 16:05:21 ChrisW has joined #rif 16:05:24 +Mike_Dean 16:05:27 Zakim, mute me 16:05:27 sorry, agiurca, I do not see a party named 'agiurca' 16:05:43 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:05:43 On the phone I see csma, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci (muted), ChrisW, Deborah_Nichols (muted), adrian, JeffP, Allen_Ginsberg (muted), PaulaP (muted), josb (muted), GerdWagner, 16:05:47 ... Axel_Polleres (muted), StellaMitchell (muted), Sandro (muted), Leora_Morgenstern (muted), AlexKozlenkov (muted), DavidHirtle, Dave_Reynolds, Mike_Dean 16:05:51 zakim, adrian is agiurca 16:05:52 +agiurca; got it 16:06:04 SaidTabet has joined #RIF 16:06:09 thanks 16:06:48 ok 16:06:56 zakim, take up item 1 16:06:56 agendum 1. "Admin" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:06:58 pfps has joined #rif 16:06:58 +??P12 16:07:08 zakim, ??P12 is me 16:07:08 +SaidTabet; got it 16:07:13 zakim, mute me 16:07:13 SaidTabet should now be muted 16:07:50 +Peter_PS 16:08:23 approved Oct 17 telecon minutes 16:09:10 zakim, next agenudm 16:09:11 I don't understand 'next agenudm', ChrisW 16:09:16 zakim, next agendum 16:09:16 agendum 2. "F2F" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:09:22 Stella_Mitchell has joined #rif 16:09:27 q+ 16:09:36 ChrisWelty has joined #rif 16:09:58 ack hassan 16:10:39 http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/hotel/directions.phtml#Shuttle 16:10:41 Can you post these alternatives to the list/wiki? 16:11:03 JosD has joined #rif 16:11:51 +Jos_De_Roo 16:13:22 pfps: no remote support planned 16:14:02 -josb 16:14:10 csma: no one has indicated interested in remote participation 16:14:35 +josb 16:14:42 q? 16:14:45 Stella-Mitchell has joined #rif 16:15:47 zakim, next agendum 16:15:47 agendum 3. "Liason" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:16:22 zakim, close item 3 16:16:22 agendum 3, Liason, closed 16:16:23 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:16:24 4. Technical Design [from ChrisW] 16:16:27 zakim, next agendum 16:16:27 agendum 4. "Technical Design" taken up [from ChrisW] 16:16:31 +Gary_Hallmark 16:16:54 http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/conferences/about/directions.phtml has information on ground transport to and from Atlanta 16:16:58 action 120 complete 16:17:13 action 141 complete 16:17:24 action 142 continued 16:17:35 zakim, unmute me 16:17:35 Allen_Ginsberg should no longer be muted 16:17:39 CONTINUED 16:17:42 http://www.aaaairportexpress.com/routes/athens.html has the AAA express schedule and phone numbers 16:18:04 GaryHallmark has joined #rif 16:18:12 action 161 complete 16:18:34 action 162 complete 16:19:00 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UC7_Worked_Example 16:21:21 action 155 complete 16:21:29 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UC8_Worked_Example 16:22:47 zakim, mute me 16:22:47 Allen_Ginsberg should now be muted 16:24:42 csma: there are now several alternative proposals for the condition language 16:25:05 hassan's proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Oct/0083.html 16:25:46 hassan: my proposal is compatible but slightly more abstract than the Boley et al proposal 16:26:05 q? 16:27:30 hassan: separate "data model" and rules 16:28:03 q? 16:29:26 q+ 16:29:37 ack harold 16:30:26 harold: feature terms would be an important addition 16:30:42 Slotted syntax: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/charter#xml-syntax 16:32:34 "In order to allow interoperability with RDF and object-oriented systems, the syntax must support named arguments (also called "role" or "slot" names), allowing n-ary facts, rules, and queries to be provided through property/value interfaces." 16:33:16 action: harold to work with Hassan to reconcile two proposals 16:33:17 Created ACTION-163 - Work with Hassan to reconcile two proposals [on Harold Boley - due 2006-11-07]. 16:33:28 q? 16:35:45 csma: the purpose of my proposal is to trigger thinking about a RIF that is different than Harold et al's 16:36:58 -Sandro 16:37:17 csma: RIF should allow the interchange of PRs and LP rules where possible 16:37:30 zakim, who is talking? 16:37:41 ChrisWelty, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: csma (27%), Peter_PS (18%) 16:37:57 MoZ has joined #rif 16:38:24 Christian, are we talking about semantics or about 'pragmatics', then? 16:38:44 zakim, who is talking? 16:38:54 ChrisWelty, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Peter_PS (27%) 16:39:42 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pragmatics 16:40:04 zakim, who is talking? 16:40:14 ChrisWelty, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 22 (28%), csma (61%), Peter_PS (43%) 16:40:16 zakim, mute Peter_PS 16:40:17 Peter_PS should now be muted 16:40:50 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:40:50 On the phone I see csma, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci (muted), ChrisW, Deborah_Nichols (muted), agiurca, JeffP, Allen_Ginsberg (muted), PaulaP (muted), GerdWagner, Axel_Polleres 16:40:53 ... (muted), Stella-Mitchell (muted), Leora_Morgenstern (muted), AlexKozlenkov (muted), DavidHirtle, Dave_Reynolds, Mike_Dean, SaidTabet (muted), Peter_PS (muted), Jos_De_Roo 16:40:55 ... (muted), josb, Gary_Hallmark 16:41:07 csma: the same rule could be formalized/used as a LP rule with stable model emantics of as a PR with a different semantics 16:41:37 q? 16:41:43 Pragmatics is also a bit in the RIFRAF, but not quite enough. Interoperation can be seen as part of it. 16:41:57 +Sandro 16:43:21 q+ 16:43:33 q+ 16:43:58 dave: how are going to capture meaning without formal semantics? 16:44:38 ack dave 16:44:48 csma: the extreme would be to leave semantics outside of RIF 16:45:11 pfps_ has joined #rif 16:45:39 zakim, ChrisW is me 16:45:39 +ChrisWelty; got it 16:47:02 q+ 16:47:17 csma: in many practical cases you do not care about the precise meaning of a rule 16:47:37 ack gerd 16:48:12 gerd: the current core proposal is for the condition language, but csma proposal is not 16:48:16 +1 with Gerd 16:48:29 -Peter_PS 16:48:36 ack jos 16:49:10 josb: csma, if you don't specify the semantic of rules how can you interchange? 16:49:38 q+ to ask about test cases, and their differences 16:49:40 +Peter_PS 16:50:01 zakim, mute Peter_PS 16:50:01 Peter_PS should now be muted 16:50:50 q? 16:51:06 +1 to that model-theoretic semantics is the way to capture the agreed minimal smeantics. 16:51:11 zakim, Peter_PS is pfps 16:51:11 +pfps; got it 16:52:11 csma: even in phase 1 we should be able to interchange not only Horn rules but also PRs 16:52:30 ack sandro 16:52:30 sandro, you wanted to ask about test cases, and their differences 16:53:44 q+ 16:53:44 sandro: would csma's proposla give us different test cases than Harold et al's? 16:54:06 q+ to respond to Sandro's point on test cases 16:54:07 q+ 16:55:04 sandro: so you're not TRYING to achieve any different test-case results? 16:55:29 q? 16:55:50 csma: Right -- It's not clear to me from the current proposal how it's possible to interchange the kind of rules we need 16:55:55 ack hassan 16:55:58 csma: LP semantics may not capture interchange 16:57:38 I think this is what we do with the current use cases mapping to th RCL?!????!?!???? 16:57:45 ack me 16:57:45 DaveReynolds, you wanted to respond to Sandro's point on test cases 16:57:49 q- 16:57:49 hassan: everyone may provide test cases 16:59:24 ack hassan 16:59:40 q? 16:59:43 ack AxelPolleres 17:00:22 axel: is your proposal an alternative or an extension? 17:01:08 csma: my point is I have some kind of test cases in mind and the are not covered 17:01:57 q? 17:03:34 q+ 17:03:58 dave: I didn't view my proposal as an alternative 17:04:40 dave: rdf would help with extensibility 17:04:46 silence? 17:04:56 q? 17:05:16 i'm not convinced about the utility of RDF with respect to this sort of extensibility 17:05:40 q+ 17:05:51 ack csma 17:06:17 Peter, didn't you also work on a unified data model, bringing together RDF's OO modeling with XML's positional one? 17:06:39 csma: your proposal seems to contain some elements where it goes beyond the Boley et al proposal 17:07:12 ack hassan 17:07:25 Yes, I did some work on allowing XML documents to be considered as RDF data 17:07:52 hassan: rdf allows to represent any data models 17:08:09 q? 17:09:39 I was thinking of allowing both XML-like, positional Herbrand data terms and RDF-like, feature/slot data terms. 17:10:21 q- 17:10:56 csma: what about trial implementations? 17:11:02 q? 17:11:05 zakim, next agendum 17:11:05 agendum 5. "RIF-RAF" taken up [from ChrisW] 17:12:02 action: gary to fix typo in minutes 17:12:03 Created ACTION-164 - Fix typo in minutes [on Gary Hallmark - due 2006-11-07]. 17:12:25 zakim, unmute me 17:12:25 Leora_Morgenstern should no longer be muted 17:13:13 zakim, mute me 17:13:13 Leora_Morgenstern should now be muted 17:13:44 zakim, next agendum 17:13:44 agendum 6. "UCR" taken up [from ChrisW] 17:13:48 -SaidTabet 17:14:55 csma: action x continued 17:14:56 done 17:15:23 action 143 complete 17:15:59 action 144 cont 17:16:30 action 147 completed 17:17:08 +1 for adjourning 17:17:26 or we could talk about Saturday Morning's plans..... 17:17:35 or parties Friday night? L-) 17:17:42 Or both? 17:17:46 -AlexKozlenkov 17:18:10 -Gary_Hallmark 17:18:11 +1 17:18:13 +1 17:18:14 -josb 17:18:19 -Stella-Mitchell 17:18:20 bye 17:18:22 bye 17:18:23 see you 17:18:23 -pfps 17:18:24 DavidHirtle has left #rif 17:18:24 -Deborah_Nichols 17:18:24 -Hassan_Ait-Kaci 17:18:25 bye 17:18:25 PaulaP has left #rif 17:18:26 -Axel_Polleres 17:18:27 -Allen_Ginsberg 17:18:28 -Harold 17:18:29 -Jos_De_Roo 17:18:30 -Dave_Reynolds 17:18:30 -DavidHirtle 17:18:32 -PaulaP 17:18:34 -Leora_Morgenstern 17:18:36 -Mike_Dean 17:18:38 -JeffP 17:18:52 zakim, bye 17:18:52 leaving. As of this point the attendees were csma, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, Deborah_Nichols, GerdWagner, Allen_Ginsberg, JeffP, PaulaP, Axel_Polleres, josb, Sandro, 17:18:53 Zakim has left #rif 17:18:57 ... Leora_Morgenstern, AlexKozlenkov, Dave_Reynolds, DavidHirtle, Mike_Dean, agiurca, SaidTabet, Jos_De_Roo, Gary_Hallmark, Stella-Mitchell, ChrisWelty, pfps 17:19:06 rrsagent, make minutes 17:19:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/31-rif-minutes.html ChrisWelty 18:04:37 csma has left #rif