2nd Emotion XG telefone conference

9 Oct 2006


See also: IRC log


Marc, Alejandra, Christian, felix, IanWilson, Jianhua, JuanMontero, Kostas, PaoloB, Rob, ryager
Marc Schroeder
Felix Burkhardt




<smartweb> hello, testing ;-)

testing again

what item is this?

<Christian> Hi ll

<IanWilson> hello marc, everyone

<Marc> Hi everyone! Please join on the phone! :-)

<Jianhua> Hi I just join the phone meeting

<Rob> Hi I've just joined too

<Christian> the volume is very low

<Kostas> is it just 6 0?

<Marc> sorry, it is 60#

<Marc> please can you all type "zakim, mute me"

<PaoloB> Another way to mute persons is to write "Zakim, mute me" on the IRC channel

<Alejandra> I have muted my phone

<Christian> should we just try to go on?

<Alejandra> si

<Christian> great

<Christian> sorry, I just disconnected

<Christian> wait a second please!

<Marc> next item

<Alejandra> we can choose the scribe the person the last to join

<Alejandra> no one is

<Kostas> I could do it using a plain text editor if you like

<IanWilson> Sorry, I seem to be having trouble connecting, getting a busy tone?

<Rob> I think I may be P11

<Marc> next item

<scribe> Scribe: Felix Burkhardt

<scribe> ScribeNick: felix

<Marc> next item

<Marc> next item

Reviewing action items from previous meeting

last minutes agreed by everyone

Enrico: categorize usecases into subcases

Rob: was useful to see what other people need

ryager: can we have more information on the background of the people writing the usecases?

<PaoloB> who is here?

Marc: how about linking anonymous usecases to concrete projects?

Rob: we could do that on the public mailing list

Marc: probably good, because the usecases should not be overloaded

ryager: carifying request; just wants better discussion not neccessarily in the use case document, so mailing list is ok.

<Alejandra> exactly what means to give a backgrownd information?

<Alejandra> like pshichologic or systems?

<scribe> ACTION: everybody who wants to comment on their usecases on public mailing list - due 16th oct. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action01]

<Alejandra> ok

Marc: e.g. provide a literature reference

<Alejandra> i think I am muted

<IanWilson> i finally got in..

Alejandra: suggests to group the cases and the form groups of people with similar interests and then have a leader of each group.

Marc: seems to be a good idea because discussion is easier in smaller groups
... first step: sort usecases into core group
... go now into usecases that have not been sorted, e.g. uc 4: usability studies
... should it be a sperate top level usecase?

Christian: includes several aspects from the other top level ucs, so "yes", but in a way it's just another way of emotion annotation

Marc: which criterions for top level UCs?
... suggest: independent from domain, look at what type of emotion information is needed by UC
... So it might be part of UC 1

IanWilson: most UCs have cross over elements
... just look at the main aspects to classify them

Marc: can we agree that sensory data is not part of emoiton annotation?
... one needs "linking mechanism", e.g. through time-codes

ryager: suggests common glossary of terms

Marc: Humaine started one but never finished..

ryager: doesn't have to be a big one, but terms used in UC descriptions should be clarified.

<scribe> ACTION: ryager to collect list of keyterms send by the others to the mailinglist and publish on wiki - due before next meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action02]

<scribe> ACTION: all to send key term explanations to mailinglist - due well before next meeting ;-) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action03]

Marc: perhaps merge top use case (TUC) 1 and 2? (automatic vs. human annotation)

Kostas: sees differrent scopes so it depends on ahwt you need the annotations for

felix: looks at both because automatic annotation is based on human labeler

<Jianhua> sorry, I cannot access the phone server any more

<Jianhua> just try to fix it

IanWilson: keep the seperation and include usability UC to TUC2

<Marc> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/emotion/wiki/UseCases

<Marc> jianhua, your use cases:

<Marc> what do you think about the categorisation in terms of top level use cases?

<Jianhua> Marc, I'm not online, I have some problem with phone call

felix: can a usecase belong to several TUCs?

Marc: no, should be split up then.
... with exception of Jianhuas work we classified everything

IanWilson: UCs 3c and 3d can be seen together

<scribe> ACTION: all to reclassifiy their usecases in the TUCs on the wiki - due 22rd oct [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action04]

<Jianhua> I'm back

Marc: itemize your UCs with roman numbers if they belong to other UCs already mentioned.

Enrico: annotate affiliation with UCs?

Marc: if you want, do it!

Jianhua: also can classify his UCs into TUCs if splitting them between TUC1 and 2.
... and TUC3

<PaoloB> \quit

<Marc> next item

Marc: volunteers needed to coordinate the TUC groups.
... who can coordinate for TUC 1?
... who can coordinate for TUC 2?

Christian: volunteers for TUC2

Marc: who can coordinate for TUC 3, generation?

<Jianhua> I would like to coordinate for TUC 3

IanWilson: TUC3 !

Jianhua: also volunteers, we both can do jointly

Marc: ok, IanWilson and JianHua for TUC3
... for TUC1 someone can be found later, no problem

<Marc> next item

<Jianhua> which date

<Jianhua> ?

Marc: next meeting: Monday 13th November, 15:00 UTC?

<Jianhua> it's ok for me

ryager: how about 30 oct?

<Kostas> ok for me too

<IanWilson> i may or may not be able to make it

Marc: next meeting: Monday 30th October, 15:00 UTC?

all: agreed!

<Jianhua> bye

<scribe> ACTION: Marc to send instruction on how to mute the phones to anybody - due before next meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action05]

<Alejandra> BYE

<Jianhua> marc

<Jianhua> 30th, Oct might not be good for me

<Jianhua> I was not able to speak just now

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: all to reclassifiy their usecases in the TUCs on the wiki - due 22rd oct [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: all to send key term explanations to mailinglist - due well before next meeting ;-) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: everybody who wants to comment on their usecases on public mailing list - due 16th oct. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Marc to send instruction on how to mute the phones to anybody - due before next meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: ryager to collect list of keyterms send by the others to the mailinglist and publish on wiki - due before next meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2006/10/09 15:28:13 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127  of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found Scribe: Felix Burkhardt
Found ScribeNick: felix
Present: Marc Alejandra Christian felix IanWilson Jianhua JuanMontero Kostas PaoloB Rob ryager
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2006Oct/0004.html
Got date from IRC log name: 9 Oct 2006
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-emotion-minutes.html
People with action items: all everybody marc ryager wants who

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]