See also: IRC log
SAZ: new schema draft out now
... notifications go to WAI IG and RDF CL etc
... thanks for hard work
Daniela: hi everybody
JK: proposal 2 is a shorthand for having
multiple assertions; then the single properties (e.g. result and locations)
would be all the same for each subjects/tests
... you could do this compression with results without instance locations
SAZ: we don't want to propose omitting instance locations
CV: I like proposal 1, don't like grouping
CI: prefer 2, can live with 1
CR: probably prefers 1
JK: prefers 1, 2 could be dangerous
SAZ: how about not restricting in the schema (proposal 2), but in prose texts use porposal 1?
CV: too much confusion
RESOLUTION: proposal 1 (exactly one subject and test properties) agreed, have some more discussion on the mailing list
<scribe> ACTION: shadi to investigate whether using Bags or Seqs would be valid in EARL [recorded in]
<danbri> (de-lurking.... to note that rdf:Bags are very unfashionable in RDFland... and Seqs somewhat too... feel free to mail me on this...
SAZ: seems like people want to drop confidence
CR: drop it
CV: +1
SAZ: no volunteer for submitting a proposal
about confidence?
... the EIAO European project uses confidence in a very specific way
RESOLUTION: drop confidence
SAZ: cardinality for validity and instance?
JK: range of instance is a PointerCollection; is it necessary to have multiple instance properties?
SAZ: pointers in PointerCollection are all about the same location
SAZ: proposal: exactly one validity
... no objections
RESOLUTION: exactly one validity property for TestResult
SAZ: Software does not always act like a foaf:Agent
RESOLUTION: Software is standalone class (no subclass of foaf:Agent)
SAZ: how to identify objects that don't have a URI?
JK: in RDF you can create nodes for everything
SAZ: what about files on a hard disk?
CV: use WebContent
SAZ: isn't WebContent only for something to be found on the WWW?
JK: rdf:about="file://localhost/tmp/"
... that's a URI
<shadi> <quote url="">Information on the World Wide Web.</quote>
JK: the main issue is not having a property to store the content for non-HTTP stuff
SAZ: snippet stuff? no
JK: use http:body (storing content Base64 encoded)
CV: move the body property into another
namespace for use in EARL and HTTP-in-RDF
... rename WebContent to Content
... or clarify the meaning to include not only WWW content
<scribe> ACTION: shadi to send to list for discussing the testing of local stuff on list and next week [recorded in]