See also: IRC log
SAZ: TF launched 3 weeks ago - setting up tools
to get to create langs, and working on a test description language - but
that's beyond scope really - mainly we want to use one and got a candidate
... Test Case Description from Bentoweb project.
... major issue is that it's XML based rather than RDF
... leaning towards just using and at a later stage hoping some RDF appears
and we could transition
SAZ: Anyone in ER have a concern with just using XML?
JK: Concerned about using RDF tools if there refering to an XML test description
saz: no objections to TestableStatement (and
TestRequirement or TestCase) so far
... explains history of TestableStatement
cv: the hierarchy of TestRequirement and TestCase is not clear
jk: EARL is not meant to record this hierarchy, can use dc:hasPart or dc:isPartOf
cv: why do we need the TestableStatement super class?
jk: to differentiate the two use cases
cv: there is a piece of the puzzle missing
saz: yes, a test description language but that is outside EARL
jk: having owl:oneOf restriction means either
TestRequirement or TestCase but TestableStatement
... might be too restrictive
saz: agree
... maybe a restriction of maxCardinality=1 for TestableStatement makes more
jk: i'd use that
cv: what about fuzzy pointers by Nick Kew?
saz: i think these are HTML pointers
jl: fuzzy pointers and HTML pointers are the same thing
saz: read the pointer methods send any objections to the list