Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 22-06-2006

22 Jun 2006


See also: IRC log


Jeff Pan, Raphael, Thomas, Chris Halaschek,, Melliyal Annamalai, Pasquale Popolizio, Patrizia Asirelli, Yiannis Avrithis, Giovanni Tummarello, Paul Buitelar, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Giorgos Stamou, Jacco (IRC), Thristo (IRC), Alessio Cartocci (IRC), Ioannis Pratika (IRC), Massimo Martinelli (IRC)
Susanne Boll, Roberto Ellero, George Anadiotis




<scribe> Scribe: raphael

<scribe> ScribeNick: raphael

<JeffP> Hi Raphael

<pasquale> hi all from pasquale

<alessio> hi all

<JeffP> Hi pasquale

<scribe> Meeting: Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 22-06-2006

<scribe> Chair: Jeff

<scribe> ScribeNick: raphael

<scribe> Scribe: raphael

<scribe> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-mmsem/2006Jun/0006.html

could you please all join us on the phone ?

<alessio> i'm sorry... today i can't use the bridge

<patriziaasirelli> hi all, I'm Patrizia Asirelli and with me there is also Massimo Martinelli

<iavr> the name is Yannis, not Yiannis :-)

1. Admin

<pasquale> regrets also roberto ellero

Agenda approved

<giovannit> hello

<giovannit> :-)

Overall goal of this XG: give advice to the W3C, what to do with the multimedia topic in general ? WG ? Recommendation Track ?

2. XG Updates

Self presentation!

Raphael: CWI, Amsterdam, interest in multimedia ontologies, aligning ontologies, interoperability problems with several multimedia vocabularies

Jeff Z. Pan, lecturer in University of Aberden, interest in formal logic, RDF

<ipratika> I’m Ioannis Pratikakis, working as a Research Scientist at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the NCSR “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece. My research interests include content-based multimedia search and retrieval as well as knowledge-driven multimedia analysis concerning modalities like images, video and 3D graphics.

<giovannit> is this logged/wikied?

<jacco> yes, this is logged

Thomas: University of Koblenz, DE, work in aceMedia, XMedia, and K-Space. Liaison work for Koblenz between the XG and these projects

K-Space member of W3C from July 1st officially

Vassilis: NTUA, Greece. Interest: multimedia semantics, fuzzy description logics

Giorgos: knowledge technologies for multimedia, uncertainty

Chris: University of Maryland, US. Interest: image annotation using ontologies

Melliyal, Oracle, US. Interest: work on semantics, how semantics can be used for better search of media items, interoperability of metadata

Pasquale, Napoli, Italy, EU: Web accessible specialist, maintain the Italian Semantic Web portal

<giovannit> what is the order? web page ? which web page? :-) such a newbie.. sorry

Patrizia, CNR, Pisa, Italy: work in the MUSCLE NoE

Massimo, CNR, Pisa, Italy: MUSCLE project, interest in ontologies and multimedia

<alessio> I'm Alessio Cartocci, an italian senior consultant in accessibility, web standards and multimedia application. As IWA Italy member i partecipate to the project "Webaccessibile". My research interests are semantics, media streaming and distribution, cross-links between standards, accessibility and cultural projects.

<alessio> :-)

Yiannis, NTUA, Greece: image processing and analysis; has been involved in several projects dealing with multimedia and SW technologies (aceMedia, K-Space, MeSH, XMedia); local organizer of the SAMT conference

Giovanni, University of Ancona, Italy. Interests: interoperability MPEG-7/RDF, Peer to Peer technologies

<thristo> ovviamente si

<thristo> ops...

Paul, DFKI, DE: represents Thierry and Stefan. Expertise in linguistic technologies, connection between linguistics descriptors and images descriptors and ontologies

<thristo> I'm Christian Morbodoni from University of Ancona Italy, I'm doing my PhD and I work with Giovanni, so I think He already said the important things...


<giovannit> resources that might be of interest to define our backgroup (Semedia) http://dbin.org - Semantic Web rich client featuring P2P for rdf annotations exchange http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpeg7audiodb http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpeg7audioenc Extraction and processing of MPEG-7 audio metadata

<patriziaasirelli> we would have to say that Ovidio Salvetti is in our group and he will register as member as well

Image Semantic on the Semantic Web: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/MM/image_annotation.html

<chalaschek> This is fine with me.

<Melli> Yes.

<pasquale> ok

<patriziaasirelli> this is fine for us

<TastenTom> its fine, ok

<giovannit> ok

<thristo> yup

Accept ownership of the documents produced by the SWBPD MM Task Force


<giovannit> where do i find a definition of "accepting the ownership" ? :-)


<JeffP> who is talking?

Views / Expectations of this XG

Thomas: representation of multimedia metadata, different aspect of multimedia metadata, multimedia ontologies (DOLCE, MPEG-7)

Chris: following the work done in the MM TF

Melliyal: show practically how semantics can be useful ! showcase, killer application

<giovannit> +1 for real applications

Pasquale: web accessibility (combine knowledge) ... don't get the end :-(

<pasquale> My desire: an accessible Web more Semantic, and a Semantic Web more accessible ;-)

Patrizia: Retrieval of multimeia content, inference

Yiannis: automatic analysis, automatic annotation of images, News Video (TrecVideo), many vocabularies used

Giovanni: real applications, real use cases where semantics is needed in multmedia applications

Paul: automatic annotation (video and images)

Vassilis: continue the work of the MM TF

<VassilisTzouvaras> sorry my line was droped

<VassilisTzouvaras> but I wanted to point the interoperability issue in the cultural domain

<VassilisTzouvaras> and the multilinguality issue

Rapahel & Jacco: use case, guidelines, best practices for adding a semantic layer (RDF) on top of the many existing multimedia standards, vocabularies, format

4. Face 2 Face

only 4 answers so far

<giovannit> Me and Christian Morbidoni will be in Amsterdam, no matter if we can reach the form or not :-) (we dont have the password)

ok Giovanni, thanks

<patriziaasirelli> I have tried to register but I think I need to become a member first?

yes Patrizia, just you will come in Amsterdam from Pisa ?

<TastenTom> i also don't have an account yet but i am going to participate in the F2F meeting!

ok, thanks Tom !

<Melli> I apologize that I will not be able to make it to this face-to-face meeting, I will also fill the form.

<patriziaasirelli> I intnd to come, I an not 100% sure yet

ok, thanks Melli, the next F2F will be hopefully in US, more convenient for you :-)

<scribe> ACTION: Jeff, Raphael to propose the first draft of the F2F meeting agenda [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/22-mmsem-minutes.html#action01]

5. AOB

USE the PUBLIC mailling list !

<ipratika> ipratika

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Jeff, Raphael to propose the first draft of the F2F meeting agenda [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/22-mmsem-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2006/06/26 20:49:21 $

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Inferring ScribeNick: raphael
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Found ScribeNick: raphael
Found Scribe: raphael
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WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: Chris Chris_Halaschek-Wiener DIG_TAMI Giorgos Giovanni INC_MMSEM IPcaller IVML JeffP Massimo Melli Melliyal P11 P13 P2 P4 Pasquale Patrizia Paul Raphael SW_HCLS ScribeNick TastenTom Thomas Vassilis VassilisTzouvaras XML_PMWG Yannis Yiannis aaaa aabb active alessio chalaschek giovannit iavr ipratika jacco patriziaasirelli paulb thristo
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

Regrets: Jacco Susanne Geroge
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-mmsem/2006Jun/0006.html
Got date from IRC log name: 22 Jun 2006
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/22-mmsem-minutes.html
People with action items: jeff raphael

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