See also: IRC log
Ben: My WWW2006 Dev Track proposal was accepted
Mark: my proposal was not accepted. My second proposal on using XHTML as an application development language was accepted, however; perhaps we can squeeze some demos into the accepted talk
Ben: congratulations are shared with the group, as it's a group effort
Mark: let's schedule time to talk about these presentations also. I'm doing an RDF/A presentation at XTech in Amsterdam
Ben: Mike Shaver is interested in having RDF/A in a slot in a session he's organizing
Steven: 17 April is also Easter holiday in Europe
RESOLVED: meet 18 April rather than 17 April
Steven: slight risk for 10 April as I'll be in Amsterdam
ACTION: [PENDING] Ben review Jeremy's actions [recorded in]
ACTION: [PENDING] Ben start separate mail threads on remaining discussion topics [recorded in]
ACTION: [WITHDRAWN] Ben talk off-line with Jeremy about a realistic implementation schedule [recorded in]
ACTION: [PENDING] Ben to develop a plan for a marketing/news web site about RDF/A and send it to the list [recorded in]
Ben: Creative Commons has made an offer to host such a site
Mark: is this a general offer or specific to RDF/A?
Ben: targeted at RDF/A
ACTION: [PENDING] Ben to draft full response to Bjoern's 2004 email [recorded in]
ACTION: [PENDING] Mark, Steven, and Ralph respond to Ben's off-list draft of response to Bjoern [recorded in]
ACTION: [PENDING] Ben update his bookmarklet for XHTML mode [recorded in]
Ben: not complete but did some more investigation. Firefox requires application/xhtml+xml to be well-formed XML
Steven: IE doesn't accept this mime type anyway. Opera used to refuse to display if it was not well-formed but now it tries to fix it up and display it anyway so Opera used to do the right thing but doesn't any longer
Ralph: Opera's position is that users blame the browser if the page doesn't display, not the page author :(
Ben: I split the RDF/A parsing out from my bookmarklet. For XHTML mode I was planning to parse the LINK and META elements
Mark: you don't need to say that the bookmarklet *only* works with application/xhtml+xml
ACTION: [CONTINUES] Jeremy followup on HEAD about= edge case [recorded in]
ACTION: [CONTINUES] Jeremy followup with Mark on the question of multiple triples from nested meta and add to issues list [recorded in]
ACTION: [CONTINUES] Jeremy look into the XHTML namespace issue and write thoughts into email [recorded in]... next
ACTION: [CONTINUES] Jeremy propose wording on reification [recorded in]
ACTION: [CONTINUES] once Steven sends editors' draft of XHTML2, all TF members take a look and comment on showstopper issues only [recorded in]
Steven: we've had a few spec crises about document maturity transitions the past week and all my time has gone to those
Ben: during my vacation last week I stopped in at Mozilla. This was fortuitous, as Mozilla was having their own meeting too. I met Mike Shaver. I suggested it would help if Mozilla would process LINK and META. There is a connection between RDF/A and "tails" in Firefox. Ray Ozzie's LiveClipboard demo showed copy&paste of rich data; it occurred to me that this kind of thing can be done with RDF/A and would be more functional
Mark: we're making a Sidewinder demo that uses a .js file for cross-app communication. See report of IPTC meeting; those folk heard about ATOM
-> Notes from the spring IPTC meeting [Misha Wolf]
Mark: IPTC is publicly supporting RDF/A. They've also made an arrangement with ATOM so news sites will be marked up with RDF/A very soon
Ralph: they're relying on features of RDF/A, right? a NewsML file won't say it's an HTML file.
Mark: yes, but an RDF/A processor will get the intended triples out of a NewsML file. NewsML documents aren't meant to be shipped directly to the browser; they're intended to be processed in some fashion first
ACTION: [CONTINUES] Mark work on a first draft of an RDF/A XHTML 1.1 module [recorded in]
Mark: I'm hoping to be able to get to this action towards the end of this week
Ben: 'howto' is a quick introduction on bootstrapping yourself into an RDF/A parser. cc.js finds CC licenses and offers users a link to read them
<benadida> RDFA.CALLBACK_DONE_PARSING = function() {
Ben: RDFA.CALLBACK_DONE_PARSING is the only piece of customized code for the bookmarklet. Asynchronous javascript script loading does force you to do all sorts of hacks. The wordpress blog plug-in is now RDF/A aware -- looks for CC licenses and does the right thing
Ralph: kudos to Ben!
Ben: I re-wrote my 'red box highlighter' to be based on this parser
Ben: thoughts on what we'd like to add? examples for RDF Collections?
Mark: given how easy it is to add things to blogs, I'd like to see the first part of the primer extended to include RSS feeds, ForSale items, birthday, etc.; keep embellishing
Ralph: art to embellishing that doesn't result in a long complicated-looking thing for the first-time reader
Steven: Examples section could contain lots and lots of them. Common use cases are an ideal way to show things
Ralph: progressive exposure of details
Mark: keep an overarching tutorial but rather than illustrating each individual point with a small box, dwell on each one for a bit and expand before moving on to the next case. We're talking to people who can do HTML markup and now want to know how to do RDF/A. Maybe the Web site is the place to add lots and lots of examples
Ben: let's try to close some of these actions
Mark: IPTC was concerned that we might not support multiple CURIEs in 'rel'
Steven: I can't think of a showstopper
RESOLVED: rel, rev, and property may include multiple CURIEs
Ralph: what about 'about'?
Ben: 'about' is inherited so the number of triples may expand a lot
Ralph: "all of these photos were created by Mark Birbeck"
Steven: rev only works with literals
Ben: I think of 'about' and 'href' as being mirror-images and we don't know how to do multiple hrefs
Mark: for a machine to generate compact markup it seems reasonable
Ralph: if the HTML WG thinks multiple values in 'href' is ok, then we might proceed. But what is a browser supposed to do?
Mark: multiple values in href could create a menu of destinations