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d) Informing the user that there are security implications in the way he chooses to access the server, and providing him with an alternative link to it risks causing the following reactions: i. WWW-beginners may simply not bother reading the advice and always take the default action, which according to the guidelines seems to correspond to taking the less safe, point-to-point HTTPS connection. ii. Somewhat WWW-knowledgeable users, aware of the existence of Trojan horses and phishing, may reel at the invitation to try alternative links. If they are curious and examine the URI of the current page, they may further suspect foul play, as the rewritten URI may not match the one they accessed originally. iii. Expert WWW-users will understand the implications of the proxy set-up, but may be wary at using its services for HTTPS links -- after all, what is the guarantee that the proxy will not misuse or unintentionally disclose private information in a point-to-point connection? And if there is a proxy acting as middle-man, what is the guarantee that the end-to-end HTTPS link is actually an end-to-end one and the proxy is not just performing some other tricky manipulations? Overall, fiddling with HTTPS connections risks reducing, rather than increasing, the willingness of end-users to access the mobile Web. A relevant point is that these end-users may actually assign the fault with the untrustworthy connections to the content or application provider, rather than to the operator of the proxy.