W3C Technology and Society Domain

Toward a More Secure Web

W3C Workshop on Transparency and Usability of Web Authentication

15/16 March 2006 — New York City, USA


From the Call for Participation: "This Workshop aims to identify steps W3C can take to improve Web Security from the user-facing end of the spectrum: Practical security online often fails because users can be induced to make decisions that jeopardize their security and privacy, based on a lack of working authentication of Web sites' identities (phishing). We will look at technologies that can support Web users to better assess the trustworthiness and identity of sites with which they deal."

Current Status; Next Steps

The Call for Participation asked all interested parties to submit position papers. 41 position papers were received and accepted. About 55 participants joined us in New York on 15/16 March. The pesentations shown are now linked from the Workshop program page.

A big "Thank You" to the program committee, to the speakers, and to all participants who made this happen.

To keep the conversation going, a mailing list has been set up (subscribe). We invite all participants to the workshop, and other interested parties, to join the discussion there.

A workshop summary report is now available.


The workshop was hosted in New York by Citigroup.

Networking infrastructure was provided by CISCO.

Important Dates

Date Event
15 December 2005 Call for Participation issued
25 January 2006 Deadline for position papers
15 February 2006 Acceptance notification; beginning of registration period
22 February 2006 Release of workshop program
1 March 2006 Deadline for registration
15 March 2006 Workshop Begins (8:30 am)
16 March 2006 Workshop Ends (6pm)

$Date: 2006/04/24 19:52:09 $
Thomas Roessler