Text Styling for mobiles
This technique gives some ideas for ensurng that your text styling meets the requirements for CategoryBpSuitable.
- Where very long words are used, provide guidance on breaking them, for example a soft hypen. See the code sample below.
- Do not render text as "justified" (straight left and right columns). This takes extra processing power, and on small screens is often significantly harder to read. (This recommendation is often made for the web at large, too).
Code sample 1
the "­" marks a natural place to split a word when it might be necessary, instead of forcing the device to have a huge dictionary, or simply guess. (Sorry, wiki's don't seem to do real HTML markup, so I can't make it stand out any better).
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head><title>Example of breaking words</title> </head><body> <p>The word antidis­establishment­arianism is about the relation between the church and the crown in England. But it is mostly used for an example of a long word.</p> </body></html>
This can be rendered as
The word antidisestablishment- arianism is about the relation between the church and the crown in England...
The word antidis- establishmentariansim is about the relation between the church and the crown in England..
instead of
the word antidisest- ablishmentarianism is about the relation ...
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