ACTION-724: Raise discussion on list as to clarification of 2.5.2 "In cases where user preferences contradict server preferences, server preferences prevail, except where the user specifically requires their preferences to over-rule those of the server."
Raise discussion on list as to clarification of 2.5.2 "In cases where user preferences contradict server preferences, server preferences prevail, except where the user specifically requires their preferences to over-rule those of the server."
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Jo Rabin
- Due on:
- April 1, 2008
- Created on:
- March 25, 2008
- Associated Issue:
- Persistent and Session Preferences
- Related emails:
- [minutes] Thursday 03 July 2008 Teleconf (from on 2008-07-03)
- [minutes] CT Call Tuesday 10 June 2008 (from on 2008-06-10)
- Re: [agenda] CT Call Tuesday 10 June 2008 (from on 2008-06-10)
- [agenda] Tuesday 3 June 2008 (from on 2008-06-02)
- RE: [agenda] CT call Tuesday 22 April 2008 (from on 2008-04-22)
- RE: [agenda] CT call Tuesday 22 April 2008 (from on 2008-04-21)
- [agenda] CT call Tuesday 22 April 2008 (from on 2008-04-21)
- RE: [minutes] CT Teleconference Tuesday 25 March 2008 (from on 2008-03-25)
- [minutes] CT Teleconference Tuesday 25 March 2008 (from on 2008-03-25)
Related notes:
Discussion started. We're right in the middle of it ;)
François Daoust, 3 Jul 2008, 09:04:12Display change log.