- Approve minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes from previous meeting approved.
- Review status of action items from previous meeting
Action 1: Mitch to add UncAnn tag to speaker use case.
Action 2: Kathy to set up appointment and recommendation
use cases telecon with authors of those use cases.
Done. Meeting occurred, we discussed ontology, and made some minor
changes. There was some discussion of the use case ontology in that
meeting. It was noted that the charter was not to construct a
fully robust ontology for representing uncertainties.
Action 3: Paulo and the rest of the editing team
to point to specific example of how use case should look for section 5.
Done. Paulo used the discovery
use case, Section 5.1, as the representative of correct use
case formatting. Most of the use cases in the report follow that format
closely with the exceptions of use case 15, the health care example,
and use case 3 also seems to be a non sequitur.
Action 4: Paulo seek copyright permission to
include excerpts from book chapter.
Done.Paulo sent an email requesting copyright permission. No
response yet. Paulo to continue to pursue copyright permission.
Action 5: Ken to remove write permissions from
wiki pages after March 2.
Ken removed write permissions.
Action 6: Paulo on behalf of editing team to
follow up coming up with section 5 format by sending format to all use
case authors, with email pointing to specific weak points or omissions
in use case that needs to be addressed.
Paulo created an html page
and circulated it to the group
Action 7: Trevor to go through IRC log and make
first stab at pulling together a coherent view of discussion.
Trevor did this and sent an email summarizing the discussion.
Editing team report on status of final report and
completion status of work assignments and discussion of final report
(these were distinct items but the discussions were merged into one)
- Work assignments are at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/wiki/Assignments
- Final report wiki draft is at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/wiki/DraftFinalReport.
- Sections 1 was updated with Claudia's edits
- Section 3: Trevor suggested some edits.
- Section 4: Talks only about ontologies, it should also
discuss rule languages and uncertainty. Trevor volunteered to take care
of problems in Section 4.2
- Section 5: With a couple of exceptions, the
use cases follow the correct format. The exception are Section 5.3 and
the Health Care Use Case.
- However, Section 5.3 is not a use case.
There is no description of the charter use case. The content
is useful but it should be elsewhere, perhaps as an introductory
comment on the use cases. It refers to a charter use case but doesn't
describe it. It was decided, after consulting with the contributors for
the Section, that Use case 3 should be removed as a use case and
relevant content should be merged into other sections of the report as
appropriate. This will cause problems with numbering and we'll need to
update the appendix. Similarly, Section A.3 should be moved to the
introduction of the Appendix.
- Action: Paulo to move
content from 5.3 and A.3 to more appropriate sections.
- The Health Care section is not a full use case, but
describes kinds of use cases. Paulo suggested that we might create a
distinct section and not refer to it as a use case but just a
discussion. Ken suggested that we leave it as it is and annotate it to
reflect that it had been developed elsewhere. A possible Resolution for
Use Case 16 was to leave it as Section 5.15, but add an introductory
paragraph noting that it's different from the other use cases and drawn
from a different source.
- No comments were received for Sections 6 and 7.
- Action: Ken will reopen
the Wiki to allow people to contribute to Sections 6 and 7.
- There is also content missing for Sections A.2.7,
A.9.6, A.12.7, A.13.6. (updates could be made to the now reopened
- Action: Paulo will ping
authors for incomplete appendix sections.
- We noted that issues tracked on Tracker, go to the
public list.
- Action: Ken to try to
change the settings on tracker so that tracker items don't go to the
public list.
- Action: Ken will create products corresponding to the
various sections of the report to better track open issues and actions
(http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/tracker/actions/open and
- Ken also suggested that if one writes an email to
discuss a point, one should create an issue in tracker and grab the URI
of the email from our email archives.
- Emails already sent be reentered as issues in
- Ken will make the updates to the acknowledgement
section or send them to Paulo.
- Action: Ken to get
verification from each person that the acknowledgement section
information is correct
- Discuss path to wrapping up the URW3 XG's work
- Kathy noted that we need to have one more telecon to
discuss the final report and we discussed times for another meeting. It
was decided to have one on March 12.
- Action: Ken to set up a
telecon, notifying the group and reserving zakim
- It was noted that invited experts need to renew their
status: http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/ie-renew.
- Action: Kathy to send an
email reminding invited experts to renew and giving instructions on how
to do so.
- Action: Ken to write the
w3c staff to let them know that we're doing the final editing and
putting together the final content and extending our work for a few
- Discuss next steps to decide if there should be follow-on
work and how we should proceed"
- We decided to defer this discussion to the next meeting
when we have a clearer sense of what people are suggesting for Sections
6 and 7.
- Other business
- ISWC workshop proposals are due at the end of March.
- We need to think about whether we want to do another
URSW workshop as there is a lot of overlap between the overseers of
that and this group
Meeting was adjourned.