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Executive Summary White Paper

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OWEA White Paper - Table of Contents | Strategic Vision & Guiding Principles »

As a W3C Incubator Group, the Open Web Education Alliance (OWEA) is focused on solidifying its vision and strategic initiatives. With a goal towards establishing a new field of study in Web Craft and to cultivate symbiotic relationships between industry, research and education, OWEA is working towards four main strategic initiatives:

  • Establish Web Education as a W3C Activity, where the Open Web Education Alliance is a self-sustaining entity that engages practitioners, educators and researchers while simultaneously furthering the potential of the web and society.
  • Create Web Craft pilot programs in at least one university, one community college and one high school.
  • Adopt suitable teaching resources (such as the InterAct Curriculum Framework, Opera Web standards curriculum, etc.) and create a course content policy to facilitate its evolution to meet the needs of educators, industry and the open web.
  • Establish outreach activities to target educators, school and university administrators, businesses and clients, students and parents, trainers, web professionals, government, media and the wider public.

This whitepaper is a document in progress, outlining the considerations, recommendations and directions the Alliance intends to undertake.