MMSem Goals
- Use SW technologies to make existing multimedia metadata standards interoperable:
- Leverage and combine existing formats
- Show the added value of the SW formal semantics:
- Practical applications and services that provide extra functionality by using, for example, subsumption reasoning or rule-based approaches
- Multi-platform applications, adapted to any device that accesses the web
- Provide best practices for annotating and using multimedia content on the Web:
- Practical use cases that identify the users, the type of content and the type of metadata that they want to provide
MMSem Activities
- 34 group participants:
- of whom 2 Invited Experts (Susanne Boll, Oscar Celma)
- from 14 organizations (AIT, CNR, CWI, DERI, DFKI, IBBT, IVML-NTUA, IIT, IWA-HWG, K-Space, Uni. of Maryland, Motorola, Oracle, Uni. of Aberdeen)
- 12 teleconferences so far (bi-weekly frequency)
- 2 Face to Face meetings
MMSem Deliverables
Expected outcome:
Living Documents (wiki page):
Image Annotation on the Semantic Web
- Latest Version:
- Editors: Raphaël Troncy, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Jeff Z. Pan and Giorgos Stamou
- Status: Publication in February
- Abstract:
The goals of this document are to explain the advantages of using Semantic Web languages and technologies for the creation, storage, manipulation, interchange and processing of image metadata. In addition, it provides guidelines for Semantic Web-based image annotation, illustrated by use cases.
Image Annotation on the Semantic Web
- Based on photo annotation use cases:
- personal photos, cultural heritage, national TV archive, NASA space, biomedical images
- Assemble list of known issues: integrate heterogeneous vocabularies, separation of concerns, etc.
- Initial list of vocabularies and tools for annotation: the wiki living pages
- Initial list of benefits of using SW technologies for representing the annotations
Multimedia Annotation Interoperability Framework
- Current Draft:
- Editors:
- Currently edited by Vassilis Tzouvaras and Jeff Z. Pan
- + extensive contributions from authors of use cases
- Goals:
This document will use a bottom-up approach to provide a simple extensible framework to improve interoperability of applications related to some key use cases discussed in the XG.
- Status: Publication in April/May
Multimedia Annotation Interoperability Framework
- Combining several MM formats, but broader view: not only image!
- Use cases organized in 3 layers:
- Applications in development:
- Personomy Manager:
SKOS representation on top of photo, video, music, bookmark, etc. tagging platforms
- Facetting Music Songs:
browsing music store, auto-construction of playlist with low-level features + ID3 + personalization
MPEG-7 and the Semantic Web
- Current Draft: based on:
- Contributors: Oscar Celma, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Suzanne Little, (Chrisa Tsinaraki), Raphaël Troncy
- Goals:
This document targets the developers and researchers in multimedia semantics. It describes the four current OWL/RDF proposals of MPEG-7, as well as a comparison of the different modeling approaches in the context of practical applications. Any harmonizations aiming at providing a single ontology of MPEG-7 will not be done in the framework of this XG.
- Status: Publication in April/May
Multimedia Vocabularies on the Semantic Web
- Current Draft:
- Editor: Michael Hausenblas
- Status: Publication in April/May
- Abstract:
This document gives an overview on the state-of-the-art of multimedia metadata formats. The focus is on their usability within the Semantic Web, in particular formalizations of these existing vocabularies.
(Possible) Inputs for other W3C activities
- SW Deployment WG: various use cases require an OWL DL version of SKOS
- Web Ontology WG: MPEG-7 needs OWL 1.1 datatypes
- WAI / WCAG WG: accessibility of multimedia resources
- Data Access WG, Rules WG, etc.
MMSem Future
- Jeff's scenario:
Possible new Rec Track Working Group on Multimedia Annotation Interoperability Framework
- Goal: To provide an integrated set of vocabulary within a simple extensible framework, so as to improve interoperability of applications related to some key use cases, such as Photo, Music and News
- Late May 2007: Workshop on Interoperability of Multimedia Annotations
- June 2007: Start WG Charter Preparation
- October/November 2007: Planned WG starting date
- Raphael's scenario:
- Multimedia Semantics community is just starting: RDF converters of MM standards are developed in various EU projects
- Need to do more research!
- Suggest to wait one more year before proposing a WG on Best Practices for Multimedia Semantics