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From Library Linked Data
Library Linked Data Incubator Group wiki
Welcome to the Library Linked Data Incubator Group (LLD XG) wiki. The mission of the LLD XG, chartered from May 2010 through August 2011, has been "to help increase global interoperability of library data on the Web, by bringing together people involved in Semantic Web activities — focusing on Linked Data — in the library community and beyond, building on existing initiatives, and identifying collaboration tracks for the future."
Final Report, 25 Oct 2011 |
Report on Use Cases, 25 Oct 2011 |
Report on Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets, 25 Oct 2011 |
Translations include Spanish and Chinese and are available via the W3C Translations Archive:
- Japanese:
- National Diet Library (NDL) published a Japanese translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report” under the title 図書館Linked Dataインキュベータグループ最終報告書.
- National Diet Library (NDL) published a Japanese translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Use Cases” under the title 図書館Linked Dataインキュベータグループ最終報告書:ユースケース.
- National Diet Library (NDL) published a Japanese translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets” under the title 図書館Linked Dataインキュベータグループ最終報告書:データセット・値語彙・メタデータ要素セット.
- Chinese:
- 娄秀明 (Lou Xiuming) published a Chinese, Traditional translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report” under the title 图书馆关联数据孵化小组最终报告.
- 娄秀明 (Lou Xiuming) published a Chinese, Simplified translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Use Cases” under the title 图书馆关联数据孵化小组:用例.
- 娄秀明 (Lou Xiuming) published a Chinese, Simplified translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets” under the title 图书馆关联数据孵化小组:数据集、属性值词汇及元数据元素集.
- Spanish
- Xavier Agenjo, Francisca Hernandez published a Spanish translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report” under the title Informe Final del Grupo Incubador de Datos Vinculados de Bibliotecas.
- Daniel Vila Suero published a Spanish translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Use Cases” under the title Grupo Incubador de Datos Vinculados de Bibliotecas: Casos de uso.
- Tomás Saorín, Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez published a Spanish translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets” under the title Grupo Incubadora de Datos Enlazados Bibliotecarios: Conjuntos de Datos, Vocabularios controlados y Conjuntos de Elementos de Metadatos.
- French:
- Rodolphe Bailly published a French translation of the W3C document “Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report” under the title Rapport final du groupe d’incubation "Bibliothèques et web de données".
Other relevant output
- Datasets, curated in the the Data Hub LLD group, using the LOD metadata and any specific LLD-determined metadata
- Graphics, presentations, and other re-usable content
- Publications about Library Linked Data, see page on the publicly-editable wiki
- Library Data Resources and Library Terminology, Informally Explained
- Semantic Web Terminology, Informally Explained
- Library standards and linked data
- Library Linked Data cases in Chinese
- Some mappings from authority concepts to SKOS
LLD spaces, post XG closure
- Community mailing list
- Public community list, anyone can join and send e-mails
- Community wiki
- Public community wiki, anyone can write
- Twitter Hashtag: #lldata
- Complete participant list
- Detailed introductions can be found on the mailing list, starting from that thread. Or add/access them by name from the list of introductions.
- Participants' tweets
- 2011-10-25: Reports are published and Incubator Group is closed. See W3C News
- 2011-08-25: Last teleconference! A small group of copy-editors will be handing out the transition of our deliverables into appropriate W3C format and places.
- 2011-07-01. Call for comments on the Draft Final Report.
- 2011-06-08 . Charter extended to August 31.
- 2011-06-02. Summit on Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums with strong XG participation!
- 2011-05-21. Working on the Draft Report
- 2011-03-26. Working on Draft issues and recommendations for the final report. Call for contributions on the community list.
- 2011-01-22. Check the UseCases effort progress!
- 2010-10-23. Face-to-face meeting in Pittsburgh
- 2010-09-07. Public Call for use cases
- 2010-06-03. First telecon
- 2010-05-21. The group has been launched! See W3C news
Teleconferences, meetings and discussions
- Weekly telecons and minutes
- Scribe duty - rotates among participants of LLD XG (non-native English speakers should contact the chairs for exemptions)
- Face-to-face meetings
- IRC direct link
Intermediate deliverables
Wiki pages that provided raw material for the report
- TopicsDiscussed - supersedes Topics
- Tools
- Face-to-face meeting in Pittsburgh, October 2010
- UseCases - Use cases and use case clusters
- File:LayeredModelV3.pdf - Emmanuelle's layered model
- Events in which LLD XG members participate
- RelatedGroups
- YouTube_Video - Idea of making a YouTube video, dropped for lack of time
XG spaces (all)
- LLD XG W3C web home page
- A formal presentation page. Most XG materials will be made available on this wiki.
- LLD XG mailing list
- Defined as XG-only list, subscribable by XG participants
- World-readable Web archive and RSS feed
- Community mailing list
- Public community list, anyone can join and send e-mails
- For public comments and discussion and for interaction between the XG and the public.
- Community wiki
- Public community wiki, anyone can write
- For public contributions on the Library Linked Data topic, which may fall outside of the scope of the LLD XG
- Twitter Hashtag: #lldata