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From Emergency Information Interoperability Framework wiki
02 Apr 2009 Teleconference
Dial-in Information (INC_EIIF XG)
- Time: 13:00 UTC (Other Cities and Times)
- Number: +1.617.761.6200
- Pin: 3443 ("EIIF")
- IRC: host: irc.w3.org port: 6665 channel: #eiif
Well not in the US because we spring forward an hour......
- Actions from last meeting
- Framework Document - Working Draft
- Final Report
- ISCRAM Meeting
- Liaisons - OASIS TC, Others
- Next Teleconferences: 2009-04-30 13:00UTC, 2009-05-28 13:00UTC, 2009-06-25 13:00UTC
Participants (Please Add/Remove your name)
- Renato Iannella
- Paola Di Maio
- Mandana Sotoodeh
- Gary Berg-Cross
- Guido Vetere
- Chamindra de Silva
- Rebecca Curzon
Key Points:
- Only the framework document and the final report was discussed at the meeting as not all members joined due to the mixup on the teleconf scheduling
- The objective, TOC of final report was discussed and we had volunteers to look at aspects of it
- It was agreed to restrict term standard with reference to these documents to refer to interop standards for information systems
- It was decided that we need to message more widely through our social network to get more input for this document. Groups such as humanitarian-ict and ISCRAM should be encouraged to participate
Action Items:
- Chamindra will take the lead on fleshing out the final report
- Gary to look into standards relevant for the 3W use-case and include a section in the framework document
- Gary to also look to add a para on standards discovery in the Final Report
- Mandana and Gary to look into completing the meta-data on the Emergency Management Systems Directory
- Paola to look into a methodology for gap analysis for a use-case like 3W
- Mandana to provide a link to the NIEM standards