14:55:55 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 14:55:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-swbp-irc 14:57:01 Meeting: SWBPD RDF-in-HTML TF 14:59:45 benadida has joined #swbp 15:00:13 Chair: Ben 15:00:52 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has now started 15:00:57 Previous: 2005-11-15 http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-swbp-minutes 15:00:57 +Ben_Adida 15:01:07 rrsagent, please make this log public 15:01:56 +Ralph 15:02:12 Regrets: Mark 15:03:24 Regrets+ Steven 15:03:59 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Nov/0031.html Mark's comments 15:05:15 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-current-issues 15:06:34 Ralph: do you have a use case for plain literals? 15:06:39 Ben: Jeremy suggested this 15:06:49 ... he implied it had been done before 15:07:30 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Nov/0025.html 15:07:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Oct/0057.html 15:07:43 issue #8 15:09:44 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-concepts-20040210/#dfn-plain-literal Plain Literals in RDF/XML 15:10:34 Ben: this feature allows you to avoid some data duplication 15:13:26 +??P2 15:13:28 zakim, ??p2 is Jeremy 15:13:28 +Jeremy; got it 15:14:33 Ralph: do we have a strong requirement for plain literals -- the concatenation example in the issues list? 15:15:09 Jeremy: the goal was to have inline content just once and many RDF Schemas would expect this text to be a plain literal 15:16:14 ... plain literals would be more natural to the RDF Community than XML literals 15:17:19 Ben: the idea of concatenating the content of the child elements also appears in Ian Davis' Embeddable RDF proposal 15:18:00 Jeremy: it's appealing to invent a pseudo-datatype in our syntax but it would have special syntactic rules 15:18:10 ... special rules would be annoying from an implementation point of view 15:19:02 Ben: it feels to me like a small enough impact on the syntax to be worth the positive result 15:20:30 ... see in RDF/A syntax 15:21:34 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-rdfa-syntax#id0x056eca88 Literal from string value of meta 15:22:35 Ben: if stays then we'd have to add a special datatype to make plain literals 15:22:54 Jeremy: the complication of a special datatype is that plain literals are not a datatype 15:23:01 ... second complication related to xml:lang 15:23:14 ... in if there were an xml:lang attribute it would be discarded 15:23:23 ... as typed literals do not have language information 15:24:00 ... it becomes horrendously complicated in if we add plain literal support and there are multiple xml:lang attributes 15:24:24 ... we'd likely need to specify that xml:lang must be discarded if there is contradictory data 15:27:37 Ralph: language handling in literals was a very contentious issue for internationalization 15:27:50 ... we should approach this area with caution 15:28:00 Jeremy: xsd:string does not contain language information 15:28:49 ... in an XHTML document we have textual data that is natural language data and may be marked up with language information 15:29:25 ... if in the process of constructing metadata from this -- converting from the presentation format to the RDF format -- we loose language information in a way that is cavalier, I would expect the I18N people to complain 15:29:45 ... I don't think it is cavalier to discard language information on data that is explicitly typed 15:30:22 ... e.g. when explicitly datatyped as datatype="xsd:string" 15:30:57 ... if we have a plain literal pseudo-datatype then it would be cavalier to discard language information 15:31:21 ... so I think plain literals should behave differently from typed literals even though the syntax is similar 15:32:21 ... XHTML2 is intended to be a means to transport natural language text 15:33:01 ... so it may be more important to preserve language information in XHTML2 literals than in XML literals 15:33:52 Ben: so issue 13 is really just a plain literal issue and I've been generalizing it 15:34:44 Jeremy: the issue list should include discussion of discarding xml:lang 15:35:10 ACTION: Ben update issues list to add discarding of xml:lang information 15:35:53 Jeremy: xml:lang attributes on child elements that contradict xml:lang on the parent create a problem 15:36:01 ... we'll have to make an arbitrary choice 15:36:23 ... whatever choice we make isn't likely to cause much fuss 15:37:19 Ben: what problems would we introduce if we defined a pseudo-type 15:37:29 ... ? 15:37:40 Jeremy: confusion if someone attempted to use that pseudo-type in RDF/XML 15:39:22 RalphS: I'd like to see a use case for this 15:39:30 This is a book 15:40:04 This is a book 15:42:00 Jeremy: in terms of document size, specifying the pseudo-type will be just as much space as repeating the text 15:42:46 ... different argument is that RDF tools should support natural language information expressed in XHTML2 documents 15:43:41 This is a book 15:45:25 Jeremy: xml:lang attribute on meta would be ignored under current RDF/A syntax spec 15:45:51 ... but an xml:lang on should be preserved 15:46:32 ... the XML literal is required to be canonicalized 15:46:53 ... via the XML exclusive canonicalization algorithm 15:48:08 Ben: seems to be an oversight if xml:lang on the element containing a property attribute is ignored 15:48:20 Jeremy: not an oversight; there's no place to put this language information 15:49:26 ... consider the example in issue 13; the XML literal has 4 children; two element nodes and two text nodes 15:49:54 ... on the element nodes we can hang language information but we'd have to invent some new node type to hang language on the text 15:50:43 ... the decision to drop xml:lang information was contentious in the RDF Core WG 15:51:07 ... but the resolution relied on saying that with an RDF/XML document, RDF could specify the handling of xml:lange 15:51:27 ... this resolution would not carry over to an XHTML document 15:52:37 ... during RDF Core deliberations I proposed a design in which XML literals had a wrapper node but that design was rejected by the WG 15:53:32 Ralph: yeah, we need to treat XHTML document content with more respect 15:54:17 Jeremy: I prefer the option of adding spans 15:56:15 [Jeremy proposed that option in his point 7 of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Oct/0057.html ] 15:57:21 Jeremy: it would be a bad thing to encourage RDF apps to use just xsd:string 15:57:57 ... when extracting metadata from XHTML2, we should encourage preservation of language informatoin 15:58:03 s/toin/tion/ 15:59:03 Ben: so tentatively we'll say 'no' to issue 13 16:00:04 Topic: issue 9. Making link content clickable 16:00:12 Ben: I'd like to make this kind of link clickable 16:00:51 ... Mark agreed but proposed some additions 16:01:55 Ralph: seems reasonable but I would leave this to the HTML WG to decide 16:02:05 ... I would not want to strongly advocate either way from an RDF perspective 16:02:13 ... you're asking for behavior from XHTML2 processors 16:02:22 Ben: do we see any complications? 16:03:23 Ralph: making link act a lot like anchors? I can't see a complication but I've never written a browser 16:03:43 Jeremy: in XHTML2 anchor is more superfluous; it's the presence of href that matters 16:05:00 Ben: if the Task Force does not express an opinon we give up one of our requirements 16:05:19 ... in the current XHTML2 syntax the example in issue 9 does not make a clickable link 16:05:39 ... this example is something we might want to express 16:05:56 Ralph: regrets if we meet next week (29 Nov) 16:06:08 Jeremy: I expect to be available on the 29th 16:06:25 -Ralph 16:06:27 -Jeremy 16:06:28 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has ended 16:06:29 Attendees were Ben_Adida, Ralph, Jeremy 16:06:35 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:06:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-swbp-minutes.html RalphS 16:06:51 benadida has left #swbp 17:33:49 Zakim has left #swbp 17:57:19 rrsagent, bye 17:57:19 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-swbp-actions.rdf : 17:57:19 ACTION: Ben update issues list to add discarding of xml:lang information [1] 17:57:19 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-swbp-irc#T15-35-10