14:36:33 RRSAgent has joined #ws-desc 14:36:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-irc 14:36:39 Zakim has joined #ws-desc 14:36:48 Zakim, this will be WS 14:36:48 "WS" matches I18N_Core_WG(WS-I18N)11:00AM, and WS_DescWG()11:00AM, Marsh 14:37:00 Zakim, this will be Desc 14:37:00 ok, Marsh; I see WS_DescWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 23 minutes 14:37:10 RRSAgent, set log member 14:39:09 I will probably be about 5 min late... 14:54:22 Allen has joined #ws-desc 14:57:14 TonyR has joined #ws-desc 14:57:52 WS_DescWG()11:00AM has now started 14:57:59 +Bijan_Parsia 14:58:10 alewis has joined #ws-desc 14:58:48 pauld has joined #ws-desc 14:59:23 +??P3 14:59:34 zakim, ??p3 is me 14:59:34 +TonyR; got it 14:59:53 +Amelia_Lewis 14:59:55 JacekK has joined #ws-desc 15:01:01 +JacekK 15:01:20 +Allen_Brookes 15:01:45 +T_Jordahl 15:01:53 +Charlton_Barreto 15:02:05 Tomj has joined #ws-desc 15:02:17 +A_Ryman 15:02:23 Arthur has joined #ws-desc 15:02:48 +[Microsoft] 15:03:00 +Hugo 15:03:05 Roberto has joined #ws-desc 15:03:37 + +1.415.268.aaaa 15:03:39 asir has joined #ws-desc 15:04:19 GlenD has joined #ws-desc 15:04:23 +??P29 15:04:40 zakim, P29 is me 15:04:40 sorry, pauld, I do not recognize a party named 'P29' 15:04:50 +GlenD 15:04:53 zakim, ??P29 is probably me 15:04:53 +pauld?; got it 15:06:13 pauld_ has joined #ws-desc 15:07:11 +Jonathan_Marsh 15:07:20 uyalcina has joined #ws-desc 15:08:03 +??P6 15:08:07 Meeting: WSDL Concall 15:08:11 Chair: Jonathan Marsh 15:08:14 Scribe: GlenD 15:08:20 Zakim, ? is Umit 15:08:20 +Umit; got it 15:08:32 Approval of minutes 15:08:34 APPROVED 15:08:43 Action Items 15:09:01 zakim, mute Umit 15:09:01 Umit should now be muted 15:09:40 Amy to provide test cases for MEPs not described in part 2 - PENDING 15:09:49 DOrchard to respond to commenter on keeping mustUnderstand - PENDING 15:10:11 +Canon 15:10:33 pauld to write schema evolution proposal - PENDING 15:11:14 Hugo : talked to Michael S.McQ re: ignoreUnknowns, and I may have finished your AI :) 15:11:19 youenn has joined #ws-desc 15:11:20 +DOrchard 15:12:04 dorchard has joined #ws-desc 15:13:12 DaveO: Will get that AI re: mustUnderstand done today if possible 15:13:28 Marsh to propose some text to address LC305 - DONE 15:13:34 Arthur has joined #ws-desc 15:13:37 Kevin Liu to propose text for talking about IRIs - PENDING 15:13:45 Marsh to write up LC315 proposal - DONE 15:13:52 Asir to put such an LC321 proposal together - DONE 15:13:59 Topic: Administrivia 15:14:06 jjm has joined #ws-desc 15:14:23 discussion of f2f 15:14:44 Marsh: no call during F2F - short call next week 15:14:57 +Rebecca 15:15:13 Logistics for November F2F are up, more on the way re: transportation 15:15:17 jjm2 has joined #ws-desc 15:15:40 RebeccaB has joined #ws-desc 15:15:42 it's been moved fromTokyo to Yokohama .. 15:16:01 zakim, unmute Umit 15:16:01 Umit should no longer be muted 15:16:37 if you are looking for japanese rail passes, read http://www.nta.co.jp/english/rail/ - you have to buy this before you arrive in Japan 15:17:23 ACTION: Marsh to check with Bob on closing date for hotel registration. 15:17:48 Topic: Z-notation in Part 2. 15:18:04 ACTION 1- 15:18:12 ACTION: 1= 15:18:17 I give up 15:18:29 zakim, mute Umit 15:18:29 Umit should now be muted 15:18:51 ACTION1- 15:18:57 ACTION- 1 15:18:59 ACTION- 2 15:19:06 Marsh: Lack of formal notation for part 2 may have contributed to # of issues... maybe more Zed is the answer? 15:20:11 Hugo: Many more comments on part 2 than part 1 - spent a lot of time on part 1 partly due to Z-notation (finding issues, etc). Might help part 2. 15:20:34 Marsh: Any volunteers for moving this forward? 15:20:56 Arthur: will work with anyone to help with this 15:21:32 (lots of interest, but no cycles) 15:22:45 Marsh: when can we do this? Would be good to get it done ASAP, esp if it's going to raise issues... 15:23:21 Arthur: I'll take a crack at it, but no guarantees 15:24:25 (discussion of a Z-notation session at the F2F) 15:24:36 a Z tutorial session / workshop would be cool! 15:26:10 Marsh: Should we just do the bindings? 15:26:26 Arthur: MEPs too, perhaps even abstract description of MEP 15:27:26 Arthur describes Z authoring process (pretty easy with right tools) 15:27:33 Topic: Issue LC301: {soap action} granularity 15:27:46 No response from Addr WG yet 15:27:53 Topic: Issue LC303: Mention IRIs in the primer 15:27:57 Deferred 15:28:08 Topic: Issue LC304: Definition of a IANA media type token 15:28:11 yes, there is a good zed url 15:28:25 google zed mike spivey 15:29:00 http://spivey.oriel.ox.ac.uk/~mike/zrm/ 15:29:18 Hugo: Value of this required property must be an IANA media type token, but we don't say what that is 15:29:29 the zrm site has a pdf of the Z Reference Manual and the fuzz type checker 15:29:43 ...only other use of that phrase is the media types note. We should define it... 15:30:33 To learn Zed, there is a short tutorial in http://spivey.oriel.ox.ac.uk/~mike/zrm/zrm.pdf 15:30:48 Marsh: Any objections to adopting Hugo's proposal? (http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/5/lc-issues/#LC304) 15:31:49 (discussion of whether we need parameters) 15:32:14 zakim, unmute Umit 15:32:14 Umit should no longer be muted 15:32:36 you can download the fuzz type checker from http://spivey.oriel.ox.ac.uk/~mike/fuzz/ 15:32:59 Umit: No mention of "token" in the media types doc currently... 15:34:20 zakim, who is making noise? noise? noise? 15:34:20 I don't understand your question, pauld. 15:34:30 Hugo: originally just wanted to allow quality parameter, then wondered why restrict ourselves to just one? 15:35:17 charlton has joined #ws-desc 15:35:54 Tom: Why allow parameters? What do they mean? 15:36:13 Marsh: Does this appear in the HTTP envelope, and allow params there if so? 15:36:38 Tom: Example of input serialization? "text/xml"? 15:38:40 Hugo: Wondering if we're envisioning different kinds of XML serialization, and if so how would they get declared? 15:39:20 Hugo: Maybe we should say serialization corresponds to MIME type for HTTP response? Not sure about allowing parameters or not... 15:40:49 zakim, mute Umit 15:40:49 Umit should now be muted 15:40:49 Marsh: Sounds like the peanut gallery likes keeping things simple (no params), but if Hugo comes back with a good reason would they be acceptable? 15:41:25 Tom: We should say what a token is, but not do more stuff (params). Keep it simple. 15:42:16 ACTION: Hugo to write revised proposal with clear direction on params (LC304) 15:42:29 Topic: Issue LC305: Notational conventions 15:43:00 Marsh's proposal http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2005Sep/0010.html 15:43:43 Marsh: Our usage is quite consistent with WSA already. We do illustrate extensions when needed, even though we don't show all extensibility points. 15:45:00 it is good enough. 15:45:11 ship it! 15:45:12 Looks good 15:45:17 Marsh: mixed content is a single case where we use italicized text, don't need to add that to the general description 15:45:26 Marsh: Any objections to proposal? 15:45:33 (no objections) 15:45:49 RESOLVED to accept Jonathan's proposal for LC305 15:45:56 -Allen_Brookes 15:46:33 ACTION: Marsh to ask WS-A for the changes re LC305 15:47:04 Topic: Issue LC315: HTTP binding: HTTP Header component's {element} property declaration 15:47:25 Marsh's proposal - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2005Sep/0008.html 15:48:28 +1 to simple content 15:49:23 Marsh: could toss out structure for complex/mixed content 15:50:09 +1 to simple content 15:50:17 +1 to simple content 15:50:26 (discussion of definition of simple type / simple content) 15:50:48 zakim, unmute Umit 15:50:48 Umit should no longer be muted 15:51:08 Proposal: "The element information item MUST be declared as a simple type or having simple content." 15:51:13 Umit: concerned about attributes - why shouldn't we worry about them? 15:51:56 Marsh: good to be able to add things like xml:id, but that doesn't change the actual value of the element... 15:52:34 Umit: Can we say attrs have no bearing here like we do with RPC method signatures? 15:52:56 -Bijan_Parsia 15:53:55 Umit: If it's already ignored, that's cool 15:55:29 (discussion of the origin of the text (ADD feature)) 15:56:09 +Bijan_Parsia 15:56:16 Marsh: so what would we do with attributes if trying to turn an element into an HTTP header? 15:56:21 RebeccaB_ has joined #ws-desc 15:56:34 got to nash for now - see you next week and at the F2F 15:56:44 -Charlton_Barreto 15:57:39 Roberto: easy if we allow existing element decls and drop the attributes, although of course writing elements for this purpose wouldn't include them 15:58:53 Asir doubts anyone is going to use this feature 15:59:08 (scribe agrees) 15:59:56 Marsh: two proposals. Allow more types, and Hugo's "strict" proposal, which must be simple type (no attrs, no complex types) 16:01:07 PROPOSAL : elements must be simple types. 16:01:33 Jacek: Change name of property from element to type? 16:01:37 zakim, mute Umit 16:01:37 Umit should now be muted 16:01:50 Marsh: symmetrical with soap:header, which has element... 16:02:00 Arthur: yes, but SOAP *is* XML, HTTP ain't 16:02:32 Marsh: Reason for structure that maps to both? 16:03:04 Glen: Part of what DaveO wanted from ADD - abstract sideband application data? 16:03:40 (discussion of encoding/escaping) 16:05:03 Marsh: Do we really want arbitrary data or are simple types OK? 16:05:45 DaveO: content-location and WebDAV depth headers are interesting... maybe not arbitrary XML... 16:06:32 Marsh: use type instead of element? 16:06:41 Jacek/Glen: Then how do you name it? 16:07:00 Someone: use name of type? 16:07:07 Arthur: why not just an attribute name=""? 16:07:10 bijan has joined #ws-desc 16:07:27 Jacek: we were already forcing people to make elements, now we can have them make types 16:07:55 Jacek: name="foo" type="simpleType" seems good 16:08:14 Marsh: seems like a new proposal would be good at this point... 16:09:07 (discussion of header serialization, multiple lines, escaping...) 16:09:48 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Jonathan_Marsh 16:11:22 Marsh: Need a volunteer to write this up. Just point to simpleType, not an element - anything else is an error. Rename element property to type (or simpleType), and also introduce name property. 16:11:51 Hugo: Why not just use element with simple type restriction? 16:12:04 ...doesn't this make the mechanisms different? 16:12:38 ACTION: Jacek to look into escaping/serialization issue 16:12:47 ACTION: Hugo to propose simpleType/header name for LC315. 16:13:06 Topic: Issue LC318: SOAP and HTTP bindings: Editorial reorganization for defaultstype 16:13:56 (Hugo describes issue) 16:17:15 Asir: specifying defaults is at the markup level. Default binding rules is more about interpreting the component model than constructing it. That's the difference. 16:19:24 Hugo: ok to define default for method in a different way than the query param or transfer coding? 16:19:46 Marsh: Strong opinions? 16:19:57 DaveO: we should be consistent, agree w/Hugo 16:20:11 Asir: LC324 captures this 16:21:08 Hugo: 6.10 is a better example than 6.6 16:25:37 PROPOSAL : Reorg as necessary using 6.10 as a model 16:26:42 Two kinds of defaults - a) syntactic (default attrs), which is single value per property, and b) algorithms for setting a value of a property based on other conditions (MEP in use, etc) 16:27:03 We are specifically looking at (a) 16:27:59 no objections to proposal 16:28:31 ACTION: Hugo to reorg as necessary using 6.10 as a model (LC318) 16:29:36 alewis has left #ws-desc 16:29:37 -A_Ryman 16:29:38 -pauld? 16:29:38 ADJOURN 16:29:39 -Canon 16:29:40 -TonyR 16:29:41 -Amelia_Lewis 16:29:43 -DOrchard 16:29:44 -Hugo 16:29:45 -Roberto 16:29:47 -Jonathan_Marsh 16:29:48 RRSAgent, make log public 16:29:48 -Bijan_Parsia 16:29:49 -Rebecca 16:29:51 -asir 16:29:52 -T_Jordahl 16:29:54 -Umit 16:29:56 -JacekK 16:29:57 RRSAgent, generate minutes 16:29:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-minutes.html GlenD 16:30:09 -GlenD 16:30:09 TonyR has left #ws-desc 16:30:12 Tomj has left #ws-desc 16:30:35 Thanks, Glen! 16:33:15 u bet! 17:08:40 RRSAgent, bye 17:08:40 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-actions.rdf : 17:08:40 ACTION: Hugo to write revised proposal with clear direction on params (LC304) [3] 17:08:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-irc#T15-42-16 17:08:40 ACTION: Marsh to ask WS-A for the changes re LC305 [4] 17:08:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-irc#T15-46-33 17:08:40 ACTION: Jacek to look into escaping/serialization issue [5] 17:08:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-irc#T16-12-38 17:08:40 ACTION: Hugo to propose simpleType/header name for LC315. [6] 17:08:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-irc#T16-12-47 17:08:40 ACTION: Hugo to reorg as necessary using 6.10 as a model (LC318) [7] 17:08:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-ws-desc-irc#T16-28-31 17:08:45 zakim, bye 17:08:45 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Bijan_Parsia, TonyR, Amelia_Lewis, JacekK, Allen_Brookes, T_Jordahl, Charlton_Barreto, A_Ryman, [Microsoft], Hugo, +1.415.268.aaaa, 17:08:45 Zakim has left #ws-desc 17:08:48 ... Roberto, asir, GlenD, pauld?, Jonathan_Marsh, Umit, Canon, DOrchard, Rebecca