14:11:54 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamb 14:11:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc 14:12:00 zakim, this will be wcag 14:12:00 ok, wendy; I see WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM scheduled to start 12 minutes ago 14:12:12 zakim, ping me in 40 minutes 14:12:12 ok, wendy 14:39:37 hi Wendy 14:40:05 rscano has joined #wcag-teamb 14:40:34 Ciao machissimo :-) 14:40:36 hi :D 14:40:41 http://europa.eu.int/information_society/policy/accessibility/com_ea_2005/index_en.htm fresh from today 14:41:39 hi Wendy :) 14:42:24 Nice, I'm a member of of certifying organization here in the Netherlands :-) We should get plenty of new applications if people in the Netherlands start living up to this 14:45:46 cool 14:46:20 what about change of language? :D 14:47:26 what do you mean? 14:47:51 bengt has joined #wcag-teamb 14:47:54 "lang" attribute for words 14:47:56 hi bengt 14:47:59 AARRRGGGH 14:48:00 :-) 14:48:02 :) 14:52:12 wendy, you asked to be pinged at this time 14:55:36 +1.617.761.6200, conference 14:55:36 92242 ("WCAG2") ? 14:56:29 zakim, this is wcag-teamb 14:56:29 sorry, bengt, I do not see a conference named 'wcag-teamb' in progress or scheduled at this time 14:56:40 zakim, what conferences 14:56:40 bengt, you need to end that query with '?' 14:56:42 zakim, what conferences? 14:56:42 I see I18N_TS()10:00AM, Team_W3M()8:00AM active 14:56:44 also scheduled at this time are XML_Core()11:00AM, DI_DIWG()10:00AM, WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM, MM_MMI(ink)11:00AM, P3P_SpecWG()11:00AM, MM_MMI(dialog)11:00AM, HTML_WG()10:00AM 14:56:53 ah standard WAI_WCAG 14:58:32 jslatinOFHNetIRC has joined #wcag-teamb 14:58:41 Hi John 14:58:47 Hi, Yvette! 14:58:56 hmm, my passcode isn't valid 14:59:07 yep also mine 14:59:11 were you trying 92248? 14:59:22 nope, 92242 (wcag team 2) 14:59:40 wendy's email yesterday said 92248 (the old TTF code) 15:00:01 correct - old TTF code - 92248 15:00:13 the call is rescrited at this time.... 15:00:29 yep no teamb id 15:00:32 ah ok 15:00:32 WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has now started 15:00:35 +Wendy 15:00:46 call just started- we should be able to get in now 15:01:06 +??P6 15:01:14 zakim, ??P6 is Yvette_Hoitink 15:01:14 +Yvette_Hoitink; got it 15:01:28 +[IPcaller] 15:01:29 +??P9 15:01:34 -??P9 15:01:36 +Diane_Stottlemyer 15:01:47 zakim, IPcaller is Roberto_Scano 15:01:47 +Roberto_Scano; got it 15:01:54 zakim, who's here? 15:01:54 On the phone I see Wendy, Yvette_Hoitink, Roberto_Scano, Diane_Stottlemyer 15:01:57 On IRC I see jslatinOFHNetIRC, bengt, rscano, RRSAgent, Zakim, wendy, Yvette 15:02:05 +Becky_Gibson 15:02:23 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid 15:02:38 Becky has joined #wcag-teamb 15:02:41 +[IWA-HWG] 15:02:54 IWA/HWG? :-/ 15:03:10 Bengt, did you just join? 15:03:11 +John_Slatin 15:03:14 me ? 15:03:24 -[IWA-HWG] 15:03:35 yes, we had an unidentified number on the phone (ip-caller) 15:04:05 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:04:05 On the phone I see Wendy, Yvette_Hoitink, Roberto_Scano, Diane_Stottlemyer, Becky_Gibson, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, John_Slatin 15:04:35 zakim, who's making noise? 15:04:47 Yvette, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Roberto_Scano (57%), Becky_Gibson (23%), John_Slatin (4%), Wendy (57%) 15:04:57 zakim, mute me 15:04:57 sorry, rscano, I do not see a party named 'rscano' 15:05:06 zakim, I am Roberto_Scano 15:05:06 ok, rscano, I now associate you with Roberto_Scano 15:05:10 zakim, mute me 15:05:10 Roberto_Scano should now be muted 15:08:57 Topic: defn of abbreviationa and acronym 15:09:15 suggest: http://www.google.it/search?q=define:acronym&hl=it&lr=&defl=en 15:09:41 An abbreviation of the first letters of a phrase or the long name of an organization that forms a word or conveys a message. In electronic communication or online documents, acronyms are used as writing shorthand or a method to communicate humor. Examples include IMHO (in my humble opinion), F2F (face-to-face), and WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). See http://www.marshall.edu/isp/ct107/emoticons.html for an online reference to frequently-used acronyms 15:09:41 www.csus.edu/uccs/training/online/glossary.htm 15:10:00 q+ to say "two techniques" 15:10:27 ack yv 15:10:27 Yvette, you wanted to say "two techniques" 15:11:29 +??P17 15:12:10 bengt has joined #wcag-teamb 15:13:08 zakim, ??P17 is Bengt_Farre 15:13:08 +Bengt_Farre; got it 15:13:15 zakim, bengt is Bengt_Farre 15:13:15 +Bengt_Farre; got it 15:14:51 what about cases of words that are inside dictionary like: radar ? 15:15:35 roberto? can you get into queue add this to the discussion? 15:15:42 opp sorry 15:15:59 q+ to say "what about cases of words that are inside dictionary like: radar" 15:16:04 thx 15:16:41 ack rober 15:16:42 Roberto_Scano, you wanted to say "what about cases of words that are inside dictionary like: radar" 15:18:10 some cases don't need to mark - AM, PM, RADAR, TV 15:19:10 leasa has joined #wcag-teamb 15:19:15 zakim, mute me 15:19:15 Roberto_Scano should now be muted 15:19:24 Sorry I am running late - other call 15:21:49 proposed - A mechanism is available for identifying specific definitions of words used in an unusual or restricted way, including idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. (include acronyms? "deprecate" going forward?) 15:21:55 -Bengt_Farre.a 15:21:58 zakim, mute me 15:21:58 Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted 15:22:04 bengt_ has joined #wcag-teamb 15:22:04 +Luca_Mascaro 15:22:38 zakim, Luca is Bengt 15:22:38 +Bengt; got it 15:23:13 q+ 15:23:33 zakim, unmute me 15:23:33 Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted 15:23:38 ack y 15:23:58 remove "acronym" since an HTML element 15:24:08 +??P17 15:24:17 zakim, ??P17 is Lisa 15:24:17 +Lisa; got it 15:26:43 proposed - A mechanism is available for identifying specific definitions of words used in an restricted way, including idioms, jargon, and abbreviations. remove unusual because not testable. include abbreviations because some are more confusing if expanded (e.g., RADAR or AM, similar to not marking up "rendevous" as french in an english passage) 15:27:03 unusual - what about irony? sarcasm? ambiguity? 15:27:06 bengt_ has joined #wcag-teamb 15:27:33 covered under "restricted" because restricting definition to a particular one. 15:28:28 q+ 15:28:37 ack yv 15:28:55 q+ 15:30:36 proposed - A mechanism is available for identifying specific definitions of words used in an restricted way, including idioms, jargon, and abbreviations. remove unusual because not testable. include abbreviations because some are more confusing if expanded (e.g., RADAR or AM, similar to not marking up "rendevous" as french in an english passage) 15:31:13 ack l 15:33:02 restricted way - there are times when a word has multiple defns and as an author, only one of those makes is useful for what i want to say. 15:33:44 lisa is against removing word unusual 15:34:06 action: becky and john work on wording of SC 15:34:57 action 1 = becky and john work on working of SC and defns of abbreviation and acronym 15:36:19 need url? 15:37:07 Ok :) 15:38:13 action: roberto combine bidirectional text posts with lisa's and send to list. 15:38:35 -Bengt 15:38:56 Topic: specifying language 15:39:05 if HTMl 4.01, use just lang 15:39:14 if XHTML and serve as text/html, use both lang and xml:lang 15:39:27 if XHTML serve as text/html+xml, just xml:lang 15:39:29 see GDoc for G 3.1 L1 SC1 15:39:50 text/html+xml is application/xhtml+xml 15:39:58 advisory for http and meta - but not consistently suppoted 15:40:13 bengt_ has joined #wcag-teamb 15:40:32 meta only way to provide multiple primary languages as comma sep list 15:41:04 ack j 15:41:16 q+ 15:41:36 are the 3 choices above (based on "flavor") the 3 sufficient techniqeus? 15:42:01 ack y 15:43:08 can have a comma-sep list of langs in xml:lang? 15:44:03 +??P1 15:44:12 what about html 3.2 and lower? if can't spec language, can't use to conform? 15:44:26 zakim, ??P1 is Bengt 15:44:26 +Bengt; got it 15:44:31 what about flash? 15:44:43 DTD don't let to use language codes for XML:lang but only "language code" 15:45:11 PDF does support a lang attribute 15:45:21 "lang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 15:45:21 xml:lang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 15:45:21 dir (ltr|rtl) #IMPLIED" 15:45:21 > 15:47:22 action: john determine if can use comma-separate list in xml:lang 15:47:39 action: becky write up the 3 sufficient techniques for identifying language 15:49:36 Topic: definitin list proposal 15:49:40 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamb/2005Sep/att-0013/definitionlist-html-technique.htm 15:49:45 for action 3, for XHTML 1.0: 15:49:47 15:50:02 language code <> language "codes" so is not possible to have xml:lang="it, en, ..." 15:50:11 task should say "use the defn list elements to provide definitions/define words" 15:50:43 think that language codes is possible xml 1.1 15:50:55 bengt_ has joined #wcag-teamb 15:51:20 action: becky determine if dl being deprecated in xhtml 2 15:51:27 otherwise, resolution: adopt the technique 15:52:21 Topic: definitions related to l3sc5 15:52:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamb/2005Sep/att-0043/gdoc_31l3sc5_alternatives_2005-09-12.htm 15:52:28 from a HTML WG Member (in MSN): dl are not deprecated in XHTML 2.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-xhtml2-20040722/mod-list.html#edef_list_dl 15:52:52 also as been extended with "nl" 15:52:54 drop action 5 15:52:59 zakim, drop action 5 15:53:00 I don't understand 'drop action 5', wendy 15:53:40 -Diane_Stottlemyer 15:55:28 -Bengt 15:55:52 resolution: propose - supplement Additional content that illustrates or clarifies default text content, which users may use instead of or in addition to the default text content. For example, there may be supplements in text, graphics, and audio. 15:56:26 resolution: propose - Education level Years of school completed, or highest degree achieved. 15:58:41 bengt_ has joined #wcag-teamb 15:58:43 q+ 15:58:57 ack y 16:01:56 -Lisa 16:02:23 bengt has left #wcag-teamb 16:04:09 resolution: propose - Upper secondary education level - the approximate 3 year time period that typically begins at ages 15 or 16 usually after 9 years of full-time education according to the International Standard Classification of Education (UNESCO, 1997). 16:07:39 q+ 16:10:14 leasa has left #wcag-teamb 16:11:05 resolution: propose - Primary education level - the approximate 6 year time period that typically begins at ages 5, 6, or 7 possibly without any previous education, according to the International Standard Classification of Education (UNESCO, 1997). 16:11:36 may be issues with the wording of the SC - need some clarification. 16:13:12 trigger could be "requires reading level above.." and get rid of ambiguity that falls within upper secondary. "when text requires reading ability above the lower secondary education level" 16:13:24 action: john defn for lower secondary education level 16:15:14 -Becky_Gibson 16:15:15 bye all! 16:15:16 -Wendy 16:15:18 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 16:15:19 -Yvette_Hoitink 16:15:25 action: wendy survey of definitions for thursday's call 16:15:28 -John_Slatin 16:15:30 -Roberto_Scano 16:15:31 WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has ended 16:15:32 Attendees were Wendy, Yvette_Hoitink, Diane_Stottlemyer, Roberto_Scano, Becky_Gibson, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [IWA-HWG], John_Slatin, Bengt_Farre, Luca_Mascaro, Bengt, Lisa 16:15:34 action: wendy survey of other techniques and proposals for team for discussion. 16:15:56 action: wendy follow-up w/folks re: action items and next steps. some folks may focus on techs for other guidelines, others on guides. 16:16:37 Meeting: WCAG WG Team B (task force) 16:16:39 chair: wendy 16:16:41 scribe: wendy 16:16:49 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:17:08 RRSAgent, generate minutes 16:17:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-minutes.html wendy 16:19:31 rscano has left #wcag-teamb 16:49:01 bye all 16:49:03 Yvette has left #wcag-teamb 16:57:17 zakim, bye 16:57:17 Zakim has left #wcag-teamb 16:57:20 RRSAgent, bye 16:57:20 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-actions.rdf : 16:57:20 ACTION: becky and john work on working of SC and defns of abbreviation and acronym [1] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T15-34-06 16:57:20 ACTION: roberto combine bidirectional text posts with lisa's and send to list. [2] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T15-38-13 16:57:20 ACTION: john determine if can use comma-separate list in xml:lang [3] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T15-47-22 16:57:20 ACTION: becky write up the 3 sufficient techniques for identifying language [4] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T15-47-39 16:57:20 ACTION: becky determine if dl being deprecated in xhtml 2 [5] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T15-51-20 16:57:20 ACTION: john defn for lower secondary education level [6] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T16-13-24 16:57:20 ACTION: wendy survey of definitions for thursday's call [7] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T16-15-25 16:57:20 ACTION: wendy survey of other techniques and proposals for team for discussion. [8] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T16-15-34 16:57:20 ACTION: wendy follow-up w/folks re: action items and next steps. some folks may focus on techs for other guidelines, others on guides. [9] 16:57:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/09/14-wcag-teamb-irc#T16-15-56