IRC log of dawg on 2005-04-26
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:29:05 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dawg
- 14:29:05 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:29:09 [Zakim]
- +Yoshio
- 14:29:12 [ericP]
- can anyone hear me?
- 14:29:38 [Zakim]
- +Jeen_Broekstra
- 14:29:48 [Zakim]
- -EricP
- 14:29:58 [ericP]
- zakim, please dial hugo-617
- 14:29:58 [Zakim]
- ok, ericP; the call is being made
- 14:30:00 [Zakim]
- +Hugo
- 14:30:07 [ericP]
- testing?
- 14:30:20 [ericP]
- myabe there's a mute button somewhere on this strange device
- 14:30:28 [DanC]
- Zakim, who's muted?
- 14:30:28 [Zakim]
- I see no one muted
- 14:30:34 [Zakim]
- +Kendall_Clark
- 14:31:12 [ericP]
- i have the phone wires in my teeth, actually
- 14:31:26 [DanC]
- Regrets: JosD, Howard, Alberto, KevinW
- 14:31:32 [DanC]
- Zakim, take up agendum 1
- 14:31:32 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda" taken up [from DanC]
- 14:31:37 [DanC]
- Regrets: JosD, Howard, Alberto, KevinW
- 14:31:43 [DanC]
- Zakim, who is on the phone?
- 14:31:43 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see DaveB, AndyS, DanC, Yoshio, Jeen_Broekstra, Hugo, Kendall_Clark
- 14:32:05 [kendall]
- Eric's $1 cellphone is fun till it starts shocking him!
- 14:32:51 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 14:33:31 [DanC]
- (auditing ... missing Bijan. odd.)
- 14:33:40 [Yoshio]
- hi
- 14:34:29 [ericP]
- who is [IBM] ?
- 14:34:35 [SteveH]
- jakim, whos on the phone?
- 14:34:37 [SteveH]
- zakim, whos on the phone?
- 14:34:37 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, SteveH.
- 14:34:45 [kendall]
- +1
- 14:34:51 [SteveH]
- ericP, [IBM] might be me
- 14:35:09 [ericP]
- last weeks minutes approved
- 14:35:19 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Jeen_Broekstra
- 14:35:20 [SteveH]
- zakim, mute me
- 14:35:22 [Zakim]
- sorry, SteveH, I do not see a party named 'SteveH'
- 14:35:23 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Hugo
- 14:35:28 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Kendall_Clark
- 14:35:39 [ericP]
- zakim, Hugo is really EricP
- 14:35:39 [Zakim]
- +EricP; got it
- 14:35:44 [DanC]
- scribe next week: KendallC/DanC
- 14:36:18 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 14:36:18 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "issue: fromUnionQuery" taken up [from DanC]
- 14:36:55 [DanC]
- looking at 1.31
- 14:36:55 [Zakim]
- +??P30
- 14:37:01 [ericP]
- for the record, continued actions:
- 14:37:02 [ericP]
- ACTION: KendallC to work out remaining details in sparqlx.{rnc,xsd,rng}: expression syntax, order-by stuff (xmlAbstractSyntax)
- 14:37:05 [ericP]
- ACTION: AndyS to define a term for abstract form of SPARQL query
- 14:37:08 [ericP]
- ACTION: PatH to internal review of rq23
- 14:37:10 [ericP]
- ACTION: SteveH to prepare test cases for publication as WG Note (no deadline/urgency)
- 14:37:13 [ericP]
- ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on op:dateTime triple
- 14:37:16 [ericP]
- ACTION: EricP to pair with SteveH on making the HTML test results page
- 14:37:18 [ericP]
- ACTION: DaveB to to propose source test to approve
- 14:37:21 [ericP]
- ACTION: AndyS to add the above graph test cases (analagous to valueTesting test cases) (don't expect quick delivery)
- 14:37:28 [JanneS]
- JanneS has joined #dawg
- 14:37:33 [ericP]
- KendallC: HTTP binding spec is fluid. attribute names changing.
- 14:38:12 [ericP]
- ... parts not dependent on that are all done.
- 14:38:41 [ericP]
- ... went with 1 default graph and one or more named graphs
- 14:38:54 [SteveH]
- zakim, unmute me
- 14:38:54 [Zakim]
- sorry, SteveH, I do not see a party named 'SteveH'
- 14:39:17 [JanneS2]
- JanneS2 has joined #dawg
- 14:39:21 [kendall]
- Andy's proposal, as I understood it, was for 1 default graph and for zero or more named graphs.
- 14:40:02 [JanneS2]
- (sorry for joining late, the unknown ID would be me)
- 14:40:19 [ericP]
- DanC: steve, what if you get only one background graph?
- 14:40:47 [AndyS]
- Minor - can there be zero default graph URIs?
- 14:41:05 [ericP]
- Steve: need to read the proposal
- 14:41:26 [AndyS]
- Not sure it makes a huge difference. Might default to empty??
- 14:41:35 [ericP]
- KendallC: I understood 0 or more BG and 0 or more named at the end of the last Telecon
- 14:41:38 [Yoshio]
- q+ to ask can one ask the server what is used as the background graph?
- 14:42:12 [ericP]
- ... I understood Andy's modification to be a simplification
- 14:42:36 [kendall]
- It works for me to have zero background graphs
- 14:42:51 [Janne]
- Janne has joined #dawg
- 14:42:55 [ericP]
- q+ to say the critical issue to me is whether i can do prov queries on the BG graph
- 14:43:32 [ericP]
- ACTION: EricP to try out the "2 list of URIs" datasets design from <>
- 14:43:43 [ericP]
- 14:46:03 [ericP]
- KendallC: I'm confident that what we express what we want in HTTP. not sure what the exact bytes are for the WSLD HTTP binding.
- 14:46:28 [ericP]
- DanC: you use a complex type. iirc, the HTTP GET binding only specifies simple types.
- 14:46:42 [kendall]
- This is what I'm talking about:
- 14:46:43 [kendall]
- 14:47:16 [DaveB]
- seems to me it's way to early to be using wsdl2 here, when it takes 10 mins to write an http binding for sparql
- 14:47:30 [DanC]
- ok? ACTION KendallC: ask WSD WG for clarification about HTTP binding of WSDL2, esp lists of URIs
- 14:47:45 [ericP]
- EricP: there are two open source WSDL 2.0 impls at apache
- 14:48:14 [DanC]
- ACTION KendallC: ask WSD WG for clarification about HTTP binding of WSDL2, esp lists of URIs
- 14:48:51 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 14:48:51 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "issue: wsdlAbstractProtocol" taken up [from DanC]
- 14:49:09 [ericP]
- i believe all three actions are in RRSAgents brain
- 14:49:16 [kendall]
- btw, it's the xs:choice between SparqlX and xs:string forms of the query that is at issue
- 14:49:28 [ericP]
- ACTION: KendallC to own wsdlAbstractProtocol (based on WSDL description added to protocol to editor's draft).
- 14:49:46 [DanC]
- (blending with next agendum)
- 14:49:54 [Zakim]
- -Jeen_Broekstra
- 14:50:01 [jeen]
- crap
- 14:50:24 [ericP]
- ACTION: KendallC to incorporate EricP's privacy text, salting to taste
- 14:50:52 [Zakim]
- + +1.313.346.aaaa
- 14:51:37 [kendall]
- this bit:
- 14:51:38 [kendall]
- <xs:choice>
- 14:51:38 [kendall]
- <xs:element ref="sparqlx:rdf-query"></xs:element>
- 14:51:38 [kendall]
- <xs:element ref="sparql-query"></xs:element>
- 14:51:39 [kendall]
- </xs:choice>
- 14:52:05 [DanC]
- <output messageLabel="Out" element="st:query-result">
- 14:53:59 [jeen]
- ack
- 14:54:09 [ericP]
- AndyS: would like to see the protocol spec aligned with DaveB's result set syntax
- 14:55:10 [ericP]
- ... outer tag is called <sparql>
- 14:55:22 [ericP]
- ... <result/> is used elsewhere
- 14:56:07 [ericP]
- KendallC: will fix before publication
- 14:56:46 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 14:56:46 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to ask for an example of a SELECT, a CONSTRUCT, and an ASK
- 14:57:28 [ericP]
- ... what's harder is that the result is a choice between to elements
- 14:57:48 [ericP]
- DanC: i think you need two interfaces
- 14:58:01 [DaveB]
- q+
- 14:58:41 [ericP]
- ... make your best guess. this is what you want the community to review.
- 14:58:59 [DanC]
- ack yoshio
- 14:58:59 [Zakim]
- Yoshio, you wanted to ask can one ask the server what is used as the background graph?
- 15:00:07 [DanC]
- [[
- 15:00:07 [DanC]
- _:factBookService
- 15:00:07 [DanC]
- saddle:dataSet <...fact-book-part-1.rdf>, <...fact-book-part-2.rdf>.
- 15:00:08 [DanC]
- ]]
- 15:00:13 [ericP]
- yoshio: [above Q: +] can we use sadl to ask about the BG names
- 15:01:02 [ericP]
- danc: there is a notion of a saddle data set
- 15:01:31 [DanC]
- yes, is 404 unfortunately
- 15:02:03 [ericP]
- yoshio: is namespace .../# acceptable?
- 15:02:36 [ericP]
- DanC: not aware of any prob.
- 15:03:00 [ericP]
- EricP: is serializable as a qname
- 15:03:36 [kendall]
- (ok, fwiw, the misalignment with results format is fixed, version 1.32)
- 15:04:00 [ericP]
- (too bad, could have used it to get good ACTION karma)
- 15:04:05 [kendall]
- :>
- 15:04:50 [DanC]
- ACTION Yoshio: edit saddle descriptions provided by KendallC
- 15:04:55 [kendall]
- ACTION kendall: uncommment saddle stuff, email to list
- 15:05:25 [SteveH]
- SteveH has joined #dawg
- 15:06:51 [DaveB]
- q-
- 15:06:51 [DanC]
- ACTION DanC: generate SELECT, CONSTRUCT, ASK protocol traces
- 15:06:58 [DanC]
- ack ericp
- 15:06:58 [Zakim]
- ericP, you wanted to say the critical issue to me is whether i can do prov queries on the BG graph
- 15:07:01 [kendall]
- oh, come on, we all know you don't *really* care about rules! :>
- 15:07:51 [DaveB]
- I was just going to give info, I won't be using this protocol draft without an http section with examples in it
- 15:08:47 [DanC]
- PROPOSED: to publish protocol WD, contingent on inclusion of HTTP examples, saddle examples
- 15:08:49 [ericP]
- DanC: any problem with publishing SPARQL protocol on Fri?
- 15:09:00 [DanC]
- PROPOSED: to publish protocol WD, contingent on inclusion of HTTP examples, saddle prose
- 15:09:24 [ericP]
- DaveB: not useful to me unless there are HTTP examples.
- 15:10:06 [kendall]
- yoshio: w3c's rules workshop is this week, Wed & Thur, in DC.
- 15:10:15 [ericP]
- DanC: critical path: KendallC, YoshioF, EricP, DanC
- 15:10:21 [ericP]
- 15:10:52 [kendall]
- which namespace is 404?
- 15:11:00 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 15:11:00 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "protocol publication candidate" taken up [from DanC]
- 15:11:05 [DanC]
- Zakim, close agendum 4
- 15:11:05 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 closed
- 15:11:06 [Zakim]
- I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 15:11:07 [Zakim]
- 5. SPARQL Query Results XML Format [from DanC]
- 15:11:08 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 15:11:08 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 was just opened, DanC
- 15:11:21 [DanC]
- Zakim, take up item 4
- 15:11:21 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "protocol publication candidate" taken up [from DanC]
- 15:11:34 [kendall]
- well, even funnier for DanC not to really care about, which I what I meant (smart-assedly, to be sure)
- 15:11:47 [kendall]
- s/I what/is what/
- 15:13:39 [kendall]
- ISSUE: Normativeness of the XML schemas. Pick one?
- 15:15:10 [ericP]
- namespace <> no longer a 404
- 15:15:57 [ericP]
- AndyS: given streaming requirents, you might want to say whether it's ordered
- 15:16:15 [DaveB]
- monotonicalliy increasing index integers
- 15:16:16 [ericP]
- DaveB: will add that it's monotonically increasing
- 15:16:22 [DaveB]
- 2.3.3 editorial note
- 15:16:25 [DaveB]
- 4 also re schemas
- 15:18:14 [ericP]
- DanC: it would be nice to publish the results wiht protocol
- 15:18:19 [DanC]
- PROPOSED: to publish 1.25 + editorial notes from DaveB
- 15:18:43 [ericP]
- 15:19:03 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 15:19:03 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "SPARQL Query Results XML Format " taken up [from DanC]
- 15:19:14 [DanC]
- Zakim, close agendum 5
- 15:19:14 [Zakim]
- agendum 5 closed
- 15:19:15 [Zakim]
- I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 15:19:16 [Zakim]
- 6. issue: valueTesting [from DanC]
- 15:19:18 [DanC]
- Zakim, take up item 6
- 15:19:18 [Zakim]
- agendum 6. "issue: valueTesting" taken up [from DanC]
- 15:20:28 [kendall]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:20:29 [Zakim]
- Kendall_Clark should now be muted
- 15:21:20 [ericP]
- ACTION: DaveB to work with EricP to clarify valueTesting proposal
- 15:21:22 [ericP]
- 15:21:30 [ericP]
- ACTION: EricP to propose a test re "x"^^mytype != "y"^^mytpe
- 15:21:32 [ericP]
- 15:23:46 [DanC]
- ACTION DanC: send comment on non-use of <> to schema comments list
- 15:25:00 [ericP]
- scribe is losing a lot of audio. please back me up by scribing important things you notice
- 15:25:20 [DanC]
- Zakim, close this item
- 15:25:20 [Zakim]
- agendum 6 closed
- 15:25:21 [Zakim]
- I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 15:25:22 [Zakim]
- 7. issue: sort [from DanC]
- 15:25:23 [DanC]
- agenda?
- 15:25:23 [ericP]
- AndyS: EricP, is the spec alligned with your head?
- 15:25:32 [kendall]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:25:32 [Zakim]
- Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted
- 15:25:43 [AndyS]
- EricP: Yes it is aligned.
- 15:25:43 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 15:25:43 [Zakim]
- agendum 7. "issue: sort" taken up [from DanC]
- 15:25:45 [jeen]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 15:25:45 [Zakim]
- Jeen should no longer be muted
- 15:25:49 [ericP]
- EricP: yes, needs expanding, not directly contradictory
- 15:25:54 [kendall]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:25:54 [Zakim]
- Kendall_Clark should now be muted
- 15:26:12 [DanC]
- does 1.42 of include Jeen's tests?
- 15:27:02 [ericP]
- ACTION: JeenB to Write a few sort test cases. <>
- 15:27:08 [DanC]
- (hardware problems... ew... that's why I want redundancy in the ability to regen the .html)
- 15:27:18 [DanC]
- (andy did or did not get the same answers?)
- 15:27:21 [SteveH]
- DanC, agreed
- 15:27:24 [ericP]
- DanC, DONE?
- 15:27:33 [DanC]
- not sure yet, ericp
- 15:28:32 [ericP]
- q+ to ask if redundant bNodes are smushed
- 15:28:49 [KevinW]
- KevinW has joined #DAWG
- 15:29:02 [ericP]
- AndyS: i can pass some of JeenB's tests, but not all
- 15:29:06 [ericP]
- 15:30:06 [DaveB]
- (I've made 1.26 of with issues)
- 15:30:11 [AndyS]
- AndyS: Passes for the wrong reasons (failure to check indexes)
- 15:30:29 [kendall]
- hostile irc mutings?! :>
- 15:30:58 [Zakim]
- +Kevin
- 15:32:14 [jeen]
- (andys, checked in fix for test 1, should work now)
- 15:32:25 [AndyS]
- Thanks.
- 15:32:33 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 15:32:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 8. "issue: punctuationSyntax" taken up [from DanC]
- 15:32:44 [kendall]
- -groan-
- 15:33:50 [AndyS]
- Pass (with weak testing only)
- 15:34:15 [ericP]
- AndyS: i consider the grammar in bugfix mode
- 15:35:19 [kendall]
- triple-quoted strings, like python? """Hi, I'm a string"""?
- 15:35:45 [ericP]
- SteveH, is there a reason to have WHERE optional?
- 15:36:35 [DaveB]
- I agree with steve on """s, WHERE {} compulsory
- 15:36:57 [DanC]
- ack ericp
- 15:36:57 [Zakim]
- ericP, you wanted to ask if redundant bNodes are smushed
- 15:37:13 [AndyS]
- """ has an issue about line ends :-)
- 15:37:13 [DanC]
- what's the line-end issue?
- 15:37:22 [kendall]
- (just trying to make sure I heard correctly)
- 15:37:38 [SteveH]
- SteveH has joined #dawg
- 15:37:40 [DanC]
- yes, like python, """Hi, I'm a string"""
- 15:37:57 [kendall]
- thx
- 15:38:50 [ericP]
- lots of drop out. DaveB, please scribe.
- 15:38:51 [AndyS]
- DanC: If we have a bare NL in a string, can be \r\n or \n -- Linux or Windows
- 15:39:03 [DaveB]
- just acking that """turtle style""" is ok
- 15:39:16 [DaveB]
- and make these things compulsory: 1) WHERE 2 ) outer {}
- 15:39:19 [DanC]
- yes, an both \r\n and \n have the same impact? ah... no, the don't match the same things. I see.
- 15:42:41 [DanC]
- PROPOSED: that the grammar in 1.326 addresses punctuationSyntax
- 15:42:51 [DanC]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 15:42:51 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see DaveB, AndyS, DanC, Yoshio, EricP, Kendall_Clark (muted), [IBM], ??P30, Jeen, Kevin
- 15:43:01 [DaveB]
- detail detail, there's more clashes with turtle in the wd.
- 15:43:06 [DaveB]
- I've not read rq23 since then
- 15:43:40 [ericP]
- DaveB: abstain or neigh
- 15:44:02 [Janne]
- me abstains, too, need to reread - I need to run for tonight to do baby sitting, cu next week
- 15:44:14 [Zakim]
- -??P30
- 15:44:28 [ericP]
- DanC: a lot of people want turtle alignment
- 15:44:31 [DaveB]
- I have no time before next telcon
- 15:44:41 [ericP]
- ... makes DaveB (close to) critical path
- 15:44:53 [Janne]
- Janne has left #dawg
- 15:45:41 [DanC]
- EricP: I got LALR [(1)?] problems with {}
- 15:45:50 [DaveB]
- ericP I presently have no conflicts, but I think I ripped out some bits
- 15:45:52 [ericP]
- ()
- 15:45:58 [kendall]
- wow, audio is awful
- 15:48:38 [DaveB]
- lol
- 15:49:49 [Zakim]
- -Kendall_Clark
- 15:51:34 [DanC]
- Zakim, agenda?
- 15:51:34 [Zakim]
- I see 3 items remaining on the agenda:
- 15:51:36 [Zakim]
- 8. issue: punctuationSyntax [from DanC]
- 15:51:37 [Zakim]
- 9. reconsider issue useMentionOp? [from DanC]
- 15:51:38 [Zakim]
- 10. test suite maintenance [from DanC]
- 15:52:43 [DaveB]
- let's see, my lexer has 4 states for IDs, prefixes and """-literals x2
- 15:54:54 [Yoshio]
- q+ to say what surprised me in Dave's message was that "." can be understood as a part of a variable name, which grammar is it specified in?
- 15:54:54 [DanC]
- (so Andy, a hunk of java linked from grammar section would be quite resopnsive to my requests.)
- 15:55:17 [DanC]
- (linked fromt the grammar section and published as part of the WD)
- 15:55:39 [DanC]
- next agendum
- 15:56:17 [DaveB]
- I was saying I use approx. first 60 tokens in yacc, then do my own thing in lexer. turtle stuff I threw away and took from my turtle parser/lexer
- 15:56:26 [DanC]
- 15:56:35 [DanC]
- Zakim, close this agendum
- 15:56:35 [Zakim]
- agendum 9 closed
- 15:56:36 [Zakim]
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 15:56:37 [Zakim]
- 10. test suite maintenance [from DanC]
- 15:57:06 [ericP]
- ideally, i would like a spec that allowed an implementation without being very clever
- 15:57:31 [SteveH]
- +1
- 15:57:39 [Zakim]
- -DanC
- 15:57:40 [ericP]
- 15:57:45 [Zakim]
- -AndyS
- 15:57:46 [Yoshio]
- oh
- 15:57:47 [Zakim]
- -[IBM]
- 15:57:47 [SteveH]
- bye
- 15:57:48 [Zakim]
- -Kevin
- 15:57:51 [Zakim]
- -DaveB
- 15:58:01 [Zakim]
- -Yoshio
- 15:58:01 [Zakim]
- -EricP
- 15:58:14 [DaveB]
- ericP: i've done hopefully all the rf1 changes that I'm going to, over to you
- 15:58:25 [ericP]
- roger that
- 15:59:12 [Zakim]
- -Jeen
- 15:59:13 [Zakim]
- SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended
- 15:59:15 [Zakim]
- Attendees were DaveB, DanC, AndyS, EricP, Yoshio, Jeen_Broekstra, Kendall_Clark, [IBM], +1.313.346.aaaa, Jeen, Kevin
- 15:59:58 [jeen]
- jeen has left #dawg
- 16:01:49 [Yoshio]
- DaveB? what surprised me in your message was that "." can be understood as a part of a variable name, which grammar is it specified in?
- 16:02:14 [SteveH]
- SteveH has joined #dawg
- 16:02:24 [Yoshio]
- (^_^;)
- 16:04:01 [DaveB]
- DaveB has joined #dawg
- 16:05:00 [Yoshio]
- DaveB? what surprised me in your message was that "." can be understood as a part of a variable name, which grammar is it specified in? (in case you missed what I typed in just before you leave)
- 16:05:21 [KevinW]
- KevinW has left #DAWG
- 16:05:37 [DaveB]
- what grammar? it's in xml qnames I think
- 16:05:41 [DaveB]
- but n3 doesn't like it
- 16:05:45 [DaveB]
- and turtle currently doesn't allow it
- 16:06:03 [DaveB]
- we're moving to allow . in both sparql and turtle
- 16:06:21 [DaveB]
- and use the same xml qnames definition
- 16:06:47 [Yoshio]
- ah, so not yet in the documents
- 16:07:28 [AndyS]
- Any idea of when might there be an updated Turtle spec?
- 16:08:57 [Yoshio]
- hmm, I support having "." as in N3, but not like haveing it as a part of a variable name...
- 16:09:01 [DaveB]
- maybe end of next week but www2005 priorities
- 16:09:33 [DaveB]
- variable names will have additional restrictions
- 16:09:38 [DaveB]
- no '-'
- 16:09:49 [Yoshio]
- agree
- 16:10:30 [DaveB]
- and no '.' says AndyS, I just found his mail to check
- 16:12:02 [Yoshio]
- I'm happy
- 16:12:14 [Yoshio]
- anyway, thanks for clarifying
- 16:12:39 [Yoshio]
- I'll wait for the new syntax
- 17:59:12 [DaveB]
- ha, I found a test bug
- 17:59:20 [DaveB]
- and I agree with ARQ, so it's not my bug
- 17:59:34 [DaveB]
- ex11.2.3.6_0.rq ex11.2.3.6_0.n3
- 17:59:38 [DaveB]
- answer should be
- 17:59:44 [DaveB]
- -----------------------------------------
- 17:59:44 [DaveB]
- | name | mbox |
- 17:59:44 [DaveB]
- =========================================
- 17:59:44 [DaveB]
- | "Alice" | <mailto:alice@work.example> |
- 17:59:44 [DaveB]
- -----------------------------------------
- 17:59:51 [DaveB]
- result file says rs:value "alice@work.example" ;
- 18:00:00 [DaveB]
- it's a uri, not a string
- 18:05:13 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #dawg
- 18:06:06 [DaveB]
- RRSAgent: please leave us
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- I see 19 open action items:
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: KendallC to work out remaining details in sparqlx.{rnc,xsd,rng}: expression syntax, order-by stuff (xmlAbstractSyntax) [1]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: AndyS to define a term for abstract form of SPARQL query [2]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: PatH to internal review of rq23 [3]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: SteveH to prepare test cases for publication as WG Note (no deadline/urgency) [4]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on op:dateTime triple [5]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: EricP to pair with SteveH on making the HTML test results page [6]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: DaveB to to propose source test to approve [7]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: AndyS to add the above graph test cases (analagous to valueTesting test cases) (don't expect quick delivery) [8]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: EricP to try out the "2 list of URIs" datasets design from <> [9]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: KendallC to ask WSD WG for clarification about HTTP binding of WSDL2, esp lists of URIs [10]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: KendallC to own wsdlAbstractProtocol (based on WSDL description added to protocol to editor's draft). [11]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: KendallC to incorporate EricP's privacy text, salting to taste [12]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Yoshio to edit saddle descriptions provided by KendallC [13]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: kendall to uncommment saddle stuff, email to list [14]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: DanC to generate SELECT, CONSTRUCT, ASK protocol traces [15]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: DaveB to work with EricP to clarify valueTesting proposal [16]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: EricP to propose a test re "x"^^mytype != "y"^^mytpe [17]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: DanC to send comment on non-use of <> to schema comments list [18]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: JeenB to Write a few sort test cases. <> [19]
- 18:06:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in