SemWeb BPD

7 Apr 2005


See also: IRC log


Ralph Swick, Aldo Gangemi, Darren Govoni, Dan Brickley, Libby Miller, Evan Wallace, Jeff Pan, Gary Ng, Natasha Noy, Guus Schreiber, Chris Welty, David Wood, Alan Rector, Tom Baker
Jeremy Carroll, Benjamin Nguyen, Deb McGuinness, Phil Tetlow, Marco Nanni, Andreas Harth, Fabien Gandon, Brian Mcbride




previous meeting 2005-03-24

RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the March 24 telecon

RESOLVED to accept the minutes of Boston ftf 4-5 March

RESOLVED next telecon 21 April 1700 UTC

NOT 1800 UTC

regrets for 21 April from Alan and DanBri

ACTION: chairs & ralph to organise straw poll on f2f location

continued, assigned to Guus

ACTION: Guus to organise straw poll on f2f location

Guus:There is also an offer from Stanford to hold f2f
... Will include in the strawpoll: Stanford, Vancouver, Galway

ACTION: Ralph investigate what action may be taken when an interested participant has been unable to get a response from his AC Rep.

Ralph: was in a process of finding his out, but ISI has a new AC rep, so there may be progress on that issue

Action continued

WordNet TF

ACTION: Guus to contact Aldo re whether he can attend next telecon [DONE]

Current status of the TF:

Aldo is writing a new version of the note on data model for WN

Princeton plans to add new relationships to WN 2.1, perhaps also change in top levels

<danbri> (I'd like to review it)

ISLE lexical entries: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Feb/0069.html

Aldo: are we in the position to add a liason action with ISLE

<danbri> (re pronunciation extensions, we have work at http://www.w3.org/Voice/ that we should connect with...)

Guus: time line is very important and estimate of feasibility
... is this something you can resolve in 3-6 months?

Aldo: certainly possible

<danbri> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/WNET/wnNounsyb_v7.owl 404s (link from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Feb/0066.html)

Guus: suggests to update the TF description to reflect the addition and we will discuss it at the next telecon

ACTION: Aldo to propose an update the TF description

DanBri: What is the relationship to the Wordnet in RDFS and OWL document that Brian began to draft last year. Is it obsoleted by Aldo's work?

<aldogan> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Feb/0068.html

<Ralph> November f2f WNET discussion minutes

<danbri> all i can find is rdf/owl doc... http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/WNET/wordnet_datamodel.owl

Aldo: the datamodel is still based on the one Brian suggested
but it has changed a bit
Changes are described in the document
Some of the documentation is in the OWL file and should be moved to the document directly

Guus: It will be good to have another TF telecon discussion on teh datamodel

<danbri> ah, found the big file: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/WNET/wnNounsyn_v7.owl (via browsing directory)

Proposed resolution httpRange-14

ACTION: DavidW to draft the http-range-14 message [DONE]

David: would be interested to know what happened on the TAG side

<danbri> my sketch http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/httpclass/1

Ralph advised Dan Connolly that if TAG wanted to devise a forum to discuss the technical issues with us, we will be glad to do that

David: How much energy/time are we willing to spend on this?

<ChrisW> i agree with david

DanBri: I started a document on this topic (drafted as VM but without coordination w/ VM TF members) and to note that TAG minutes showed Tim as misunderstanding the WG resolution

Ralph: we need to distinguish whether our arguments are deployment-oriented (something in our charter) vs architecture-driven arguments

ACTION: Chairs to discuss the httpRange-14 issue at the coordination level

OMG: ODM review

ACTION: Guus to review OWL metamodel

continued, trying to finish this week

ACTION: Deb to go over OWL metamodel and provide a summary


... later in the meeting ...

Evan: semantics of business rules work in OMG has potential overlap with ODM
... there is some coordination contention in OMG about how much consistency is desired between that spec and ODM
... business rules work does not have a formal semantics


ACTION: Chris to provide input to DAWG based on deployment experience.

completed; see Chris's summary of his DAWG action

ACTION: Deb sort SOURCE issue discussion timing out with DanC how you like; copy in davidw


XML Schema Last Call

ACTION: jjc to review XML schema LC draft

continued; the draft is coming out shortly

ACTION: Jeff to review XML schema LC draft

continued; the draft is coming out shortly

SWBPD FAQ proposal

SWBPD FAQ proposal: last time we agreed to do it

Last week we decided that FAQ will be part of the Tutorial work

<Ralph> Yes, Benjamin volunteers for FAQ in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Mar/0213.html


ACTION: Guus review of part-whole draft

completed: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Apr/0017.html

ACTION: Bill review of part-whole draft

completed: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Mar/0209.html

There was also a review by Natasha: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Mar/0219.html

Natasha: the current draft doesn't talk about any patterns at the instance level

Alan: there is a set of examples about geography that I wanted to deal with separately
... have to be careful with expressing qualifiers

Natasha: I just wanted to point out to people that the relationships can be expressed just as a normal property

Alan:I welcome additions from Natasha

publication status of OEP Notes

Chris cleaning up some pubrules violations in the specified values note

Ralph: Classes as values is ready to go; sent for transition approval; might be published today

Chris: no further progress on other OEP notes

XML Schema datatypes

ACTION: jeff to coordinate editorial changes, formatting requirements, etc for XML schema dtypes [DONE]

ACTION: Ralph help Jeff and Jeremy with XML Schema Datatype publication request

Vocabulary Management

TomB: DanBri drafted a small note "Some Things that Hashless HTTP URIs Can Name"
... we wanted to cover things like this in the VM Note
... intend to schedule some TF telecons in next 2-3 weeks

DanBri: I'd like Task Force members to take a look at what I've started

Guus: can this be merged with the main document?

DanBri: the separate document may be a focal point for our interaction with TAG

TomB: the material might be 2-3 paragraphs in the main document, so it is appropriate to have it separate for now


ACTION: DanBri help write an rdf schema for the additional xhtml2 namespace elements [CONTINUES]

DanBri: I had assumed that this action would be triggered by a new XHTML2 Working Draft

Ralph: tf had a telecon earlier this week [minutes]
... both Mark Birbeck and Steven Pemberton attended
... update in the public record from them
... a new URI for an editor's draft (not on the w3.org site)
... not clear if we want to work from an editor's draft vs wait

<danbri> (http://www.w3.org/2005/03/28-editor-style.html btw defines Editor's Drafts; a new page)

ACTION: Gavin find out from his community and contacts if they have use cases [CONTINUES]

ACTION: Tom Baker ask DC colleagues if many use rdf inside html [DONE]

TomB: I got two responses that I summarized to the WG list
... can get more feedback if necessary

ACTION: BenA set a time for the RDF-in-XHTML telecons [DONE]

ACTION: the rdf in html tf to discuss whether GRIDDL needs to work on XHTML2 documents [WITHDRAWN]

Guus: this seems a general goal of the TF, propose to withdraw

DanBri: it is important to have a way to extract RDF from RDF/A
... this should be a part of the TF agenda

<danbri> (reason for fussing on this is that the qnames-in-attribute values aspect complicates things, as it raises the Q of whether GRDDLs are XSLT 1.0 or 2.0, how to deploy w/ both environments, etc etc.)

Guus: I asked Jeremy to give a talk on the status of this work at WWW2005
... I am worried that there may not be a public WD by then

Ralph: we are putting a lot of pressure on the HTML WG to issue a new public WD


Guus: constructive comments from Steve Newcomb


Libby: I've been looking at the notes from Boston f2f and extracted the following:

<libby> [[

<libby> *

<libby> only applications and demos with their own [WWW]DOAP descriptions will be included

<libby> *

<libby> only freely downloadable apps and demos will be included unless they are products of a W3C member company

<libby> *

<libby> for the time being only RDF, RDFS and OWL applications will be included

<libby> ]]

Libby: have we made an official decision on these criteria?

Ralph: I thought the meeting gave the authority to the TF to decide the criteria

Libby: good, we'll send a note out then

Tutorial Page

Guus: Benjamin and Jeff volunteered to work on this
... happy to have two people
... I'd like a simple procedure proposed for people to submit questions
... per Alan's suggestion in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Mar/0097.html

<JeffP> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Mar/0215.html

ACTION: Jeff to talk with Benjamin to propose a process for submission of FAQ questions


Jeff: telecon considered whether automated software engineering experts were needed in the TF
... consensus of TF was that we do need such expertise

Guus: for an invited expert, we need a good description of a person with the required expertise and an explanation of why this expertise is not available among the W3C Membership
... main point is that the critical expertise is not present in the WG and justification for why the recommended person works for an organization that is not a W3C Member

Jeff: re status of draft: we're working on Michael and David's comments
... example section is being restructured
... we would like more review of the existing examples in the draft
... Michael suggested that we need an example for section 3.3
... we would like the WG to supply an example for 3.3 else we will drop that section
... we hope to have a document for review by 23 April
... proposed idea section will make the concept of ontology-driven architecture more clear
... we have a workshop proposal on "Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering" for ISWC accepted, chaired by Evan

Guus: a report of that workshop would be a useful contribution to this group


<danbri> Alistair's PORT TF summary: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Apr/0015.html (i) SKOS core ready to go (ii) Tom has some issues (which he'll summarise) (iii) minor comments re Publishing thes doc.

DanBri: we have 3 documents that we hope to publish at the same time
... all have been reviewed
... SKOS Core Guide appears to be ready to go
... SKOS Core Specifications had some comments from TomB

TomB: my comments were to be precise about the relationship between parts of the specification and the corresponding RDF schema

<danbri> (re status w.r.t. notion of Editor's Draft, we can now cite http://www.w3.org/2005/03/28-editor-style.html to explain what these are)

TomB: ... which version is authoritative?
... when changes are made, how to describe what the status of those changes will be
... some additional citations needed for people to find explanations of the different document types
... some more work needs to be done, but these are not issues that should hold up publication

DanBri: 3rd doc is Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web
... some debate about whether to use the word "publish" or "convert"
... I think the 3 documents are basically ready to go

Guus: we need a proposal on the agenda to approve these for publication
... I am willing to handle the publication proposal by mail if the TF wishes

TomB: I expect to sit down with Alistair next week and we can review the draft then

Guus: we'll propose to consider publication of the set of 3 documents at the next telecon
... TF can ask for earlier consideration by mail if you wish

DanBri: editors should note Style for Group-internal Drafts

Style for Group-internal Drafts (or, "How to avoid confusion with TR page documents") [Ian Jacobs 2005-04-07]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Aldo to propose an update the Wordnet TF description
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Chairs to discuss the httpRange-14 issue at the coordination level
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: Guus to organise straw poll on f2f location
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Jeff to talk with Benjamin to propose a process for submission of FAQ questions
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action13]
[NEW] ACTION: Ralph help Jeff and Jeremy with XML Schema Datatype publication request
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action07]

ACTION: DanBri help write an rdf schema for the additional xhtml2 namespace elements
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action08]
ACTION: Gavin find out from his community and contacts if they have use cases
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action09]
ACTION: Ralph investigate what action may be taken when an interested participant has been unable to get a response from his AC Rep
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action03]

[DONE] ACTION: Tom Baker ask DC colleagues if many use rdf inside html [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action10
[DONE] ACTION: BenA set a time for the RDF-in-XHTML telecons [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action11]
[DONE] ACTION: jeff to coordinate editorial changes, formatting requirements, etc for XML schema dtypes [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action06]
[WITHDRAWN] ACTION: chairs & ralph to organise straw poll on f2f location
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action01]
[WITHDRAWN] ACTION: the rdf in html tf to discuss whether GRIDDL needs to work on XHTML2 documents
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/07-swbp-minutes.html#action12]

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.122 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/06/22 12:43:37 $