14:23:13 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:23:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/02/15-dawg-irc 14:25:08 DaveB has joined #dawg 14:26:17 HiroyukiS has joined #DAWG 14:26:34 kendall has joined #dawg 14:28:19 AlbertoR has joined #dawg 14:28:28 howardk has joined #dawg 14:29:15 SW_DAWG()9:30AM has now started 14:29:21 +HowardK 14:29:58 +Kendall_Clark 14:30:00 +??P4 14:30:03 +??P3 14:30:07 +DanC 14:30:07 zakim, please dial ericP-617 14:30:09 ok, ericP; the call is being made 14:30:11 +EricP 14:30:13 Zakim, ??P4 is DaveB 14:30:13 +DaveB; got it 14:30:17 +??P5 14:30:38 JosD has joined #dawg 14:30:52 +[ASemantics] 14:31:23 Hi 14:31:23 +SteveH 14:31:41 +??P8 14:32:35 Zakim, take up agendum 1 14:32:35 agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0125.html" taken up [from DanC] 14:32:42 afs_ has joined #dawg 14:32:55 Zakim, who's on the phone? 14:32:55 On the phone I see HowardK, Kendall_Clark, DaveB, HiroyukiS, DanC, EricP, AndyS, [ASemantics], SteveH, JosD 14:33:18 Minutes of 2005-02-08 Telecon for review 14:33:18 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0115.html 14:33:36 approved 14:33:39 DONM 14:33:45 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:33:45 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose HowardK 14:33:54 22 Feb meeting 14:33:55 +??P9 14:33:57 scribe howard 14:34:11 Zakim, ??P9 is JanneS 14:34:11 +JanneS; got it 14:34:33 Actions review 14:35:00 all continued 14:35:05 Zakim, next agendum 14:35:05 agendum 2. "ftf6" taken up [from DanC] 14:35:22 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TP2005/registrants#dawg 14:35:51 aka ftf5 14:36:33 zakim, mute me 14:36:34 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:36:49 27 February - 1 March 2005 Cambridge, MA 14:36:49 WG meeting, part of W3C Technical plenary 14:36:57 zakim, mute me 14:36:57 SteveH should now be muted 14:36:58 regrets Alberto 14:37:08 zakim, unmute me 14:37:08 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:37:20 regrets DaveB 14:37:43 (oops; I should do something about Enrico Franconi) 14:37:54 (looking at the registration page above0 14:37:56 ) 14:38:16 tentative/indirect regrets from Bryan Thompson 14:38:29 (hmm... Jean-François Baget ?) 14:39:10 KC: partial conflict; presenting NASA interop in SWIG 14:39:30 (Network Inference ?) 14:40:07 Janne: trying... 14:40:53 (hmm.. .Farrukh Najmi?) 14:41:14 (hmm... Pat Hayes?) 14:41:21 regrets Howard Katz 14:42:14 av requirements... 14:42:20 e.g. remote dialin 14:42:31 yes please 14:42:57 zakim, unmute me 14:42:57 SteveH should no longer be muted 14:43:05 time no prob for me - before midnight here possibly :) 14:43:23 maybe 2-3 hour slot max on eachh day, to be decided - DanC 14:43:31 above re f2f5 14:43:34 +q can we see observer reqests on the web somewhere? 14:43:38 DanC has 1/2day conflict 14:43:40 q+ can we see observer reqests on the web somewhere? 14:43:43 kendall: see form results above 14:43:47 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TP2005/registrants#dawg 14:44:16 f2f6 proposals 14:44:21 continued actions 14:44:35 (: add pointer to alberto's proposal to minutes) 14:44:51 Zakim, next agendum 14:44:51 agendum 3. "valueTesting, XSCH" taken up [from DanC] 14:45:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0072.html offer to host 14:45:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/XSCH/xsch-sw-20050127/ 14:45:44 swbpd wants feedback at (before?) tech plenary 14:46:05 ... we think they want to decide to publish at swbpd wg f2f 14:46:17 eric, path actions continued 14:46:52 steve review at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0114.html 14:47:09 ericp - found some things need to go over, via email pref 14:47:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0127.html 14:48:14 josd review continued 14:49:16 josd: triple constraints easier than AND ... constraints 14:49:27 zakim, mute me 14:49:27 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:49:40 okay, thx 14:49:41 josD - not convinced by need for BOUND 14:49:45 zakim, unmute me 14:49:45 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:49:50 (Jos the one thing that makes AND constraints special, to me, is that you can compute their negation in all cases.) 14:50:18 DaveB - having problems thinkng about these constraints as triples 14:50:45 ericP - maybe things you can't (easily) express as triples in the language 14:51:43 ericP - you could take sparql and turn it into n3 + ... and use xslt [?] 14:53:26 I observe literals as subjects in Jos's examples 14:53:47 we got some ical/RDF-cal samples using contraints into triple-patterns (e.g. dates comparinsons) - see http://demo.asemantics.com/zparqler/examples/example8.html 14:54:01 ACTION DaveB: sketch tests on operators as predicates (aka constraints as triples) 14:54:02 e.g. (?dtstart op:dateTime-greater-than "2000-06-00T00:00:00A") 14:54:31 [[[ 14:54:32 PREFIX ical: 14:54:32 SELECT ?uri ?summary ?dtstart 14:54:32 FROM 14:54:32 WHERE 14:54:32 (?uri ical:summary ?summary) 14:54:34 (?uri ical:dtstart ?dtstart) 14:54:40 (?dtstart op:dateTime-greater-than "2000-06-00T00:00:00A") 14:54:42 ]]] 14:55:43 ack danc 14:56:02 ericP - set of predicates that sparql engines must understand 14:56:14 as operators and supported 14:57:00 AndyS - will fails as the triple has a subject as literal 14:57:11 and the object value isn't an xsd:date 14:57:19 zakim, mute me 14:57:19 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:57:36 EricP - spec does not recognise op:... in the triple pattern 14:58:43 AndyS - removed this from the spec 14:58:47 I found it usefvul though (e.g. easier query optimization) - without processing the whole AND contraints clause 14:59:04 zakim, unmute me 14:59:04 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:00:41 suggest to make 2 tests with same query,differnet intput 15:00:48 one has no op;dateTime pred, one does 15:01:13 zakim, mute me 15:01:13 SteveH should now be muted 15:01:14 does turtle allow variables? 15:01:16 AndyS has joined #dawg 15:01:36 ACTION JosD: make test with op:dateTime predicate /without it 15:01:53 ACTION -1 15:02:11 kendall: no, it's just an rdf syntax 15:02:15 Zakim, next agendum 15:02:15 agendum 4. "SPARQL QL pub" taken up [from DanC] 15:02:42 EricP bound - done 15:02:49 db-scribe: yeah, that's what i thought (another reason why i didn't want to change the triple pattern syntax to be the "turtle part of n3") 15:02:55 EricP inline issue - continued 15:03:16 zakim, unmute me 15:03:16 SteveH should no longer be muted 15:03:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/thread.html#118 15:03:49 discussions of concrete syntax changes ongoing 15:05:52 discussions of syntax - where and how 15:07:45 rq23 9.1 has a bunch of FROM/WITH which probably need unifying to WITH 15:08:44 Will check and fix ASAP 15:09:09 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#optionals 15:10:09 OPTIONAL and [] both allowed at present in rq23 15:10:29 AndyS preference for just OPTIONAL keyword 15:11:08 would an optional block then be OPTIONAL { ...... } ? 15:11:19 sigh I see BASE still exists in the grammar only 15:11:25 typo "teh optional" 15:11:44 typo in 5.1 "One the dat aabove, they return the query result:" 15:11:52 AndyS: fwiw, i like the idea of considering "merely" syntax issues all at once... it's hard to do them piece meal 15:12:35 q+ 15:14:03 ack AlbertoR 15:14:53 DanC - will stick with plan to pub thu/fri 15:15:37 what's the status quo about BOUND today? 15:15:47 i can't find anything in 1.205... 15:16:06 kendall, BOUND ?x v's BOUNT(?x) etc. 15:16:11 AndyS summarises current thoughts - delete [] for optiona,s kep AND, keep functions the same, keep BOUND(?x) 15:16:39 broken link "(see the bound test)." 15:16:41 http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#mapping connectes the grammar to an operator 15:16:55 sop:bound 15:17:27 Zakim, next agendum 15:17:28 agendum 5. "Service Descriptions" taken up [from DanC] 15:17:39 is there a namespace for sop: prefix? 15:17:52 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#func-isBound defines the behavoir of op:bound 15:18:10 steve svc description http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0113.html 15:18:16 done 15:19:06 steve - usesOntology unsure about the 'O' word 15:19:17 "vocabs used in that document" 15:19:47 might work for rdfs, but maybe not for owl which has a more formal defn 15:21:03 discussion of dawg:usesOntology - "does this thing know about foaf?" 15:21:11 or "understand" (handwave) 15:22:06 steve - useful but not particularly happy about this either hte predicate name or the semantics 15:22:57 could indirect via another node to allow multiple points to hang off the usesOntology, supprotsDataType 15:23:10 ... so different interfaces/service access points 15:23:16 +1 to Steve's point about some properties about the data not the service 15:23:23 other actions continued 15:24:24 DanC did some of the wsdl/soap encodings action, asking PLH 15:25:11 got some way through then ran into wsdl2.0 requirement for tools 15:25:23 continues 15:25:29 all kendall actions continued 15:25:53 Documents to read at F2F meeting 15:26:25 re Protocol, http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-wd/ a week before meeting 15:27:09 last substantive change before helsinki f2f, more stuff not yet commited 15:27:11 and todo 15:27:37 1 week before meeeting - 21st 15:27:45 for docs to read, to be available 15:28:52 VBR draft not expected to be avail 21st 15:29:58 DaveB to try to deliver updated VBR by 28th Feb 15:30:17 sparql query wd - pub this week, natural for f2f 15:30:40 DanC - trying to put turtle out as an interest group note 15:31:22 turtle used as our test case format 15:31:32 and in specs 15:31:54 appendix in query lang docs 15:32:03 on n3ish alternatives 15:32:12 at risk due to time 15:32:27 ericP can work on this tomorrow 15:32:38 s/this/n3 appendix/ - maybe 15:32:52 adjourned 15:32:58 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 15:33:14 -DaveB 15:33:15 -JanneS 15:33:16 -JosD 15:33:17 -Kendall_Clark 15:33:17 -[ASemantics] 15:33:18 -DanC 15:33:20 -HowardK 15:33:26 -HiroyukiS 15:33:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:33:33 On the phone I see EricP, AndyS, SteveH 15:38:25 DaveB has joined #dawg 15:45:37 PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> 15:45:37 SELECT ?name1 ?name2 15:45:37 WHERE ( ?x foaf:name ?name1 ) 15:45:37 ( ?x foaf:mbox ?mbox1 ) 15:45:37 ( ?y foaf:name ?name2 ) 15:45:40 ( ?y foaf:mbox ?mbox2 ) 15:45:42 AND ?mbox1 == ?mbox2 && ?name1 NE ?name2 15:48:45 Typo : op:numeric-add(xs:float(7) + xs:float(6.5)) - the + should be "," 15:50:36 typo in 5.1 "One the dat aabove, they return the query result:" 15:51:03 -SteveH 16:12:36 Used in conjunction with optional, it can be used to test whether triple with a variable has been asserted. 16:14:37 Used in conjunction with optional, it can be used to test whether a graph pattern with at least one variable in it has been matched. 16:26:16 zakim, who is on the phone 16:26:16 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', AndyS 16:26:21 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:26:21 On the phone I see EricP, AndyS 16:28:25 -EricP 16:28:26 -AndyS 16:28:27 SW_DAWG()9:30AM has ended 16:28:28 Attendees were HowardK, Kendall_Clark, DanC, EricP, DaveB, [ASemantics], SteveH, JosD, AndyS, HiroyukiS, JanneS 16:29:25 and I got the minutes out http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0133.html 16:29:35 which will refer to this very irc log 16:31:28 daveb, good circularity! 16:57:31 Changes to rq23 made - v1.209 17:27:07 ericp, andy, you are the only candidates for filling in as chair while I'm in the TAG meeting. 17:27:28 that I know of 17:27:46 and I might be stretching it to interpret Andy's comments as offering to chair 17:28:28 i reckon i can do it. 17:29:15 i note thta i'm better moderating discussion than coercing WG decisions 17:33:20 I'm trying to find a half-day of business that I'm not interested in ;-) 17:33:53 hmm... fromUnionQuery ... dunno if you're suficiently disinterested to chair that 17:34:10 (looking at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ftf5-bos.html#agenda ) 17:36:15 I tried to scare away the observers, but it didn't work. 17:36:47 i.e. I sent a "if you really want to attend, you need to prove it by writing yet another mail message to me" and they did 17:37:10 i don't think i can do fromUnionQuery 17:37:31 all? i just saw one insistence 17:40:19 I got 4 "no" answers to my "go away?" message 17:40:59 Marja, Jacek, Larry.Levy@semagix.com, balaji.prasad@eds.com 17:41:50 ok, I think I have my ducks sufficiently lined up that I can ask the admin folks what size room they're giving us 17:44:50 I can chair if you want - best if that session is not about rq23 issues. 17:47:58 If Eric wants to get involved in protocol, I can chair a protocol session. 17:48:18 DanC - what do you want to miss? 17:48:39 I think I want to miss fromUnionQuery 17:48:59 and maybe ftf6 scheduling, though I dunno if I can 17:49:20 I don't hink y ouhae that option. you're two candidate chairs are involved in it 17:49:27 (re missing fromUnionQuery) 17:51:10 hmm 17:51:18 how about nestedOptionals? 17:51:57 it needs a WG decision, coerced or otherwise 17:52:22 hmm... maybe I could do that in the telcon 22 Feb 17:52:46 maybe the best way to spend Monday AM is joint with SWIG 18:53:55 Zakim has left #dawg 19:14:53 RRSAgent, stop