Joe Lambda's homepage

Note: this should obsolete the older version presently.

Hi there, my name is Joe Lambda, and I work at ACME Inc.. You can contact me by email at, or get more info on my personal home page.

People I know

Joe's Thoughts


Weekly Schedule

People keep asking me when I'm in the office and whem I'm not, so I'm adding my regular weekly schedule to my homepage.

Duration is 1 hour unless otherwise specified.

starting 2005-08-01
timezone: Chicago time

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
0000 to 0830
0830 to 1159 09:00 staff meeting

09:30 RDF DAWG

08:30 Project Review 09:00 work out at gym
1200 to 1659 12:00 weekly chat with Fred 12:00 Herbology

13:30 Divination to 15:00

13:00 game of go with Clara
1700 to 1859 18:00 go home 18:00 go home 18:00 go home 18:00 go home 18:00 go home

see weekCal.xsl in progress.

Skiing - check out my snaps!

3 18 Feb 2004 Headed up north for a big of skiing today. Took a camera of course and a GPS. At the end of the day, downlowded them pics and the tracks and cross-correlated them by time - so here is a map of my tracks with my photos on it. Made some notes on how I did it.

FYI... RDF data about nearby places

Taking a trip to Boston

2 15 Jan 2004 I'm all set. It's gonna be great! Hmm... maybe I'll put my itinerary online so folks can tell if they'll be in town at the same time I am.

New home page

1 4 Dec 2003 Whee! Web publishing is fun!

An example of RDF in XHTML

This page is a fake home page for Joe Lambda, with the purpose of demonstrating how to mix several RDF vocabularies in XHTML using a technique involving XSLT.

The following RDF vocabularies/applications are implemented in this page:

The output of this can be seen as RDF using the demonstrator based on an XSLT servlet.

This page also uses FOAF autodiscovery (ie. link rel="meta" conventions in the document's head) to link to the derrived RDF data. This allows tools such as FOAF Explorer or the TypePad weblogging service (see screenshot of "add a friend" facility) to exploit a machine-readable view of the data in this document.

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux <>
Last Modified: $Date: 2005/08/05 06:58:36 $

Joe Lamba
$Revision: 1.16 $ of $Date: 2005/08/05 06:58:36 $
This page is licensed with a Creative Common License allowing copy and redistribution with attribution to the author, and disallowing derivative works.