19:51:38 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 19:55:04 Chris has joined #tagmem 20:00:07 Noah has joined #tagmem 20:00:10 TAG_Weekly()2:30PM has now started 20:00:17 +Roy_Fielding 20:00:30 +[IBMCambridge] 20:00:40 zakim, [IBMCambridge] is me 20:00:40 +Noah; got it 20:00:57 zakim, passcode 20:00:57 I don't understand 'passcode', Chris 20:01:09 zakim, this will be tag 20:01:09 ok, Chris, I see TAG_Weekly()2:30PM already started 20:01:12 zakim, passcode? 20:01:12 the conference code is 0824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), Chris 20:01:19 +Stuart 20:01:44 +Chris 20:01:59 Stuart, hit reload on your agenda 20:02:05 roy_scribe has joined #tagmem 20:02:31 +[Microsoft] 20:02:43 pbc has joined #tagmem 20:02:45 Zakim, Microsoft holds Paul 20:02:45 sorry, Chris, I do not recognize a party named 'Microsoft' 20:03:31 rrsagent, pointer? 20:03:31 See http://www.w3.org/2004/12/06-tagmem-irc#T20-03-31 20:03:58 Scribe: Chris 20:04:04 Chair: Stuart 20:04:16 zakim, who is here? 20:04:16 On the phone I see Roy_Fielding, Noah, Stuart, Chris, [Microsoft] 20:04:17 On IRC I see pbc, Roy, Noah, Chris, RRSAgent, Zakim, Stuart 20:04:18 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/12/06-tag.html 20:04:40 timbl has joined #tagmem 20:04:44 DanC has joined #tagmem 20:04:52 +DanC 20:05:05 +TimBL 20:05:31 Zakim, who is here? 20:05:31 On the phone I see Roy_Fielding, Noah, Stuart, Chris, [Microsoft], DanC, TimBL 20:05:33 On IRC I see DanC, timbl, pbc, Roy, Noah, Chris, RRSAgent, Zakim, Stuart 20:05:43 Stuart: Regrets for upcoming telcons, please say if these are not accurate 20:06:08 Noah will scribe on 13th Dec 20:06:24 Stuart: Minutes OK? 20:06:30 Paul: Fine by me 20:06:33 no objections 20:06:45 Resolved: approve minutes of 22 Nov 20:07:03 Stuart: Minutes of f2f not ready yet, in progress 20:07:35 Topic: AC Meeting feedback 20:08:08 TimBL announced that Stuart would not be running 20:08:39 Asked for feedback, not very much 20:09:00 Some private feedback on report and slides. No new action items arising 20:09:18 Noah: Some people reported using the arch doc, that was gratifying 20:09:55 Paul: Extensibility and Versioning came up several times at AC in various forms. Likely to be a TP agenda item 20:10:25 ACTION: Stuart tak with David Ezell and Steve Bratt about extensibility and versioning 20:10:50 Topic: Last Call on xml:id 20:11:14 Chris: Seems good, thanks that they incorporated earlier feedback 20:12:00 DanC: Suggested xml:id like XInclude needs good testing 20:13:21 (discussion of type reported by ID assignment) 20:14:23 http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-xml-id-20041109/#with-schema-validation 20:16:44 Roy: some style issues, putting definitions of things in square brackets, don't like it personally 20:16:55 Paul: I disagree there 20:18:00 Stuart: OK but that is a style issue not technical 20:18:37 (discussion of whether to close the issue - not yet_ 20:19:30 Stuart: OK to respond with 'no further comments' 20:19:46 Dan: As longas it asks again about CR plans and testing 20:20:00 Resoolved: No further comments except testing 20:20:14 ACTION: Chris send response to Core about xml:id 20:20:17 Under normal English, anything inside sqquare brackets can be removed -- they are non-normative statements. Obviously, that is not the case here. I suggest that the W3C ask a literature department (like Harvard or Chicago) what they think the document says, and perhaps suggest a more useful signage for definitions 20:20:30 q+ 20:20:31 Topic: Review of QA WG Last call 20:20:47 ack pbc 20:20:54 roy, that stylesheet is maintained in spec-prod@w3.org ; care to send your comment there? (not all W3C specs use that stylesheet) 20:20:56 Stuart: Do we want to review the whole thing, or just the E&V part? 20:21:10 sure, thanks for the pointer 20:21:11 Paul: Didn't we askk them to review our E&V already? 20:21:27 Paul: Suget we correlate the messages in both directions 20:21:41 s/Suget/Suggest/ 20:21:58 Stuart: Whole document, or more scoped? 20:22:07 Stuart: Who will review this? 20:22:16 Paul: Constrain to E&V 20:23:00 Paul: Their spec is fairly positive, good material 20:23:16 q+ 20:23:29 ACTION: Paul to point QA at E&V and pass on TAG comments as we get them 20:23:56 ack DanC 20:23:58 Dan: E&V finding - original issue is only XML vocabularies 20:24:12 q+ 20:24:13 q+ 20:24:20 Dan: So shoul we look at just XML, or protocols and non XML formats? 20:25:16 q+ to talk about non E&V stuff in qaframe 20:25:22 ack pbc 20:25:41 Paul: Issue was not updated after Ottawa f2f were we agreed on a work plan issue is stale now 20:26:32 Noah: OK so the records do not relect the minutes trail 20:27:03 Nah: Good to revisit the whole issue, what its scope is, and do what Paul said cheking its consistent 20:27:05 (I'm pretty sure the TAG hasn't made any decisions on extensibility/versioning) 20:27:19 s/cheking/checking/ 20:27:57 s/Nah/Noah/ 20:28:22 ack Chris 20:28:22 Chris, you wanted to talk about non E&V stuff in qaframe 20:28:30 q? 20:29:17 Plan for Issue 41: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2004Jul/0027.html 20:30:09 Chris: also needs review of things likeconformance criteria (WebArch has none as agreed, might need to say why more clearly) 20:31:20 ACTION: Chris together with Paul, create draft review of qaframe 20:32:26 Paul: Jan 10 is target meeting for more E&V discussion 20:32:38 ... and invite DO to that 20:32:44 that's from memory, and PC isn't sure it's Jan 10 20:33:05 Topic: WebArch publication 20:33:18 Stuart: Proposal for 'Volume One' 20:33:32 TimBL: Can't think of anything better 20:33:38 Stuart: Part One? 20:33:57 TimBL: Implies that the volumes are disjoint 20:34:21 TimbL: Can bring out a second edition of volume One if needed 20:34:59 s/edition/version/ 20:35:23 Noah: Provided the second version is clarifications rather than changes 20:35:37 Stuart: any objections 20:35:40 (none) 20:35:57 Resolved: Change to Volume One 20:36:02 (stuart took the 'action' there?) 20:36:24 ACTION: Stuart tell Ian tha Volume One is fine 20:36:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/tag/2004Nov/0061.html 20:37:28 Chris: This is ediorial, links to empty erratta and translations 20:37:54 http://www.w3.org/2004/12/webarch-pressrelease.html.en 20:39:29 s/announced/announces/. press releases are written in the ever-present tense (please). 20:39:33 Is Janet still the right contact, as listed on the press release? 20:39:42 I expect so, Noah 20:40:30 her new title is something like "U.S. press officer" 20:41:57 cliché: "solve all the world's problems". "describe anything like the full range of technology involved in the web today". 20:44:07 (Chris describes the overall structure of the press release and the points being made) 20:44:40 Noah: Worries over committingto "Volume Two' rather than, say 'SemWeb Arch Supplement" or whatever. 20:45:01 Chris: "One or more subsequent volumes" 20:45:05 q+ 20:45:50 Noah: "Future publications from the TAG will build on" 20:46:43 Paul: Third title is bad, scrub 'world problems' be more positive 20:47:08 (eek! "does not solve all of the world's problems" not in jest! indeed. let's rework) 20:47:32 work continues on architectute, TAG will take experience from "" 20:47:38 ... and agree with Noah 20:48:45 Dan: impact on web users? none, snoring, or exciting news? 20:48:59 TimBL: its not a final report, it should have an effect 20:49:29 ("paint dries" is my comment more on the actual event than this text) 20:49:33 ... need to get people reading it, use as course materials, already adopted by some courses, reference for building new technologies 20:50:30 q+ to talk about other quotes and testimonials 20:50:41 (Dan interviews TimBL) 20:50:44 q- pbc 20:52:12 Stuart: This is the W3Cs first Architectural Recommendation. Loosely connect with 10 years? 20:52:23 ..distills 10 years of experience 20:53:26 (Dan interviews Paul) 20:53:46 .. principles for people to build new internet standards and new web technologies 20:53:55 ... web will continue to evolve 20:54:05 (further discussions) 20:54:50 TimBL: as web grows, new peopl eneed to get up to speed more quickly 20:55:16 ws sw speech and multimodal, powerfulnew parts, need to understand existing architecture 20:55:22 (somehow I think mixing in voice, mobile, etc. early in the press release will punch it up) 20:57:51 Noah, where Chris had had 'had", had had "had had". "had had" had had the consensus of the tag. 20:58:00 (Stuart interviews Dan) 20:58:35 an: most of what you need to know in one place 20:58:41 s/an/Dan 20:58:55 Roy: Orthogonality is key principle 20:59:09 "Volume one of the Web Architecture provides a basis as W3C begins integrating Voice browsing and mobile access with traditional technologies" 20:59:24 (begins... voicexml 2.0 is already a REC. hmm.) 20:59:27 Noah: URI as key naming principle, universal network 21:00:27 q+ to answer stuart's #1 principle? question with: One Web 21:00:41 ack Chris 21:00:41 Chris, you wanted to talk about other quotes and testimonials 21:00:56 "so that you can change one without having to change another" <- good words 21:01:26 "unprecedented scale" <- good words 21:01:29 Noah: Web as network on unprecedented scale 21:01:48 +1 on good words 21:02:28 TimBL: web is so big that adding to it needs to be done with understanding 21:02:37 extending without breaking 21:03:03 (how to say the opposite of "if you change one part, the whole thing falls over") 21:03:06 leveraging 21:03:13 standing on shoulders of giants 21:03:19 too trite 21:03:52 How one can add a new piece of technology on such a way as to constructively leverage the work which has been done by others. 21:04:02 agree its too trite to use those words 21:04:06 ack Dan 21:04:06 DanC, you wanted to answer stuart's #1 principle? question with: One Web 21:04:25 Paul has to leave now. 21:04:27 Synergy 21:04:52 Dan: If you add to the One web then its much better than trying to make a separate non interoperable part 21:05:05 -[Microsoft] 21:05:06 Paul: Startd bal rolling on testimonial 21:16:14 (further discussion of plans for WebArch) 21:23:31 Chris raises the editorial suggestions made by Noah 21:23:34 Noah says he's seen Chris 21:23:44 Noah says he's seen Chris's email response and is fine with everything suggested 21:24:11 S/Chris's/Chris'/ 21:24:15 Dan: comment on clash with 3023 21:24:33 Stuart: yes, we know, this is why 3023 is being revised. existingissue 21:25:49 Roy: IESG made its decision on IRI based on publication of draft 11 21:26:17 q? 21:26:41 ... now waiting on RFC editor 21:26:47 rrsagent, pointer? 21:26:47 See http://www.w3.org/2004/12/06-tagmem-irc#T21-26-47 21:28:16 -Roy_Fielding 21:28:18 -Chris 21:28:44 hunting... http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/issues.html?type=1#IRIEverywhere-27 21:29:27 http://www.w3.org/2003/04/iri.html 21:33:43 zakim, who is here? 21:33:43 On the phone I see Noah, Stuart, DanC, TimBL 21:33:44 On IRC I see DanC, timbl, pbc, Noah, Chris, RRSAgent, Zakim, Stuart 21:33:53 my comment on xquery and URIs: "why the special case for % in fn:escape-uri?" http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2003Mar/0027.html 21:35:09 -Stuart 21:35:30 -TimBL 21:35:38 -Noah 21:35:45 -DanC 21:35:46 TAG_Weekly()2:30PM has ended 21:35:47 Attendees were Roy_Fielding, Noah, Stuart, Chris, [Microsoft], DanC, TimBL