15:04:27 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 15:05:18 Zakim and RRSAgent are now active; please try again 15:05:30 zakim, who is here? 15:05:30 sorry, DavidW, I don't know what conference this is 15:05:31 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Fabien, ChrisW, aharth, pepper, DavidW, aliman, JeffP, Benjamin, Tbaker, PhilT 15:05:53 Just to say I don't have telephone access today, so I'll only be on IRC 15:05:57 zakim, list conferences 15:05:57 I see HTML_XForms()10:00AM, SW_BPD()10:00AM, W3C_AC(*Boston)8:30AM active 15:05:59 also scheduled at this time are Team_Global(review)8:00AM, SVG_WG()9:00AM, MM_MMI(environ)10:00AM 15:06:09 zakim, this is SW_BPD 15:06:09 ok, DavidW; that matches SW_BPD()10:00AM 15:06:14 zakim, who is here? 15:06:14 On the phone I see David_Wood, Phil_Tetlow, ??P2, ??P3, Tom_Baker (muted), ??P5, +47.23.23.aaaa, Evan_Wallace, [Sophia] 15:06:16 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Fabien, ChrisW, aharth, pepper, DavidW, aliman, JeffP, Benjamin, Tbaker, PhilT 15:06:22 +Alistair_Miles (was ??P5) 15:06:30 +Fabien_Gandon (was [Sophia]) 15:06:40 +Andreas_Harth (was ??P3) 15:06:42 zakim, David_Wood is DavidW 15:06:46 +DavidW; got it 15:07:08 zakim, who is talking 15:07:08 I don't understand 'who is talking', DavidW 15:07:11 zakim, who is talking? 15:07:17 +??P18 15:07:20 who is making that rattling noise? 15:07:22 DavidW, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Andreas_Harth (4%), Alistair_Miles (39%), +47.23.23.aaaa (94%) 15:07:36 zakim, mute aaaa 15:07:36 +47.23.23.aaaa should now be muted 15:07:39 ChrisW has joined #swbp 15:07:58 Zakim, +47.23.23.aaaa is Steve_Pepper 15:07:58 +Steve_Pepper; got it 15:08:24 Zakim, mute alistair 15:08:24 Alistair_Miles should now be muted 15:08:25 +Natasha_Noy 15:08:33 Natasha has joined #swbp 15:08:37 david, did you see my previous comment in irc? 15:08:43 Steve: I had to mute you 15:09:09 Why's that? 15:09:42 +Marco 15:09:53 Someone was using a concrete saw in your office 15:09:53 zakim, mute aharth 15:09:53 sorry, aharth, I do not see a party named 'aharth' 15:10:01 zakim, mute Andreas_Harth 15:10:01 Andreas_Harth should now be muted 15:10:02 ChrisW, Please repost. Thanks 15:10:24 Zakim, unmute alistair 15:10:25 Alistair_Miles should no longer be muted 15:10:43 I am at a meeting now - I can joint the telecon at any time, but not for the whole time. 15:10:55 If someone can let me know on IRC when I should join, that would help 15:11:02 ChrisW, OK 15:11:08 zakim, who is talking? 15:11:19 DavidW, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: DavidW (19%), ??P2 (6%), Marco (14%) 15:11:35 MIkeU has joined #swbp 15:12:10 ekw has joined #swbp 15:12:13 regrets: ben a, libby, deb, chris (1/2 here), jeremy 15:12:23 Apologies: our phone system has been flaky for last few days. I cannot get an outside line from my office. It may come back, so I will keep trying. 15:12:51 ACTION ITEM REVIEW 15:13:01 ACTION guus to note on numeric ranges after the xml datatypes TF has 15:13:01 finished 15:13:42 zakim, who is talking? 15:13:53 Fabien, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: DavidW (35%), Alistair_Miles (15%), ??P18 (10%), Marco (29%) 15:13:59 Please get off speaker phones: We would like to clear the echo from the phone. Thanks 15:14:09 continued 15:14:17 ACTION guus send jeremy pointer about numeric ranges and XMLS 15:14:19 continues 15:14:28 ACTION: Brian and DanBri need to talk about what need to do for 15:14:28 Wordnet document to be good enough 15:14:44 RSSAgent, ? 15:14:56 RSSAgent withdraw 1 15:15:43 RSSAgent, drop action 1 15:16:00 RRSAgent, drop action 1 15:16:15 ACTION Brian and DanBri need to talk about what need to do for 15:16:16 Wordnet document to be good enough 15:16:18 continue 15:16:27 ACTION VM TF to compile list of sample vocabs for the note 15:16:29 completed 15:16:39 ACTION VM TF with help from Guus to find thesaurus like example and 15:16:39 high end ontologies to section 3 15:16:52 please note, deb requested two actions be added - I do not see them 15:16:54 dropped 15:17:05 ACTION David to contact Eric Miller re his interest in joining the 15:17:05 RDFTM TF 15:17:11 completed 15:17:20 (awaiting response from em) 15:17:29 ACTION Jeremy Clarify which parts of UML docs HP is most interested 15:17:29 in reviewing 15:17:31 continued 15:17:43 ACTION david put software engineering task force on agenda for two 15:17:43 weeks time 15:17:44 complete 15:17:54 ACTION david to propose a telecon schedule for the new year 15:17:56 complete 15:18:06 ACTION guus to introduce new members from rdftm task force to the wg 15:18:39 Zakim, unmute pepper 15:18:39 sorry, pepper, I do not see a party named 'pepper' 15:18:40 fabio: from uni of bologna, part of RDFTM TF 15:18:51 Zakim, unmute Steve_Pepper 15:18:51 Steve_Pepper should no longer be muted 15:18:56 fabio: work is beginning on this TF ... 15:19:16 ACTION: fabio & new RDFTM TF members to post a short biog to SWBP list 15:19:20 Please note deb's request: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2004Dec/0006.html 15:19:28 q? 15:19:32 q+ 15:19:39 Please note deb's request: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2004Dec/0006.html 15:19:44 ack ChrisW 15:20:17 (Guus action complete) 15:20:28 ACTION ralph contact steve pemberton to clarify html wg's position on 15:20:28 inclusion of rdf/a in their last call wd. 15:20:30 continue 15:20:47 ACTION Ralph take up TAG-SWBP agenda CG tomorrow 15:20:56 continue 15:20:57 FV has joined #swbp 15:21:05 ACTION steve email 13250 to the WG 15:21:07 complete 15:21:42 Zakim, mute Steve_Pepper 15:21:42 Steve_Pepper should now be muted 15:21:43 TOPIC: 3. Liaison issues 15:21:52 3.2 Planning of ODM review activity 15:22:00 david: put this off to next telecon 15:22:28 TOPIC: 4. SE TF 15:22:28 ChrisW, We are discussing the SE TF: Please join 15:22:36 Phil: Jeff has proposed SE TF 15:22:38 ... 15:22:45 +Chris_Welty 15:23:04 zakim, who is talking? 15:23:16 Phil: need to discuss knowledge engineering things in wider context of software engineering ... 15:23:16 DavidW, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Alistair_Miles (91%), ??P18 (61%) 15:23:26 establish some kind of collective list ... 15:23:41 send strong message to SE industry that semantic web is highly applicable ... 15:23:49 and that W3C is listening. ... 15:24:02 second objective ... 15:24:18 (missed that) 15:24:33 phil: would like to gain acceptance from the WG that a TF can be established 15:24:34 aliman, do you have a noisy keyboard? 15:24:44 Zakim, mute alistait 15:24:44 sorry, aliman_scribe, I do not see a party named 'alistait' 15:24:47 Zakim, mute alistair 15:24:47 Alistair_Miles should now be muted 15:25:05 phil: want to specifically look at application of semweb technologies in wider context 15:25:20 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2004Dec/0005.html 15:25:35 phil: ontology driven SE/architectures is exciting field 15:25:37 ... 15:25:47 emerging from model-driven architecture .... 15:26:10 IBM looking at semantic enrichment of UML ... 15:26:27 also potential for self-organisaing systems based on semweb technologies ... 15:26:36 also application of semweb to support UIs 15:26:52 david: open to comments? 15:27:14 david: excited to see this, positive step ... 15:27:24 but concerned that the scope is too broad ... 15:27:37 also concerned that we don't have the effort, lots of other things on our plate .... 15:27:57 at the f2f we talked about completing some TFs in the first qrater of 2005 .... 15:28:08 i.e. make sure that we deliver. ... 15:28:18 (on our current commitments) 15:28:37 There will be drive from the chairs to complete current TFs ... 15:28:57 Secondly, this TF has some real heavyweights involved ... 15:29:02 including Phil & Jeff ... 15:29:22 issue of scope ... phil says stear clear of refs to UML ... 15:29:47 but would like to see some specific refs being made to UML ... would be very useful to have UML mapping ... 15:29:52 Phil: not in scope ... 15:30:02 scope may appear wide ... 15:30:20 if terms of reference are published, are they fixed? ... 15:30:32 Also timing is right to send out a signal to wider community ... 15:30:52 encouraging to contemplate semweb ... 15:31:03 so just a single W3C published doc would be a great step ... 15:31:06 +??P24 15:31:12 +Mike_Uschold (was ??P24) 15:31:16 but don't want to get into fine details ... 15:31:25 just want to register high level ideas for debate ... 15:31:36 i.e. first deliverable could be a list of exciting potential ideas ... 15:31:55 because around this list would be proactive debate, which would stimulate energy ... 15:32:02 both in semweb and in SE comms ... 15:32:30 am finding it very easy to get high level support for this, i.e. momentum is there. 15:32:36 I'm now on the telecon. 15:32:57 David: agree that timing is good, from tucana point of view we have many customers interested in ontology driven SE ... 15:33:04 trying to do this with current toolkits ... 15:33:11 and would love some guidance from W3C ... 15:33:28 so see the value of a public list of validated ideas, to be turned into a note ... 15:33:38 don't know about taking it to rec ... 15:33:51 phil: agrees, actually above my expectation. ... 15:34:02 happy to modify terms of reference to describe this deliverable ... 15:34:22 main focus is a net to catch some ideas, forum for discussion, and important to do this right now. ... 15:34:38 there are some technologies going orthogonal to W3C ... 15:34:50 if we let these orgs go with this, this is a bad thing for our communities .. 15:35:13 -Chris_Welty 15:35:23 concept of ontology-driven software engineering ... publishing this phrase on W3C TF list would generate lots ... 15:35:30 of interest alone ... 15:35:49 also 'ontology driven architectures' (did I get that right?) 15:36:04 mikeU: likes what's been said ... 15:36:20 lots of work has been done and we should pull it all together. 15:36:41 phil: can we get permission of WG to establish a TF, with caveat that objective is produce a work in progress document ... 15:36:56 and set a date for the terms of reference to be finalised> 15:36:58 ? 15:37:15 david: address an issue from (???) 15:37:29 phil: preference is to make all discussions around SETF public ... 15:37:33 Christo has joined #swbp 15:37:44 as open as possible. 15:37:58 david: W3C can provide a publicly archived mailing list for just this TF ... 15:38:09 also welcome to converse on swbp list. 15:38:17 phil: takes offer for separate mailing list. 15:38:40 ACTION: ralph to set up a SETF mailing list, public archive and accessible 15:38:48 phil: also wants a wiki 15:38:59 david: we can give you a wiki too. 15:39:24 phil: if we do set up a wiki, is that W3C internal, or completely open? 15:39:34 david: defers to ralph's guidance on that. 15:39:57 ACTION: phil to look into setting up a wiki for SETF 15:40:24 phil: can we assume that it's OK to set up SETF? 15:40:30 david: any objections to SETF? 15:40:43 chair sees no objection 15:40:59 PROPOSED: david proposes to stand SETF 15:41:06 Second: mikeU 15:41:20 Phil: thanks the WG for support ... 15:41:51 ACTION: Phil to refine the TF terms of reference and publish as a TF description 15:42:09 David: add me to the list of SETF members 15:42:24 MikeU: can someone summarise what was accepted in terms of ref? 15:42:50 Phil: we have provisionally agrred toerms of ref, but the scope may be too broad, needs refinement 15:43:07 + +44.127.987.aabb 15:43:10 david: but consensus to publish these as a TF descriptiion and stand up the SETF 15:43:27 zakim, who is talking? 15:43:31 ACTION: Phil to contact all SETF interested parties not on the telecon 15:43:38 DavidW, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: DavidW (61%), Phil_Tetlow (4%), Mike_Uschold (19%), +44.127.987.aabb (75%) 15:43:50 Zakim, aabb is jeremy 15:43:50 +jeremy; got it 15:44:11 TOPIC: 3.1 Review of SPARQL 15:44:21 jeremy: interaction of sparql and datatyping work ... 15:44:35 to extend the language they are using various functions defined by XQUERY &c. ... 15:44:44 point of interaction in that using the XPATH model ... 15:44:47 ChrisW has joined #swbp 15:44:51 which has a view on how to process type literals ... 15:45:14 so relevant to the datatyping work. 15:45:20 david: jjc has 3 points ... 15:45:36 Zakim, unmute alistair 15:45:36 Alistair_Miles should no longer be muted 15:46:03 2 - presupposing that RDF datatypes are XML schema dataypes? 15:46:15 jjc: using the XQuery fuinctions does make this presupposition 15:46:23 david: we need to make this explicit 15:48:16 david: we need to incl;ude the DAWG in review of XMLSCH TF note. 15:48:34 TF REVIEWS 15:48:45 TOPIC:5.4 XML Schema datatypes (Jeremey) 15:49:01 jeremy: some progress, need to finish bit on user defined datatypes ... 15:49:14 also jeff to add sommething on hoe DL reasoners interact with this. 15:49:30 ... also evan has suggested to split the doc ... 15:49:49 but I'm opposed, unless sections progress at different speeds. 15:50:03 jeff: good idea to keep as one doc ... 15:50:25 because if split into two documents, need to reiterate relationship between RDF & XML datatypes. ... 15:50:39 jeremy: unless strong reason to split, better as one for now. 15:50:51 -jeremy 15:51:04 TOPIC: 5.1 OEP (Deb) 15:51:21 Natasha: no comments for now. 15:51:30 ... Chris to give an update? 15:51:34 joining 15:52:02 +Chris_Welty 15:52:12 david: deb posted message yesterday ... 15:52:29 units & measures has an author ... 15:52:43 OWL time waiting for response from chairs ... 15:53:21 units& measures is wiating on getting lisa kendle as invited expert. 15:53:57 chris: at the f2f deb remembers ralph taking action to contact elisa 15:54:05 but no recorded action. 15:54:30 david: as soon as ralph on line next week we'll clear this up. 15:54:40 chris: also any comment son the web page for the OEP TF? 15:55:07 david: sorry about TF waiting on chairs and invited epxerts ... 15:55:31 will try to clean up both issues ASAP. 15:55:48 -Chris_Welty 15:56:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-esw-thes/2004Nov/0093.html 15:56:57 Alistair: Have taken in SKOS Core. Want to publish guide. 15:57:31 is telecon times going to be discussed 2day? i don't see it on agenda 15:57:35 Alistair: Want to publish guide in a way readable by non-RDF people. Too difficult. 15:58:09 Publish a RDF-aware version, and another doc aimed at non-RDF people 15:58:27 Therefore, the guide could get done shortly 15:58:40 Will post to list for feedback. 15:59:00 Chair: Thinks that is an excellent idea. Would like to see guide published. 15:59:45 Guide and namespace doc (SKOS Core Vocabulary Spec) to be published as first WD shortly. 16:01:33 ACTION: David to help Alistair to pbulish SKOS Core first WD 16:01:38 is telecon times going to be discussed 2day? i don't see it on agenda 16:02:18 ChrisW, We will cover in AOB 16:02:43 TOPIC: 5.3 WordNet (Aldo) 16:02:55 david: still missing some TF updates on the archive ... 16:03:09 TOPIC: 5.5 Vocabulary management 16:03:23 Tom: dec 6 deadline is slipping a little ... 16:03:31 have been in touch with authors ... 16:03:50 JimH is still williing to write intro in Jan when we have the technical bit sin place ... 16:04:01 hve been in touch with prism folks about the prism bit ... 16:04:33 other big piece is ralph's bit on sorting out which W3C specs are most salient and current for VM ... 16:04:56 one important function for this note is as up to date and annotated selction of references ... 16:05:15 there are so many notes and specs that touch on the topic, so important to get that piece in place ... 16:05:41 so if we get the text about DC, FOAF, SKOS, PRISM, W3C specs ... 16:05:56 enough to produce a plausible draft for further discussion in jan ... 16:06:10 so all contributions by end of next week please ... 16:06:19 so we can have a draft before the hols. 16:06:38 MIkeU has joined #swbp 16:06:42 TOPIC: 5.6 RDF-in-HTML 16:07:14 david: comments on RDF/A? 16:07:38 TOPIC: 5.7 ADTF (Libby) 16:07:50 http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/cat_applications_and_demos.html 16:07:57 Fabien: felix etnerd description of semweb challenges to the ADTF repos ... 16:08:21 what about the best way to publish and collect the demos? 16:08:24 Zakim, unmute pepper 16:08:24 sorry, pepper, I do not see a party named 'pepper' 16:08:27 still continuing with the blog. 16:08:31 Zakim, unmute Steve_Pepper 16:08:31 Steve_Pepper should no longer be muted 16:08:39 TOPIC: RDFTM (Steve) 16:08:58 http://tesi.fabio.web.cs.unibo.it/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/RDFTM/ 16:09:04 steve: RDFTM TF ahs started, have created a wiki at uni of bologna ... 16:09:12 FV has joined #swbp 16:09:22 asking TF members to check out existing material linked from wiki and to provide feedback on ... 16:09:37 test cases, bibliography, survey. 16:09:49 Fabio Vitali and Valentina Prescutti have volunteered to edit the first deliverable (Survey of existing proposals) 16:09:57 +Chris_Welty 16:10:17 steve: also ralph has some docs to post on W3C website ... 16:11:33 david: also spoke to nikita ??? from deutsch bank? 16:11:43 he has some concerns about technical mapping issues ... 16:11:43 nikita ogievetsky 16:12:06 he would like to join the TF, are looking into getting deutsch bank to join W3C ... 16:12:21 am pressing nikita for test case to express his concern. 16:12:36 pepper: nikita's proposal is one of the ones in consideration. 16:15:02 Zakim, mute Steve_Pepper 16:15:02 Steve_Pepper should now be muted 16:17:42 Got to go now. See you next time. Ciao 16:17:48 -??P18 16:17:59 phil: have approached cliff jones of newcastle uni as involved in SETF ... 16:18:21 have taken action to contact eric & ralph re getting uni of newcastle to join W3C 16:18:28 Zakim, unmute Steve_Pepper 16:18:28 Steve_Pepper should no longer be muted 16:18:49 Zakim, mute Steve_Pepper 16:18:49 Steve_Pepper should now be muted 16:19:00 TOPIC: 5.9 Tutorial Page (TomA) 16:19:15 david: no updates, any suggestion ping tom directly 16:19:28 TOPIC: Telecon times 16:19:37 David: proposal made to list ... 16:19:55 to have a single telecon time as either 1800 or 1900 UTC every seconed thursday ... 16:20:03 Guus prefers 1800 16:20:09 David OK with either 16:20:18 any strong objections? 16:20:21 I prefer also as early as poss 16:20:22 either one is okay with me 16:20:42 Is there enough contention to jsutify a straw poll? 16:20:46 I prefer the earlier one 16:21:04 I prefer earlier also 16:21:15 david: any strong objections to 1800? 16:21:32 Zakim, unmute Steve_Pepper 16:21:32 Steve_Pepper should no longer be muted 16:21:59 pepper: east asia possible involvement in WG ... e.g. korea ... 16:22:17 this time prohibitve for peole from that part of the world 16:22:30 can we change around every half year? 16:22:44 I prefer earlier also (15 UTC for instance) 16:22:46 david: we have one year left to go for this WG. ... 16:23:03 and unfortunately most participants from Europe & US ... 16:23:25 we also have many other modes of involvement other than telecon ... 16:23:53 encourage those unable to attend telecons to participate through other means e.g. mail, wikis 16:24:10 ... IRC .. e.g. we have folks from Oz involved. 16:24:42 ... so we cannot satisfy everybody, no matter what we pick ... 16:24:47 . 16:24:56 pepper: alternative is to rotate. 16:25:38 david: done this for last 6 moths ... but confusion has decreased attendance ... 16:25:51 chris: objected to alternation ... 16:26:18 the earlier time just didn't work for folk in asia ... 16:26:32 would like to see strong participation from folks beofre moving telecon times to accomodate. 16:26:52 david: W3C goes a long way to provide multiple way sof participating. 16:27:17 Zakim, mute Steve_Pepper 16:27:17 Steve_Pepper should now be muted 16:27:32 david: let's watch the list for comments ... 16:28:07 so far we have no reason not to plan for 1800 UTC ... need to confirm with Guus and others on the list. ... 16:28:31 next telecon is 1900 UTC December 16 16:28:41 use this telecon to catch all comments 16:29:06 other offline comments suggest 1800UTC looks OK 16:29:46 PROPOSE: david proposes to move telecon times for 2005 at 1800UTC on alternating thursdays 16:29:58 chris seconds 16:30:08 no objections 16:30:16 Proposal moved. 16:30:26 -Evan_Wallace 16:30:30 -Tom_Baker 16:30:31 -Andreas_Harth 16:30:32 -Phil_Tetlow 16:30:32 -Marco 16:30:33 -DavidW 16:30:34 -Fabien_Gandon 16:30:35 -Mike_Uschold 16:30:36 -Steve_Pepper 16:30:37 -Alistair_Miles 16:30:39 -Natasha_Noy 16:30:40 bye all :) 16:30:41 -Chris_Welty 16:30:43 -??P2 16:30:44 RRS Agent bye 16:30:45 SW_BPD()10:00AM has ended 16:30:45 bye 16:30:47 Attendees were Phil_Tetlow, Tom_Baker, Evan_Wallace, Alistair_Miles, Fabien_Gandon, Andreas_Harth, DavidW, Steve_Pepper, Natasha_Noy, Marco, Chris_Welty, Mike_Uschold, 16:30:50 ... +44.127.987.aabb, jeremy 16:30:53 RRSAgent bye 16:30:55 bye 16:31:00 RRSAgent, bye 16:31:00 I see 6 open action items: 16:31:00 ACTION: fabio & new RDFTM TF members to post a short biog to SWBP list [2] 16:31:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/12/02-swbp-irc#T15-19-16 16:31:00 ACTION: ralph to set up a SETF mailing list, public archive and accessible [3] 16:31:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/12/02-swbp-irc#T15-38-40 16:31:00 ACTION: phil to look into setting up a wiki for SETF [4] 16:31:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/12/02-swbp-irc#T15-39-57 16:31:00 ACTION: Phil to refine the TF terms of reference and publish as a TF description [5] 16:31:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/12/02-swbp-irc#T15-41-51 16:31:00 ACTION: Phil to contact all SETF interested parties not on the telecon [6] 16:31:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/12/02-swbp-irc#T15-43-31 16:31:00 ACTION: David to help Alistair to pbulish SKOS Core first WD [7] 16:31:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/12/02-swbp-irc#T16-01-33