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Interdependent Components of Web Accessibility

This document shows how Web accessibility depends on several components working together and how improvements in specific components could substantially improve Web accessibility. It also shows how the WAI guidelines address these components.


Several different components of Web development and interaction must work together in order for the Web to be accessible to people with disabilities:

illustration with labeled graphics of computers and people. at the top center is a graphic with numbers, a book, a clock, and paper, labeled 'content'. coming up from the bottom left, an arrow connects 'developers' through 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools' to 'content' at the top. coming up from the bottom right, an arrow connects 'users' to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies' to 'content' at the top.

How the Components Relate

Web developers usually use authoring tools and evaluation tools to create Web content.

People ("users") use Web browsers, media players, assistive technologies, or other "user agents" to get and interact with the content.

There are significant interdependencies between the components; that is, the components must work together in order for the Web to be accessible. For example, for alternative text on images:

The Implementation Cycle

illustration with arrow going from conten at top through authoring tools at left to content at the bottom, and an arrow going from the content at the bottom through assisitvei technologies  and user agents at the right and back to content at the top

When accessibility features are effectively implemented in one component, the other components are more likely to implement them.

When One Component is Weak

If an accessibility feature is not implemented in one component, there is little motivation for the other components to implement it when it does not result in an accessible user experience. For example, developers are unlikely to implement an accessibility feature that authoring tools do not support and that most browsers or assistive technologies do not implement consistently.

illustration with labeled graphics of computers and people. at the top center is a graphic with numbers, a book, a clock, and paper, labeled 'content'. coming up from the bottom left, an arrow connects 'developers' through 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools' to 'content' at the top. the computer image is broken and the connecting line is dashed. another dashed line goes from developers to content, bypassing the computer. coming up from the bottom right, three arrows connect 'users' to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies' to 'content' at the top. the computer images are broken and the connecting lines are dashed.

If one component has poor accessibility support, sometimes other components can compensate through "work-arounds" that require much more effort and are not good for accessibility overall. For example,

However, in most cases the works-arounds are not implemented and the result is still poor accessibility. Additionally, sometimes poor accessibility support in one component cannot be reasonably overcome by other components and the result is inaccessibility, making it impossible for some people with disabilities to use a particular Web site, page, or feature.

illustration with labeled graphics of computers and people. at the top center is a graphic with numbers, a book, a clock, and paper, labeled 'content'. coming up from the bottom left, an arrow connects 'developers' through 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools' to 'content' at the top. coming up from the bottom right, an arrow connects 'users' to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies' to 'content' at the top. below these are 'accessibility guidelines' which include 'ATAG' with an arrow pointing to 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools', 'WCAG' pointing to 'content', and 'UAAG' pointing to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies'. at the very bottom, 'technical specifications (HTML, XML, CSS, SVG, SMIL, etc.)' forms a base with an arrow pointing up to the accessibility guidelines.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops Web accessibility guidelines for the different components:

WAI guidelines are based on the fundamental technical specifications of the Web, and are developed in coordination with:

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